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MISSION CHINESE brutal and amazing short

Colbert: Radical Feminist Nuns Reprimanded by Vatican

hpqp (Member Profile)

Dan Savage on the bible at High School Journalism convention

dgandhi says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

Tell you what, the day a single preacher, nun or even believer gets physically assaulted by a homosexual for their beliefs, you will have something approaching a point.

corpses: 0
blood spilled: none

Inflamitory blog Posts:
corpses: 0
blood spilled: none

alleged assault
alleged corpses: 0
alleged blood spilled: none

Please contrast you "examples" of "violence" with

Your case for "this is just more bullying" is based on an absurd argument for moral equivalence. Forceful, even offensive, speech against real physical/deadly violence, is not morally equivalent to speech advocating, or rationalizing, said violence.

The gay folks in the links, as well as Dan Savage, are not protesting/speaking against people for being Christian, but for being bigots. The use of Christianity to rationalize bigotry is the choice of bigots.

If Christians don't want Christianity to be scrutinized, they need to stop other Christians from using their religion to advocate bigotry.

Dan Savage on the bible at High School Journalism convention

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

Tell you what, the day a single preacher, nun or even believer gets physically assaulted by a homosexual for their beliefs, you will have something approaching a point.
Not that I expect you to concede the matter, but to imply that no gay person EVER in the history of humanity has attacked a Christian because of what they believe is pure sophistry. There are bad actors on both sides of the issue, and since Christians are the big-dog in the US of course there is a lot more bad acting on thier side. I merely point out that there is an ugly underside to the LBGT community, and pin-heads like Savage show it. If the real message is true tolerance - which it SHOULD be - then both sides need to clamp down on thier offenders. Yeah - Christians need to repent and start acting more Christlike too. You can disagree with the gay lifestyle and not have to persecute it.

Ok, I will concede that you have "something approaching a point". I don't condone violence of that type.
And while two wrongs don't make a right, frankly, I can understand where they're coming from.

Dan Savage on the bible at High School Journalism convention

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

And just for the record... Even the NSPA and JEA (the hosts of the speech) condemn Savage and pretty much call what he did bullying...

"In his attempt to denounce bullying, Mr. Savage belittled the faith of others – an action that we do not support. Ridicule of others’ faith has no place in our programs, any more than ridicule of the LGBT community would."

They get a round of applause for an ACTUAL apology, as opposed to the load of bull Savage puked up trying to 'nuance' his way out of an apology.

won't even begin to try to explain to you how ironic it is

Perhaps - then you see the point. You took the bait. You see - how is is possible for MY generalized comments about liberals to be hypocritical and ironic, but Savage's comments are 'nuanced'? You can't have it both ways. Just admit it. Savage was a hypocritical, bullying jerk who stuck his foot in his mouth and showed the world he's a bigot. He should just apologize for it. A REAL apology - not the stupid "sorry you don't really understand me..." crap he spit out.

Tell you what, the day a single preacher, nun or even believer gets physically assaulted by a homosexual for their beliefs, you will have something approaching a point.

Not that I expect you to concede the matter, but to imply that no gay person EVER in the history of humanity has attacked a Christian because of what they believe is pure sophistry. There are bad actors on both sides of the issue, and since Christians are the big-dog in the US of course there is a lot more bad acting on thier side. I merely point out that there is an ugly underside to the LBGT community, and pin-heads like Savage show it. If the real message is true tolerance - which it SHOULD be - then both sides need to clamp down on thier offenders. Yeah - Christians need to repent and start acting more Christlike too. You can disagree with the gay lifestyle and not have to persecute it.

Dan Savage on the bible at High School Journalism convention

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

a load of nonsenical rambling...

Tell you what, the day a single preacher, nun or even believer gets physically fucking assaulted by a homosexual for their beliefs, you will have something approaching a point.

Meanwhile, back in the real world (a place you don't seem to visit very often), religious bigotry is actively ruining gay kids lives. Aside from glee, wtf have gays ever done to them?

Tribute to Christopher Hitchens - 2012 Global Atheist Conven

shinyblurry says...

