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Honest Trailers - Ghostbusters (2016)

artician says...

The only redeemable part of that shitfest was Kate McKinnon, and probably because her character was so self-aware and 'not-giving-a-fuck' that it made it worth watching for her.

Could also be because I have such a raging crush on her it borders on obsession.

BMW Concept Bike

eric3579 says...

So i'm obsessing on the piece of electronics @1:18. Id like to figure out exactly what it is model wise. It has Akai VW meters and directional play arrows. I have to assume that it's an Akai cassette deck with auto reverse. Anyone have a clue what model it might be.

I find it odd that in the future they will be using cassette decks


Jinx says...

You got your order of ops wrong is all. Lead with the stolen hair shrine construction and then if the crush has lasted to the point of its completion offer it to your living idol as evidence of your unwavering affection and superior architectural artistry.

Killer pickup technique. Literally only ever failed me a few times.

ps. 28/m/LDN ISO women (22-32) 4 long term obsession. Msg me w/ pic

gorillaman said:


You find you can get over people just by recognising that they're out of your league? That's about the point I start stealing hair off their brushes to decorate the shrine I'm building.

Are Amazon Reviews Biased?

Debunking Hydration/Dehydration - Adam Ruins Everything

NateRA says...

Bad premise and bad conclusion.

Your urologist will not tell you to drink eight cups of water a day. Rather, your urologist will tell you to drink enough water to *pee* eight cups (about two liters) of water a day.

Depending on what you're doing, that could be a little or a lot. And when it's a lot, the thirst mechanism doesn't always work so reliably.

Inadequate hydration over a prolonged period of hot and muggy weather led to me getting kidney stones later on. Not fun. And unless medical evidence is wrong about preventing future kidney stones, the "drink when your thirsty" strategy will not have me hydrated enough.

Sure, for the limited situation he was describing, maybe the dehydration obsession is misplaced, but this was an oversimplified topic to the point of being meaningless or even dangerous to some. Adam certainly ruined something today.

The Cramps - Garbageman

poolcleaner says...

Off the album Songs the Lord Taught Us, if you're interested in the Cramps. One of my favorite bands. They're obsessed with old rock n roll (southern American rock) and so they sound like the bands they're in love with and not the punk scene (CBGB's in New York) they came out of. Knowing that, the lyrics might make a whole lot more sense to you and not just be weird shit.

"One half hillbilly and one half punk.
The hottest thing from the north to come out of the south."

The New Wave of YouTube "Skeptics"

00Scud00 says...

I don't really care what his fans said on Twitter or anywhere else for that matter. Unless he explicitly instructed them to go out and harass somebody you can't realistically hold him responsible for the actions of others.

1:1 example? Were we even reading the same article? The bulk of the article describes how the Baphomet board on 8chan used publicly available information, possibly gleaned from thunderf00t's video, or perhaps not, to target Jennifer Keller and her business. The folks over at Baphomet were really just doing this for their own amusement, here's a quote from the article.

" I'll save the trouble that I'm a bit of a thunderfag and while I understand he's a cucked shithole obsessed with Anita Scamkeesian, the fact they will get him fired merely on the base of their hurt feelings kind of ticked me off. "

I should also take a moment to point out that Jennifer Keller aka 'Laughing Witch' on YouTube along with others engaged in a letter writing campaign to try and get Phil Mason 'thunderf00t' fired from his job. Now I don't know about you, but I would call that harassment. I find that kind of behavior unacceptable no matter which side you are on. But there she was, down in the trenches slinging shit right along side the other trolls and misanthropes.

As for specious arguments, the focus on minor details and painting whole groups of people with a broad brush, Sarkeesian and company do all of these things. Sarkeesian criticizes an industry and thunderf00t attacks her criticisms and questions her rationale. But supporters will try to draw attention away from his arguments by calling it an attack on her.

You want to hold thunderf00t responsible for the actions of trolls and MRA wack-jobs, but are you willing to hold Sarkeesian responsible for the actions of feminism's lunatic fringe?

