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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


Georgia is using RICO against the Trump election fraudsters and Trump personally!!! Holy sheep shit….I mean, a Newt can dream, but I never really thought anyone would use this totally appropriate application of organized crime statutes against him. OMFG, he’s so toast.
They know exactly how to destroy criminal syndicates like the Trump administration.

Ooo…ooo…AND he just lost another round of court trying to exert executive privilege he doesn’t have over documents that were not part of any presidential business. Due for release Friday, Thursday is a court holiday. If there’s no stay today, he’s done for.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ruh roe….. Coordinators of the coup were working directly with Paul Gosar, Lauren Bovert Mo Brooks, Madison Cawthorne, Andy Biggs and Louie Gohmert pre planning the attack. Katrina Pearson, former Trump aide was on some of those calls. She acted as what they call the liaison between these, uh, organizers and the white house itself. And of course direct contact with Mark Meadows. all coordinated with the planners of the riot at the capitol before the attack. Reports are that Gosar may have, according to these individuals, offered them blanket pardons on Trump’s behalf for whatever the hell was going to happen that day.

D’oh! Becoming more and more obvious why Trump is terrified White House records of those interactions might be presented as evidence. Promising preemptive blanket pardons for people planning to commit treason against the US is treason. Too bad ex presidents can’t invoke privileges….not.

Edit: and… it was revealed that on Jan 6 Trump made repeated phone calls to the coup command center manned by Bannon at a nearby hotel, but not The Trump hotel because they wanted to pretend Trump wasn’t involved….but moron that he is, Trump couldn’t help but call every 5 minutes to get updates and give directions. These calls from the whitehouse would likely be recorded too. Ruh roe!

Man Who Shot At Police In Self Defense Is Acquitted

cloudballoon says...

Why can't the victim/PD/city sue the officers individually? "You do the crime, you do the time." Make the punishment just and personally reponsible & I bet these "bad apples" blue gangs occurences would be slashed by a half. Guess these "police union" criminal organizations holds too much power.

Qualified Immunity is such BS, such blanket protection/corruption shouldn't exist in the first place.

bobknight33 said:

Well looks like they blue shirts did get away with it but this is still clearly wrong.
They should have been charged with crimes. But they got a pass.

All that is left is a cash settlement for their fuck up. And yes tax payers will pick up the tab. Thats fucked too. Pay out should be taken from the PD budget.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So much for more Cyber Ninjas vote reviews….the CEO has said his company won’t do anymore after the hundreds of death threats he and his staff received after giving their report that found no fraud, no evidence of fraud, and widened the gap Biden won by by over 360 votes.
(And no, those results don’t legitimize their little review, it just shows that they weren’t willing to just make up evidence to fit their preconceptions under the threat of perjury and fraud charges.)

Since the Republican Party is a domestic terrorist organization, the death threats are not surprising, but it is gratifying to watch you all eat yourselves, like the fist fights among the factions at his latest rallies and the death threats against Republican senators that won’t break laws and ignore the constitution for Trump. Even MTG is getting attacked because her attempted impeachments indicate she believes Biden is the president, and that’s unacceptable to at least one caste in your cult.

I love it when a plan comes together.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Remember Brandon Straka? The creator of the fake #walkaway movement, who claimed to have been a democrat but became disillusioned, switched parties, and became a far far right wing liar, faking his movement using stock photos and made up people who #walkedaway with him.

He was a speaker at the “stop the steal” rally, a coordinator for the violent mob, and a leader at the “stop the steal”riot.

He’s flipping on the “let’s commit treason for Trump” crowd. Threatened with 6 months in jail, he’s turning over any and all communications he has with fellow rioters and anyone in Trump’s administration or organization. As a leader of a (fake) right wing movement, and a speaker, he would have been in communication with the Trump team if not Trump himself. There’s a reason Trump wants no one to testify, because when there’s proof he coordinated and facilitated the failed coup attempt, as we all know he did, he could end up before a firing squad.

I bet he wishes he paid his lawyers now, he needs a bunch of really top notch lawyers, and can’t find any decent lawyers that are dumb enough to work for him, they like to be paid.


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Forensic audit. Lol. What do you think that means? Did Trump tell you when he repeated the phrase over and over until you remembered it? It’s a term like “legitimate rape”….sounds fine but it’s a nothing term used to delegitimize audits that don’t use the right wing terminology, even though they are far more forensic in nature.

Funny how much this statement reminds me of both impeachments.....Republicans afraid to look at the charges or evidence, Trump obstructing every witness and request for documents. They had shamed him mercilessly until the election, however wouldn't touch those opportunities. Telling....and politically costly.