>> ^messenger:
First, you've made the assertion many times here that if we will only just invite Jesus into our lives, he will reveal himself to us, etc. I've told you somewhere here that my own family did just that. We were all faithful Catholics. My parents have been practising for over 70 years. My sisters were Catholic for varying lengths of time from 15-26 years. I was Catholic until I was 14. We all fervently believed, but at no point was anything revealed to any of us. Nobody in my family has ever directly experienced anything like what you claim will happen in 5 minutes.

That isn't really surprising. There are two kinds of Christian out there, those who have a religion and those who have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Catholics primarily fall under this first category of Christian. The Catholic religion, if you've done your research, is essentially Christianity blended together with paganism. There is no pope in the bible, no nuns, no monks, no sacraments, no confession, no mary worship, no bowing to statues, no praying to saints, etc. These is very little resemblence between what catholics practice and the Christian faith. That is why so many catholics do not know Christ. My mother, who attended the catholic church when she was a child, told me she barely ever heard about Jesus while she was there.

A Christian who has a religion is someone who simply has a head knowledge about Jesus. They were most likely brought up in the church, and have inherited their parents religion. They don't know why they believe what they believe, it is just simply what they were indoctrinated with. They believe Christianity is going to church, reading the bible, and praying. These people do not know God and are not born again.

A Christian who has a relationship with Jesus Christ is born again and supernaturally transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. They have intimate knowledge of God because they have the Holy Spirit living within them and experience the presence of God on a daily basis. These are those who have given their entire lives and personalities over to God, as Lord and not just Savior.

While by a miracle some catholics are actually born again, most are not. You do not know the Lord for the reason that you had a religion and not a relationship. I don't blame you for running away screaming from the catholic religion. I empathize with anyone who escapes that madness. What I pray is that you consider Christ without the burden of that religion, and look at what He actually taught about how to know Him.
>> ^messenger:
Second, most times that you make the assertion that if you look for Jesus wholeheartedly that you'll find him, I remind you that the same can be said for every religion on Earth. If I gave myself to Islam, I would become Muslim and believe. If I gave myself to Judaism, I would become Jewish and believe. You gave yourself to Jesus, so you believe in him, not Mohammed. If your test for your claim of Jesus's divinity is that if we seek him we'll find him, then by that exact same test, we could also prove that Islam and Judaism are also true. Can you give me something other than statistics on the predominance of Christianity in the world to support the claim that Jesus is the true god and the other religions are false?

If you invite Jesus into your life as Lord and Savior, you will receive the Holy Spirit, whom will supernaturally transform your being and give you an undeniable revelation of Gods existence. You will experience true joy, a lasting peace, and have intimate knowledge of the love of God. I am not saying this as some sort of metaphor..that is what will literally happen to you. You will know when you encounter the living God, versus some feel-good experience with false religion.


colt45 says...

Is akido the name of the music artist, or is that supposed to be aikido, the martial art, in the tags?

[edit: After peering at the original on YouTube, akido isn't the group. That is listed as skrillex. The nuns are definitely NOT displaying aikido, the martial art, either. "karate akimpo" is listed as a tag on the original, but I've not got a clue what that is…]

Ron Paul - On his religious beliefs and politics

criticalthud says...

>> ^Payback:

>> ^:

I think the most important question of the next election will be who do YOU want at the controls when the Space Nazis From the Dark Side of the Moon attack!?!?!!???!!

for sure michelle bachman, dressed as a nun

The Three Stooges Official Trailer #1

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

I'm a Stooge fan. I own the chronologically released shorts on DVD and I've seen all thier shorts at least 3 or 4 times.

As far as the trailer goes, the Stooges themselves look and sound great. They really seem to have nailed the Stooges' mannerisms, voices, and style. The guy doing Larry Fine is a little taller and thinner than he should be, but for the most part in every other way they are a faithful re-creation of the classic characters. They nailed it. And what slapstick I saw sure looked like it had the punchy, zippy choreography that made the stooges so great when they were on thier game. Kudos.

I'm a bit nervous when I see nuns in slingshot thongs though, and women walking around with 6 inches of cleavage. The Stooges were certainly no strangers to spicing things up a bit and playing the wolf-hounds. But they kept the innuendo pretty subtle, and the pool nun was about as subtle as a crowbar. I liked how they kept Curly innocent though. "Is your hair different?". I sure hope they keep the boys innocent. I'd hate to see the movie become nothing but a scatological, sex humor cesspool. The Stooges should not go there. That's no thier thing. But it IS a Farrel movie, so (sadly) such pandering seems likely.

