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Keeping traffic at bay in an ex-police car

Shepppard says...

You can downvote me all you want, @ant, i'm still not the one who made the bad call.

Look at the thumbnail, that's a wrist, leading up to a hand.

In the reflection for the rearview mirror you see nothing below their chin.

this had no reason to be put into NSFW, and would have taken seconds to figure out that there's no actual nudity in this.

Keeping traffic at bay in an ex-police car

shuac says...

>> ^ant:

>> ^Shepppard:
sigh, definitely no reason for this to be in NSFW. They say "Really? so anyway". No nudity, no swearing, nothing to make this NSFW, and it's seemingly impossible to reverse without the submitter re-doing the tags. Still curious as to why @ant flagged this as such in the first place.

It showed breasts in the reflection!

Are you an idiot? In the window, that's her fucking knuckle as she holds the steering wheel. Then in the mirror, she's holding the camera.

See what hearty doses of religion brings you? Paranoia. And awful, dirty, filthy sex! Oooga-booga!!

Keeping traffic at bay in an ex-police car

ant says...

>> ^Shepppard:

sigh, definitely no reason for this to be in NSFW. They say "Really? so anyway". No nudity, no swearing, nothing to make this NSFW, and it's seemingly impossible to reverse without the submitter re-doing the tags. Still curious as to why @ant flagged this as such in the first place.

It showed breasts in the reflection!

Keeping traffic at bay in an ex-police car

Shepppard says...

*sigh, definitely no reason for this to be in NSFW. They say "Really? so anyway". No nudity, no swearing, nothing to make this NSFW, and it's seemingly impossible to reverse without the submitter re-doing the tags. Still curious as to why @ant flagged this as such in the first place.

Sigur Rós - Gobbledigook (NSFW)

Censorship Makes No Sense!

spoco2 says...

Nicely made video, but also off the track.

Equating not using swear words all the time with not telling your kids where babies come from is not right. I prefer my kids to not use swear words because there's a time and a place for them, and an age. A kid saying 'fuck you man' is not funny, not cute, just seems wrong. A kid finding out that babies come from vaginas is cool, is right, is the way to go. A kid being shown graphic sex on the other hand 'Look son, this is how you get a woman pregnant' is not right.

Censorship (in theory) is there to protect those who aren't mature enough to handle the content, to contextualise it, to know real from make believe.

Censorship of violence and swearing vs sex is pretty fucked up these days. A youtube video can have the most violent of death scenes and someone swearing black and blue, but show a bit of sex and 'WOAH THERE TIGER, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?'

So yeah, I agree with him on that point.

But then he misses the point as to why breasts are covered up while man boobs are allowed... people aren't aroused by man boobs (ok, maybe some are), but breasts arouse a pretty damn large proportion of the male (and some female) population.

Not well thought out, not looking at it at all deeply at all.

If swear words weren't considered rude, and were just used all the time, then they'd lose their impact... so then people would just come up with other words to take their place that DO have impact.

The fight over swearing vs violence vs nudity is a valid discussion (can you believe that Chuck dickwad Norris made them keep the swearing down in The Expendables 2 so it could get a lower rating... you know, so the kids could still see all the mindless killing... awesome idea). Violence is allowed too much over nudity/sex. They come from a good place, violence does not.

Eh, I've rambled too much again. But basically. He got it wrong.

Naked people at supermarket in Denmark

spoco2 says...

>> ^brycewi19:

And what exactly is the point of running a promotion like this?

Really? You don't see how having the opening of your store become a viral video is NOT a good thing for publicity and people knowing that the store exists? People in the areas that this place services are going to be sent the video with comments like 'check out what's near you!' and 'Did you go? I think you did... '

Nudity + free stuff = easy (and cheap) promotion.

Caged Animals- All the Beautiful Things In The World

JiggaJonson says...

@BoneRemake How could the video be sexist based on the condition that I am sexist? That logic is nonsensical.

I said something about it because I'm more or less tired of women being objectified in this way. With a title like "ALL the Beautiful Things...," I wasn't expecting to see just women rolling around on the beach. It's certainly the directors call what goes in the video, but I felt the title was misleading.

Although crudely stated initially by me, I would argue that this video needs more male nudity. As much as I'm tired of women being objectified, I'm tired of men being cast aside as second best when it comes to beauty.

Nude unicyclist arrested; caught red buttocked

Nude unicyclist arrested; caught red buttocked

TYT: Ex-CIA Head Defends Torture

radx says...

Winning hearts and minds by torture and indiscriminate killings of brown people around the globe.

White folk as well if they don't play nice: "[Nudity] is effective, because a lot of people feel very vulnerable when they are nude. And also because of the culture, nudity is not something that is common." -- sounds an aweful lot like Pfc. Manning's treatment at Quantico.

Cate Blanchett talks about her "Bottom Double"

$10 Million Interest-free Loans for Everyone!

Porksandwich says...