If he had nothing to hide, why did he hide EVERYTHING? No administration has withheld documents and witnesses from congress like Trump’s. None has been less transparent or 1/4 as criminal….proven by convictions.

Conversely, Democrats WITH Republicans did look into the obvious baseless whining from Republicans/Trump. They did real, professional audits with reputable non partisan organizations and bipartisan oversight using established rules and methods for actually auditing, not blacklight looking for bamboo or spooge on ballots investigated by delusional conspiracy theorists trying to reinstall Trump….so they did look and verify BEFORE certification…3 times in AZ alone. I know, with the memory of a drunk gnat, you don’t remember that, but it happened repeatedly and in multiple states, nearly every state Trump wanted to toss out.

Why are you afraid to look at the actual audits already done, and insist we wait for the farcical fake audit by a political propaganda company instead?
My guess, the plan is to bankrupt the election funds in any county/state Biden won, decertify their equipment, and make it much harder for them to hold the next election…it’s the only thing that makes sense about the nonsensical partisan vote reviews you now insist on. This single review in one AZ county has already cost the county up to $6 million in equipment they must replace before holding any elections, and that would be 10 times more if they had handed cyberninjas what they demanded, access to every county computer and digital records….+ $1million in public funding…..for absolutely nothing.
You want that repeated across the nation, but only in counties where Trump lost.

bobknight33 said:

Sadly Democrats are afraid to look and verify and hence shame Trump on this. Makes one wonder They have shamed him at every chance, every opportunity, even after the election. However wont touch this opportunity. Telling.

12K Illegal Immigrants Live Under Bridge In Del Rio, Taxes

newtboy says...

And if they’re here under what was legally called refugee status until the rules, but not the law or the treaties that required creation of certain laws, changed, as most are?

If you go 1 mile over the speed limit, or pass on the right, forevermore you call yourself an illegal driver?

If your school breaks some laws, it’s forever an illegal enterprise?

If your charity breaks a few, or all the rules for being a charity, you are branded for life as one who ran a fraudulent criminal illegal organization?!


It would be nice to see some consistency in how you would apply rules, and how you would handle rule breakers. I see no chance of that, but it would be nice.

bobknight33 said:

If they are here Illegally then they ARE Illegal Immigrants.

If they are afraid of their home they can stop in many other places even Mexico.

Also anyone who can walk a thousand miles or so don't need to be in America to make a life for themself.

8 U.S. Code § 1225
reworked under Obama .. His administration mandated all Illegal aliens no to be referred as aliens.

Besides this is CNN call them illegal. Fake news getting it right once in a while.

Joe Biden Taliban billboard

newtboy says...

This is what Republicans think is patriotism. Biden is your president....of your country.

Funny they forgot who handed Afghanistan back to the wasn't Biden, it was the guy who negotiated our surrender and retreat, and the handover of control, without involving the Afghan government in those negotiations.

The same guy who released >5000 Taliban combatants from prison last year with no preconditions.

Funny the right forgot they want a theocratic government here, often insisting we already have one. Funny the right forgets that they have at least 2 certified terrorist organizations spearheading their party and thousands of members prosecuted for domestic terrorism (although many were allowed to plead to just trespassing for some unexplained reason). Funny the right forgets they are in a battle to remove self autonomy from women, stripping their rights to control their bodies. Does anyone think, if they're successful, that they're going to stop at outlawing abortion? They're pretty vocal about ending women's (and minority) suffrage too, and ending anything that helps women advance in the workplace. Once they strip that power, look the fuck out, any other rights will be gone in weeks once they can't vote.

There's one party in America that resembles the Taliban, and it's not the Democrats, Bob.

Just duh, @bobknight33. You're so far out of your ankle deep depth here....just like on that other thread where you can't explain how you have the facts absolutely backwards about the very machines you claim are your career and area of expertise.

Trump made the Taliban great again. Absolutely zero question among those who can remember last year. Sadly that apparently leaves Bob and most of the right wing out.

Why I Give Abortions

newtboy says...



What? That's insanity. Are you saying the baby is fully formed at the instant of conception!? The train is fully formed before it rounds the bend, the pre-baby isn't. If you remove the visual obstruction the train is complete and functions fine, but not the "baby".

If I use your non logic, if I invest in a stock, I'm instantly a millionaire because that stock might make me one in the future. How about a loan...I'm going to be good for it!

The train doesn't exist before it's built. The baby doesn't exist until it's born. If you hear a clank on the tracks, it doesn't mean the train is built.

Anyone saying there's a heart at 6 weeks is a liar. As you said, no heartbeat without a heart, so anyone claiming there's a heartbeat at 6 weeks is a liar. Obstetricians and gynecologists and their national organizations agree, no matter what your friends the ultrasound technicians think.