Labrador puppies in slow motion


EMPIRE (Member Profile)

EMPIRE says...

As I said before (I don't know if you actually took the time to read my comment. Not the previous one, the one before that), I said that obviously there are good people in religion (although I disagree about mother theresa). But people who are good, being of a certain religion doesn't make that religion good. The vast majority of the population of the planet is theist in some form or another, so it would be a bleak, bleak world, if out of the vast majority we couldn't find the biggest number of good people. But, it's not the being religious that makes them good people, no matter what they want to project unto their religious beliefs. If your brother wasn't a mormon, would he stop being a good person?
If you're telling me he's a good person simply because he's a "christian" (and I use the term christian as loosely as possible when refering to mormons), then... well, there's something wrong. Unless you're the kind of people who thinks that before any given religion came along, all humans were savage sinners who loved nothing and no one.

And once again, let me make this VERY CLEAR. I'm not trying to dictate what's going on in other people's heads. What I'm saying is, if what they believe in is stupid, then they should be called stupid, because they are stupid.

And you're wrong. It's not just when religion touches the laws of the land that it's important to fight it. It's also when people who, as I said before, believe in completely unrealistic fantasies, want to, for example, run for POTUS. They may not even touch any laws that could somehow cross the separation of church and state, when elected, but their reasoning, is obviously not sound, and that's not the kind of people who should be given that much responsibility. Unless they put their religious beliefs aside and try to work on a different reasoning level. And that takes us into a whole other discussion about just how intellectualy dishonest religious people are.

>> ^bareboards2:

It is demonstrably false. Ask the thousands of poor who have been served by Mother Theresa and her nuns. Do they think her faith led ONLY to bullshit, deception and ignorance and ONLY bullshit, deception and ignorance?
President Carter works hard with Habitat for Humanity because of his Christian faith.
My Mormon brother delivers Christmas baskets to the poor every year for decades, working with a secular organization, because his Christian faith tells him to.
The great good works done in the name of religion are numberless.
But you reject it all with your statement that religion is NOTHING BUT bullshit, deception and ignorance.
I stick by what I said before. Dogmatic. You believe you hold the only truth. Others who believe otherwise are heretics.
And as always, I agree that we need separation of church and state. That is the only place where the battle needs to happen.
Why it is important to you to dictate what is going on inside someone else's head.... that is religious fervor, my friend, just as invasive, insulting, and most definitely to be exposed as inappropriate and unreasonable.
My religious fervor is to get you to see your need to control others is no different than the dogma that you hate.
And here we are. In this dance we have been in before.
What is so funny is I don't really like religion. I dislike it for the very reasons you do. The only difference between us is that I recognize it is none of my damn business what other people think. The only time it matters is when it reaches out into the public realm of the laws of the land.

In reply to this comment by EMPIRE:
I said religion is nothing but bullshit, deception and complete ignorance.

EMPIRE (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

It is demonstrably false. Ask the thousands of poor who have been served by Mother Theresa and her nuns. Do they think her faith led ONLY to bullshit, deception and ignorance and ONLY bullshit, deception and ignorance?

President Carter works hard with Habitat for Humanity because of his Christian faith.

My Mormon brother delivers Christmas baskets to the poor every year for decades, working with a secular organization, because his Christian faith tells him to.

The great good works done in the name of religion are numberless.

But you reject it all with your statement that religion is NOTHING BUT bullshit, deception and ignorance.

I stick by what I said before. Dogmatic. You believe you hold the only truth. Others who believe otherwise are heretics.

And as always, I agree that we need separation of church and state. That is the only place where the battle needs to happen.

Why it is important to you to dictate what is going on inside someone else's head.... that is religious fervor, my friend, just as invasive, insulting, and most definitely to be exposed as inappropriate and unreasonable.

My religious fervor is to get you to see your need to control others is no different than the dogma that you hate.

And here we are. In this dance we have been in before.

What is so funny is I don't really like religion. I dislike it for the very reasons you do. The only difference between us is that I recognize it is none of my damn business what other people think. The only time it matters is when it reaches out into the public realm of the laws of the land.

In reply to this comment by EMPIRE:
I said religion is nothing but bullshit, deception and complete ignorance.

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