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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aaaaaahahahaha! …….Aaaaaaa…..Aaaaaaa…..Aaaaaaahahahahaha!!!
Stop, I can’t breath. You are so hilariously funny.

And Russia didn’t invade Ukraine during Trump’s tenure. Derp!

Sorry that polling and reality disagree with your ignorant, uneducated opinion so thoroughly….but it’s a fact. Multiple polls after the state of the union (not on Fox or Pravda Social) were 71%-80% positive. So much better than little Don John did on his best poll ever on anything.

Clearly you only listened to high school dropout Boebert, not the speech…or you are incapable of recognizing solutions (after Trump, not surprising, he loved to call creating problems “solutions”). Going after the assets of the oligarchs is just one of many solutions that’s having major effects already you utter moron. Unifying NATO and the UN is another.

Yeah, 80% failure among ignorant idiotic cultists who think Boebert and Green’s inability to be professional, civil, or have any manners or self control whatsoever was a shining example of proper behavior and support their public outburst over not supporting our troops then went on to vote against supporting those very same injured troops the next day (look it up), but among the thinking public, up to 80% positive. ROTFLMFAHS! Coward Cadet Bone Spurs never offered solutions, only division and wastefulness, complete capitulation to despotic dictators, and self aggrandizement.
Talk about gullible, you believed Trump…you still do. You believed Covid wasn’t dangerous, lockdowns weren’t useful, Trump is a good businessman, the right isn’t blatantly racist, trickledown works, Trump’s tax breaks were for everyone, the wall is a good idea and Mexico will pay for it, the election was stolen, ….the list of bat shit crazy insanity you believe could fill three long books.

Cranial Rectosis is curable, Bob. You just need to push and pull at the same time.

You’ve been wrong on every point you’ve made politically for over a decade Bob, don’t you ever want to be correct instead of just extremely Right? Don’t you hate being the party of feelings rather than facts, a cult of personality? That used to be a complaint FROM the right, now it’s 100% descriptive of them.

BTW, the clip you posted of CNN discussing his lower poll numbers, the “slip”, are talking about a slip in their polls from 78%-71%, lower than you might expect from just Democrats (but then, that’s not who they polled) about 25% higher than Trump ever reached on his best day. LMFAHS you deluded ijit!!!

Remember how you love to ignore history and claim Democrats are the party of racism? How many Democrats are members of extremist racist organizations, because the entire Freedom Caucus is and the Republican Party has no problems with that. No censure for holding white supremacist rallies, only for investigating an attack on the capitol by racist terrorists….that gets a censure. But sure, Republicans aren’t racists…they just really love racist imagery, speech, and actions. 🤦‍♂️

Jesus, you’re dumb Bob. Always spouting off about things you know nothing about but feel certain ways about, and you’re always wrong. Try looking up what you think is true before posting, you’ll find that 90+% of what you believe intentionally runs contrary to reality and fact…the other 9.9% is honest mistake or misunderstanding.

bobknight33 said:

Damn you are gullible.
Biden's Sate of the Union speech was a 80% failure. Biden offered no solutions to current issues

To state there was a 78% favorably rating is is foolish.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oops, sorry, the fake, slanted, taken out of context news organizations….those are all the news organization accounts on Trump’s Pravda Social.

They were caught over the weekend creating multiple fake accounts, with logos, pretending to be the exact news organizations Trump constantly called fake news like CNN. They created these fake accounts because looking like they had those news organizations on his platform made it seem a bit more legitimate. 8 days in and it’s already a total shit show of a propaganda website.

Also, security experts say stay as far away as possible, there’s no security on the site, and it likely installs all kinds of malware. It doesn’t actually work as a website yet because they seem to have stolen the code from Twitter but don’t actually know how to make it work, they can’t even get people signed up, and it’s already populated with mostly fake accounts….fake liberal accounts created by Trumpists to laugh at, fake Trumpist accounts created by liberals to fuck with the site from, fake accounts created by Russians to spread division and propaganda, and now fake accounts created by the creators to give their site credibility by riding the coattails of those “fake news” organizations and borrowing/stealing credibility from them.

bobknight33 said:

which is it...........
Fake slanted taken out of context news by your side of never Trumpers.

Trump praises Putin's invasion of Ukraine as 'genius'

CNN Confronts Biden Advisor on Ukraine

luxintenebris says...

thought it was gauche to self-promote videos. let alone posting a ménage à trois (or 3 f'n'ing ) videos as 'support'.

give it up comrade.

biden gots US infrastructure; hair hitler rewarded the rich w/tax cuts. if that's a joke, i don't get it.

just some other thoughts while here...

what if the 't' social site ̶r̶o̶l̶l̶ stumble out was dolt 45's doing? having all the red hats make it look like a real going - but they ended up crashing the servers themselves?

also s.o.p. regarding the logo. likely don jr. (or ilk) scrolled for 't' logos and ended up w/an active company's logo. someone gets paid to bilk the organization.*

'hit me w/a feather' forecast: the site goes down and money goes missing. wonder what vegas odds are on this?

just the idea that a notorious liar throws up a site labeled 'truth' makes one think of this famous phrase...