When they write they observed a heartbeat at 6 weeks (can't be heard until 12-22 weeks when chambers and valves are formed) , absolutely they are liars. I'll gladly tell any you wish, there's no heart, there's barely a tube. It's not a functional heart until it pumps, which it never does at 6 weeks, or even 10.

Drs who hear it on the Doppler are listening at >12 weeks along, so they're stretching the truth, but not totally lying. By then, most heart structures exist, but aren't ready to pump yet.

Like I said, you got it backwards, you see the twitch in a "tube" at +-6 weeks, you HEAR it after 12-22 weeks on Doppler. You should know that if you really had the experience you claim....but you don't, so.....

Want to try again, this time address the question, if you are so experienced, why don't you know you SEE a twitch 6-18 weeks before you HEAR a PULSE? Why do you think you HEAR it first?

I'm going to expect another day or two of silence, followed by claims you answered this already, followed by another non sequitur argument ignoring the question of WHY ARE YOU SO WRONG!?

bobknight33 said:

If I use you useless logic......
When I hear the train from from around the bend and still un seen you are implying that the train does not exist unless I see it.

The only liar is that 8 inches between you ears.

The 40 or so OBGYN sonographers that I service over 19 years are are correct. They hear the heart beat. Can't have it unless you have one.

When they write in their report that the heart beat has been observed ( by sound) are you calling them liars?

If so they you are implying that the DRs who read the report and look at the doppler and confirm the heartbeat and then tell the patient this news, are wrong also?

Like I've said before You way the fuck out of your league on this.

US sues to block TX abortion law

newtboy says...

That is a nerve pulse, not a heart beat, and any competent tech knows the difference.
A pulse starts at 6-10 weeks, the heart takes over 20 before it's a heart. Any tech that sees a heartbeat at 6 weeks needs retraining....There's NO FUCKING HEART TO BEAT!

No, doctors do not relay 100% of what the tech writes...have you ever had one?! I've had a few. They also edit, even reject reports that have errors. Claiming they see a heart beating at 6 weeks would be an error, a grievous error.

Mom dragged me to work and I met ultrasound techs (among other medical professionals). That's what you asked, how many I had met. You fucking asked, moron. Why did YOU ask how many I had met if it's irrelevant?! You're a fucking two year old.

Take your've lost your fucking mind, you're over triggered, and you took too much meth last night. Try again when you can string a rational thought together.

You're talking about techs knowing more than the doctors because they see the scans daily....but they don't see hearts on those scans, they see a microscopic twitch in a few cells.

Hands on knowledge?....more than you, I passed biology (up to advanced molecular organic chemistry, you never even dissected anything I would guess)). Those with hands on knowledge and medical training say there's no heartbeat with no heart, and no heart until over 20 weeks after conception.

If you are implying I I should shut the fuck up because (you assume) I have no first hand experience seeing 6 week old cell clusters twitch, why are you talking about anything? You not only have no experience, but you have no knowledge, no education, no clue.
I've at least seen multiple videos of such "twitches", which is all one sees in person, and there's barely even a tube, there's not one structure of a heart formed, and there's absolutely not a functional heart for months by anyone's theory.

Triggered much?!

bobknight33 said:

Any Tech knows when there is a heart beat( except those in training or just out of school).
And they will tell you it occurs around 6 to 10 weeks. Fully developed or not a beat is a beat.

When finger develop they are stubs but still they are fingers.

Techs are not Drs but they relay 100% on what the tech say and write.

Not talking about Techs giving a treatment plan ( straw man argument).
Techs report and Dr give treatment options.
( hence high malpractice insurance costs).
Dr may edit and add to the report. IF they spot an error then can edit.

So you mom dragged yo to work and you somehow you became as knowledgeable at them.

My system used to be a butcher and being her daughter to work often. This does not make the daughter a butcher or even remotely knowledgeable of the subject.

You bringing up the many any many DR yo u met is irreverent to the argument

So reading a book makes you more knowledgeable than the ones who see for themself day in day and day out.
( bet you supplement this with lots of YouTube's)

{{If I listen to lots and lots of music and read a few books This will make me smarter than an actual song writer? }} Good logic bud.

Elitist Tool:
What actual hands on knowledge you you fucking have about this topic?

Planting Trees to Grow Forests | Eden Reforestation Projects

newtboy says...

*quality restoration project. Now we just need 10000 more organizations like this and a time machine to get them back to the 70's and we just might have a chance at stopping forest loss. Unfortunately, today, climate change means native flora is struggling world wide, so just replanting them doesn't solve the big issue. You can't be successful at reforestation in a drought.

TX law & tattoos

Anom212325 says...

"So you agree that women wanting to leave TX to receive this, should be allowed? Right? Easy is the word." yes, but don't expect to return because you committed murder and that's a crime in Texas.