Imagoamin said:

Then you haven't encountered any of his fans on twitter.

And he is pretty much the largest and most 1:1 example the above video is referencing: He uses specious arguments, focuses on minor details or extreme examples to paint with a massive brush, and generally is more vitriol than skepticism.

And the difference between Sarkeesian making videos critiquing and thunderf00t is myriad: Sarkeesian focuses on depictions and media, thunderf00t focuses on indviduals and a very amorphous idea of "feminism" with videos like "Why feminism is poisoning atheism", "Why 'feminism' poisons EVERYTHING", all pretty much completely obsessed with Sarkeesian and Rebecca Watson.

That's not skepticism.. that's a creepy personal vendetta.

The other major difference are their fans. I don't recall Sarkeesian ever taking out a personal vendetta against a random person and suggesting her fans bombard their business on Yelp with bad reviews and then people on the doxxing boards of 8chan joined in the online attacks.

I mean, it's not quite as simple as "one person makes videos critiquing, another makes videos critiquing". But I feel like you probably already knew that.

The New Wave of YouTube "Skeptics"

Imagoamin says...

Then you haven't encountered any of his fans on twitter.

And he is pretty much the largest and most 1:1 example the above video is referencing: He uses specious arguments, focuses on minor details or extreme examples to paint with a massive brush, and generally is more vitriol than skepticism.

And the difference between Sarkeesian making videos critiquing and thunderf00t is myriad: Sarkeesian focuses on depictions and media, thunderf00t focuses on indviduals and a very amorphous idea of "feminism" with videos like "Why feminism is poisoning atheism", "Why 'feminism' poisons EVERYTHING", all pretty much completely obsessed with Sarkeesian and Rebecca Watson.

That's not skepticism.. that's a creepy personal vendetta.

The other major difference are their fans. I don't recall Sarkeesian ever taking out a personal vendetta against a random person and suggesting her fans bombard their business on Yelp with bad reviews and then people on the doxxing boards of 8chan joined in the online attacks.

I mean, it's not quite as simple as "one person makes videos critiquing, another makes videos critiquing". But I feel like you probably already knew that.

00Scud00 said:

Why look for that excuse? I think the word you are looking for is 'validation'. I think it's really human nature that compels us to search out those who we see as being like us and helps to reaffirm our beliefs. Fox News became a media empire based almost entirely on this principle and ever since then many other media outlets have followed suit.

I read that article a little while back, but I'm not sure taking away Patreon or ad money would silence those people. I'm pretty sure many like thunderf00t would just keep on doing what they're doing anyhow. I've watched some of thunderf00t's videos and while they may not use the most genteel language or may come off as snarky but it never sounded like harassment to me.

YouTube, and the internet in general are a soapbox which people like Anita Sarkeesian can use to criticize popular media and can also be used by others to criticize Sarkeesian in turn, this is perfectly fair in my opinion.

If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans

enoch says...


and now we move to stage two of the predictable vegan argument:


oh fuck me with a razor bladed dildo this is some tiring and facile shit.

look man,you are seriously missing my main point:
pretentious twattery and a morally and philosophically inconsistent stance.

so you can keep quoting anybody and everybody because it is apparent you really do not understand what you are quoting,and it is not adding anything to our all.

just something to consider...
you approach expressing the values and benefits of being a vegan sans the self-righteousness,the pretension and condescension?

that maybe because YOU became a vegan for moral and ethical reasons,others may have come to it from other means and for other reasons,and allow those who are NOT vegan to come to their own conclusions and make their own choices?

and maybe not be so judgey mcjudgerface if they choose differently than you?

look man,we all do something that gives us the "feel goods".

some recycle obsessively,even though there is little evidence that actually makes a difference.

others drive a hybrid and feel that is their contribution,even though it is actually worse.

some will only buy organic and/or shop locally.(thats me btw)
and even though this brings some coin to the local farmers,taken on a whole it is barely a blip against the monster that is wal mart.

i have friends who do beach clean up every year,even though it gets destroyed within a month.

so we all try to do something that fits our perceptions of the world and how we can make it a better place.