[roy cohen, fiction, and fear. history rhytms.]

*is the 'period' by the 't' suppose to throw us off?

Stop Kowtowing to China | Real Time with Bill Maher

newtboy says...

I agree with the above, this is just a dumb racist argument. Gu rode for China by choice, both because her parents are Chinese and because it was an excellent opportunity for her.

Does the poster believe we shouldn’t have any foreign born athletes on the American team? That’s going to remove some top athletes, @bobknight33.

Also, fuck China, why is the IOC kowtowing to Russia, who should be completely banned from competition for the next 40+ years after their state sponsored doping scheme was caught, not allowed to compete under a slightly different name, not allowed to compete even after testing positive for performance enhancing drugs? Not denying many others a medal because there are serious questions about Russia cheating again, but having no consequences for Russia!

Fuck the olympics. They’re so past their prime, are a loser for host countries, aren’t a fair sports organization or even close, is rife with abuse, fraud, and scandal…etc. It’s time to quit them.

America isn’t close to genocide, Bill? What about our native populations, many now extinct and more relegated to worthless areas with no services or resources. Remember forced re-education? Relocation? Extermination? Cultural genocide? Religious persecution? WTF happened to Bill? You know there’s an issue if Bob is on your side. America did everything we accuse China of doing to the Wiegers and more, and continues to do so to this day.
BTW, Bill….Hong Kong is part of China legally and historically, unlike Taiwan and Tibet.

Reminds me a lot of the rule that you can’t criticize Trump without severe consequences.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

THE PEOPLE?!? THE PEOPLE are firmly against THESE very few people who think their imagined rights trump everyone else’s actual rights.

Isn’t it funny how much of a problem you had with black people protesting being murdered and imprisoned for their skin color, you were outraged they disrupted traffic and business….but when white truckers do exponentially worse, much more economic damage to protest their having to get a tiny pin prick to secure a privilege (sniveling little crybabies that they are) you are 100% in favor of disrupting traffic and business to the extreme.

Clearly having to get a small shot to have the privilege of free travel between countries is far more draconian and a much bigger, more serious issue than having zero recourse against being gunned down in the streets and in their own homes by organized thugs with immunity from prosecution and military equipment, and of course that makes the disruptions to economies and livelihoods not just excusable but laudable.
Holy fucking shit, dude.

Maybe it’s true you aren’t actively racist, I’m not there to see, but it is definitely true you always stand with active racists and against equality under the law on every single issue.

bobknight33 said:

Now the people have had enough so they gather and shut down traffic and now the government is upset for essentially doing the same thing.

Report” Blames Biden Administration For Chaotic Withdrawal

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Big surprise…the Trump campaign was directly behind the plot to create fake slates of electors committed to Trump from multiple states that Biden won, helped prepare and submit fraudulent certification documents, and they hoped to have them counted by Pence instead of the real electors certified by the states for Biden…Giuliani even wrote Pence a letter telling him to do just that. The campaign, led personally by Giuliani, organized this fraud, this subversion of democracy.
More direct Trump election fraud. You really think he’s interested in election security when he’s the one caught red handed committing election fraud on every front? Lol.

Edit: Trump’s communications on and about Jan 6 are now released, soon to be public record. No more delays possible, he took it all the way to the Supreme Court and failed all the way at trying to hide what he did. Better start stretching, you’re going to have some Olympic level mental gymnastics to do soon.

Lego Breakfast - Lego In Real Life 5 / Stop Motion Cooking

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Every single Republican voted against tracking or countering Islamophobia like we do anti semitism.

Indeed Green ranted her support for Islamophobia, again publicly claiming all Muslims are terrorists and saying fear of any and all Muslims is reasonable. Not a single Republican disagreed. Many publicly agreed, accusing Omar of being a member of multiple terrorist organizations such as her religion.

Damn you people are so childishly ignorant and hypocritical it’s shocking.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

That wall that cost billions, stole private property, broke dozens of environmental laws, fell in many many places, can be thwarted easily with a ladder, rope, angle grinder, truck, or climbing skills and hasn’t slowed illegal entries one whit? That wall? Ha! You’re funny.
Remaining in Mexico (as major targets for organized crime) during the lengthy asylum application (sometimes for years)….maybe you’re too ignorant to know that never stopped.
Regaining an energy independence that never existed? Um….yeah. We had a minor surplus last year, not because of more production but because the Trump recession and the Trump pandemic lowered demand to the point where oil producers were giving oil away for free. Yes, in summer we exported some oil, but never as much as we import in winter. This is another Trump lie you repeat without a thought and certainly without verification…because you still believe what he tells you despite everything he’s ever said being a blatant lie for his entire lifetime, multiple fraud convictions, being banned from charities because he stole from veterans and children,….the list of his crimes of moral turpitude is never ending.

Goo start….nice unintentional pun. (Sad you can’t help but fail at English even as you correct your original hilarious mistake).