"You'd be against the idea that anyone could be fined or arrested for transporting the women. Right? Easy enough." Helping to commit murder is a crime.

"So if it wasn't easy for a poor person to travel - your okay w/groups or even businesses helping those who don't like it to get them out of TX? Right? Letting them get the procedure and returning them after. Paying for their travel is an easy solution to the problem - right? " Again, all of those examples are accomplices in committing murder.

"And if it became the norm, are your okay with independent services or organized groups - like an over-the-ground railroad - helping women to get out of states that make it impossible to get a legalized abortion into states that have more realistic laws? If it's done in another state, doesn't break TX's law (or any other state's) - then no crime. Right? No trouble for her or from the state of TX (or any other state entity). Easy peezy." Again, all of those examples are accomplices in committing murder.

"So you are easily in agreement w/the ease of these solutions. Right?" Yes, commit murder and expect the full extent of the law in Texas.

"They don't like it. They can take it to another state. " Yes, just don't return because you committed murder.

"As easy as that?" yes as easy as that. Murder is a crime. Can't be simpler.

noseeem said:

So you agree that women wanting to leave TX to receive this, should be allowed? Right? Easy is the word.

You'd be against the idea that anyone could be fined or arrested for transporting the women. Right? Easy enough.

You'd be against reporting people that aid in getting the women into a state that is allows the legal procedure - right? Fall off the log easy.

So if it wasn't easy for a poor person to travel - your okay w/groups or even businesses helping those who don't like it to get them out of TX? Right? Letting them get the procedure and returning them after. Paying for their travel is an easy solution to the problem - right?

And if it became the norm, are your okay with independent services or organized groups - like an over-the-ground railroad - helping women to get out of states that make it impossible to get a legalized abortion into states that have more realistic laws? If it's done in another state, doesn't break TX's law (or any other state's) - then no crime. Right? No trouble for her or from the state of TX (or any other state entity). Easy peezy.

So you are easily in agreement w/the ease of these solutions. Right?

They don't like it. They can take it to another state.


As easy as that?

TX law & tattoos

noseeem says...

So you agree that women wanting to leave TX to receive this, should be allowed? Right? Easy is the word.

You'd be against the idea that anyone could be fined or arrested for transporting the women. Right? Easy enough.

You'd be against reporting people that aid in getting the women into a state that is allows the legal procedure - right? Fall off the log easy.

So if it wasn't easy for a poor person to travel - your okay w/groups or even businesses helping those who don't like it to get them out of TX? Right? Letting them get the procedure and returning them after. Paying for their travel is an easy solution to the problem - right?

And if it became the norm, are your okay with independent services or organized groups - like an over-the-ground railroad - helping women to get out of states that make it impossible to get a legalized abortion into states that have more realistic laws? If it's done in another state, doesn't break TX's law (or any other state's) - then no crime. Right? No trouble for her or from the state of TX (or any other state entity). Easy peezy.

So you are easily in agreement w/the ease of these solutions. Right?

They don't like it. They can take it to another state.


As easy as that?

Anom212325 said:

The majority voted for it and want it in Texas. Don't like it get out of Texas. As easy as that.

NYC's Anti-Vax Rally in 49 Seconds

newtboy says...

Texas held a similar rally in late July....the organizer, 30 year old Caleb Wallace, showed signs of covid by July 30 but refused testing or treatment, opting for vitamins and ivermectin, a horse dewormer conspiracy theorists have decided is some kind of covid medicine (it's not), and was hospitalized shortly thereafter and has been in icu since Aug 8 near death. His family, pregnant wife and three young kids, is begging online for funds to pay home and medical bills. The hospital has asked his family to sign a do not resuscitate order because they have no treatment options and are running out of oxygen thanks to so many anti vaxers filling the hospitals.
So far they have refused to sign, forcing the hospital to continue to treat him, meaning someone else with a chance to survive can't get a hospital bed and they will die too.

This guy spouted some of the most dangerous, anti science, anti medicine conspiracy theories and lies for a year, and worked hard to stop any actual medical advice from being followed.

No one deserves this outcome more. If only he had to live with it...death seems like he's getting off easy, leaving his family and the rest of us to live with the consequences of his choices.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh no....Trump backing racist right wing terrorists Proud Boys and other far right violent groups are rioting in the streets of Portland, shooting pepper ball guns, spraying bear mace, shooting guns, shooting large fireworks at people, brawling with weapons, attacking press, and setting fires.

Police are standing back and have said publicly that except for life threatening incidents they won't even show tacit approval of the terrorists rioting. (Proud Boys are a right wing terrorist organization in case you missed it)

Trump's "good people" are now the ones "burning down cities". Own it.

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