and yes..if we ALL got together we could make a massive change in the current dynamics,not only locally but globally.

so i get it mate..i really do.

i guess what i am suggesting at it's core is this:
stop acting like a newly converted jehovahs witness who just wants us all to hear about your new buddy jesus.

i also think i should share that my long time girlfriend is vegan.
not your judgey,self righteous,pretenscious type vegan..but a vegan.

and that girl can't cook worth a damn.
which means that cooking falls on ME.
do i still eat meat?
yep,but not that often and rarely..raaarely red meat.
and to my girls credit she never gives me shit,i may get the upturned nose but never actual verbal shit.

red curry anyone?

Triton artificial gill: BUSTED!

Pi Day Is Round

dgandhi says...

In many English dialects it is common to say something like "August twenty fourth, 1976" and since, as Unitedstatesians we(by which I implicate myself, not necessarily the reader) are obsessed with not using British standards, it not totally unexpected that we would do it that way.

I advocate simply moving to unix timestamps.

ChaosEngine said:

Eh, it's only Pi day if your calendar is INSANE!

Month day year!? What kind of stupid order is that?

Police Murder Sleeping Couple On A Date

poolcleaner says...

Here's an old ass song by The Offspring, a local socal band, with their not-so hit song titled "LAPD":

When cops are taking care of business I can understand
But the L.A. story's gone way out of hand
Their acts of aggression, they say they're justified
But it seems an obsession has started from the inside
They're shooting anyone who even tries to run
They're shooting little kids with toy guns
Take it to a jury but they don't give a damn
Because the one who tells the truth is always the policeman

Beat all the niggers
Beat whoever you see
Don't need a reason
(We're) L.A.P.D.

The city of L.A. feels like a prison
With helicopters overhead and bullets whizzing by
Martial law ain't no solution
Police brutality's just social pollution

Beat all the white trash
Beat whoever you see
Don't need a reason
(We're) L.A.P.D.

They say they're keeping the peace
But I'm not buying it because a billy club ain't much of a pacifier
"Protecting your freedom"
Now that's just a lie
It's an excuse for power that's more like an alibi
Law and order doesn't really matter
When you're the one getting bruisedand battered
You take it to a jury, they'll throw it in your face
Because justice in L.A. comes in a can of mace

Dear Kitten: The Forbidden Water Bowl

JustSaying says...

Apparently you seem to know my weak spots. You successfully lured me into your trap. One leading to another, leading into the insatiable maw of my own obsessions. Cat videos.

Damn you, @PlayhousePals. Damn you to hell.

Meat-free meat - BBC News

Fausticle says...

Why are vegans obsessed with making things taste like meat? It's like a priest binge watching porn.

"We are against the raising, slaughter and consumption of animals, but we will concede that they are in fact delicious."

I like animals too, but I would crawl over ten dead pigs to get to a B.L.T.

“Drive nature out of the door and it will fly in at the window”
― Fyodor Dostoyevsky

China's gamified new system for keeping citizens in line

ChaosEngine says...

Yeah, this really is beyond horrifying.

"PC is more scary that open totalitarianism"? Nope, here's your real villain: stealth totalitarianism. Fuck over your fellow man in the name of a higher score.

"Chairman, oppressing the citizenry is hard work!"
"Fear not! I have a cunning plan to make them oppress each other"

And by god will it work.... put a number beside a name and people will do anything to make that number go up.

As an example: my wife got a new car recently that shows your average fuel consumption in l/100km. I didn't pay any attention to it until I was playing in the settings and found I could switch the units to km/l. A completely innocuous change, right? Except now it's a number that can go up, and I am obsessed with making it go up everything I drive her car.

I set cruise control at the speed limit and brake as little as possible.

A/C? Not unless I am actually melting!

Corners? You'd be amazed at how fast you can round them if you let a machine control your speed!

Red lights? Er, yeah, I suppose I should stop, but then I'll have to accelerate again!

And that number doesn't even matter! FSM only knows what I'd do if it affected my mortgage rate or something....

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