Church has high interested in religious candidates being elected. Most of the debates going on in politics are based on religious philosophy. Few off the top of my head are abortion, creationism, and women's rights. They've been going against the grain of the Constitution trying to get creationism which is a arguably religion based subject taught in schools. Which in turn possibly gets them more followers, which in turn gets them more tithing and more people in their "group" giving them more power. In fact I would argue they are specifically trying to erode the line between church and state with these arguments, injecting religion based reasons into many of the arguments.

Big media networks push for things like where the reason for the bill is not actually what ends up happening. It was supposed to deregulate and open up the market for competition and instead it allowed them to reconsolidate by buying up competitors. And they largely don't fight with censorship on curse words because generally it drives off their audience, and those networks that don't have to censor curse words charge for the privilege of hearing them and seeing some nudity to boot. And they also support SOPA-like bills which are essential a blanket tool to censor the web....they also support monitoring and traffic shaping on the networks they control...which is another potential avenue for censorship.

You'll have to be more specific on what you're getting at......all these groups are eroding divisions we built through regulation and have been doing so steadily since the 80s at every opportunity across industries.

I've already shown that given the chance, they buy up competition to remain a monopoly. Look at ISPs, look at all the oil companies we USED to have. Look at the media conglomerates that own the majority of your radio stations ( I think there's two major radio networks, but they have like a million different stations under the same banners so it LOOKS like choice). How the record labels and movie industries are all tied together and often even tied into the same parent company that owns your ISP. Cell phone industry, ATT trying to buy T Mobile which would have brought it down to 3 major providers and they did it in the name of "better service" but still haven't announced plans to build out their infrastructure since the deal went through...why? Because it wasn't about better service, it was about buying up a competitor that offered plans at prices people preferred.

When people are unhappy with their ISPs they've tried to form local government run coop non-profit ISPs, and they get sued by the huge companies who refuse to service their area. It's happened multiple times. With regulation, they would have to provide internet to those places in a timely manner instead of preventing people from doing their own thing.

Did GoDaddy pay dearly for supporting SOPA? I heard they lost 30k subscribers at some point, but did they really? You'll have to show me on that. GoDaddy did lots of terrible things before it, yet they were still a huge provider and still are. They cybersquat on domain names people search for and allow you to buy them at "auction" from them when you try to look up if it's taken or not..they snatch it up to sell to you. They also give away people's domain names with no repercussions and a myriad of other things. Sounds like it needs a regulatory body with some teeth on it to make them act right or shut them down.

Unions are actually a really good way to fight monopolies and under the table deals, but they've been systematically villified. And unions aren't monopolies if they aren't mandatory, and most places are not fully unionized anymore. Often times they will have sections with union employees to do government work and non-union to do non-government work. Non-union guys make half the rate of union guys usually, and have less protections in place to keep themselves from getting shafted. But I don't really see how a union is a monopoly when there are lots of unions and lots of individuals in a union who make decisions for themselves and not as a collective like a company would. IE a company has a "head" that directs it and unions are a collective of individuals. Companies are people after all, unions are not (they are made up of people).

There are laws governing behavior usually based roughly on societal standards. Like pot being illegal is kind of against most of the societies beliefs, yet it remains illegal is an example of where it doesn't quite track. But overall we have laws that say you can't write a check that you know won't cash. Drunk driving, trespassing, vandalism, theft.....yelling fire in a crowded building.......setting off the fire alarm for fun.....etc. Giving people the finger isn't against the law....well probably not in most places so that might fall under social pressure. But we see that social pressure fails miserably at stopping bad behavior, so we have laws to enforce not stealing and not murdering. This is society and people holding other people to standards, without the law to judge and convict them by the only thing you have left is personal interpretation and meeting out punishment by each individual or vigilante justice.

If you don't regulate business there is nothing stopping them, because nothing about our market is free. You can't have a free market without perfect information. You can't know every possible thing going on, so you will never have perfect information even if it was possible. So you will have swindlers and knock offs, pyramid schemes, etc. And without laws and regulations on these things, you will never be able to punish the company for what they did in a court of law.

Even if they were 100% above the board honest, they'd still be sourcing their materials from overseas and getting inferior materials to what you are paying for. It happens to the military all the time right now. They buy a bunch of nuts and bolts and some of them are chinese knockoffs that fail well after the installation is done and the machine is in operation. They can't catch them because china is basically lawless when it comes to producing goods for knock off purposes. It could just as easily be a US source doing it if we de-regulated everything and made no way for people to sue them into oblivion...because the damage would be done as soon as you buy a knock off and it fries the rest of your stuff.

The definition of "free market" right now means they want to be able to buy stuff cheap as shit from overseas and charge you US built prices for it. And when it comes to financial industry "free market" means they want to have speculation upon speculation to where the financial industry has 10-100x more money leveraged than what actually exists. It's a house of cards if they can just inflate it without any kind of acceptable risks being enforced.

Has U.K. "Political Correctness" Gone Too Far? (Sports Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

No he does not...

Nudity and sex are not the same thing at all. Running around in the nude as a joke/protest is NOTHING like sexual abuse.

A stupid thing to do, sure, but in no way sure be linked with being a sex offender

Has U.K. "Political Correctness" Gone Too Far? (Sports Talk Post)

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