Increasing our oil output is a goo start, but a god awful plan. It’s actually a non starter, Biden pushed oil companies to increase production for months, but they preferred high prices and high profits. They have millions of acres with drilling rights they don’t want to use because the profit margin is 5% lower and blame the fed for not giving them access to the last pristine national forests and reserves….so again I’ll ask you, nationalize oil? If you want to blame the government, they should have control, otherwise you’re just a whining baby crying over spilled milk and blaming the wrong people.

Requiring better fuel economy from vehicles and industry, phasing in electric vehicles and more green electricity production are actually GOOD starts, and what Biden is moving towards despite total opposition from Republicans on ANYTHING. That’s how you get actual energy independence….the only way in the long term.

bobknight33 said:

Returning to Trumps policies of building the wall, Remaining in Mexico and regaining our energy independence is a goo start.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What did I tell you!?! States rights! Suckers! Bwaaaahahahahaha!

“I am outraged by yesterday’s U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing Texas’s ban on most abortion services to remain in place,” Newsom said. “But if states can now shield their laws from review by the federal courts that compare assault weapons to Swiss Army knives, then California will use that authority to protect people’s lives, where Texas used it to put women in harm’s way.” Newsom said he will work with his staff, the Legislature and California Attorney General Rob Bonta to craft a bill that would let citizens sue anyone who “manufactures, distributes, or sells an assault weapon or ghost gun kit or parts” in California. They could seek damages of at least $10,000 per violation plus costs and attorney’s fees, Newsom said.

Read more at:

I told you this would happen.

BTW, the Presidential coup Plan PowerPoint handed over by Meadows pretty much obliterated the lies that 1) it wasn’t an attempted coup 2) it wasn’t expected 3) it wasn’t planned 4) it wasn’t Trump supporters being violent and 5) the white house wasn’t directly involved.
Contemporaneous records of the planning, including texts to organizers and militias claiming that the national guard is poised to protect Trump rioters from arrest or attack….as if any non cultist needed more evidence beyond the live broadcast of the coup attempt, but now there’s publicly available physical documentation/evidence directly from the highest levels in Trump’s cabinet of their own direct involvement in the planning to overturn the certified election by fraud and force.….which I’m certain you will dismiss as fake news with no hint of evidence because your little brain can’t handle facts.

the PowerPoint laid out a plan to effectively use the military to steal the election outright, undeniably. That’s treason.

The plan was to use the military, specifically the national guard, declare a state of emergency, throw out most of the ballots from the 2020 election, and then have the national guard run by people that Trump handpicked himself count only the paper ballots that they deemed to be legitimate. essentially giving them a free ride to throw out any ballots that were for Biden. Only count the ones for Trump and boom, Donald Trump gets all the electoral votes. That's how the coup was supposed to happen. So again, these lawmakers were briefed on this two days before the capital riot. So they knew exactly what Donald Trump was trying to do, what his administration, what his friends, what his allies had suggested to him. There is no indication at all that one of these lawmakers alerted the department of justice, the FBI, local authorities, anyone, they had this information and they did nothing with it.

Any official who knew and didn’t report to the FBI or DOJ should be removed immediately, get the firing squad, and their entire estate (and their spouses estate, and minor children’s estates) seized. That’s a lot of Republicans.

Also, Fox hosts, the same ones who now claim Jan 6 was a peaceful picnic, families calmly touring congress, and it was BLM and ANTIFA and the FBI that perpetrated the violence that didn’t happen, were all frantically trying to reach the president to stop the attack on January 6, outraged he wouldn’t tell his supporters to stop attacking America, explaining how not acting to stop the coup was destroying his legacy and theirs.

News Fails to Ask WHY Police Seized $100K From Traveler

newtboy says...

If you could just steal any cash you see from anyone with absolutely no repercussions ever, wouldn’t you?
Wouldn’t you start searching people for money you can take? You might even target a group of people you have a prejudice against to take their money and to make them afraid to ever carry money.
Asset seizure is proof positive that the police are nothing but a violent, aggressive criminal organization that uses deadly force to steal from and intimidate law abiding citizens. No crime or suspicion of crime is required, and they keep the money they seize (steal).
*quality example of police being criminal thieves by design. *promote

Amazing Lego-Style HEMP BLOCKS Make Building a House Quick

JiggaJonson says...

Since it's organic material, what's the longevity of something like this? Susceptibility to mold and corrosion?

What's meant by "below grade"?

And finally, it's sad that they had to PR machine their product name because

"hurrr hurrr hurr dijuuu get hiigh if your house catches on fire man?"
"'re not interested in investing or...?"


newtboy says...

Clearly more than you watched. I’m retired, and have all the time in the world.

Lol. News feed. You are hilarious, Bob. I must assume that’s how you get what you call news, only from preselected online news feeds the algorithm decided you would agree with, because experience has proven that to be the case time and time again. Sorry, that’s not how I get informed.
I’ve been over how I get informed umpteen times and it never gets through the rectal shield you keep most of your sensory organs in, so why bother again?

Edit: try this, Bob. Sign out, then see what your news feed tells you without it being tailor edited for you.

bobknight33 said:

How much did you watch or did you just get the slanted spin on your news feed?

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