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Katie Porter lambasts big pharma over cancer drug price hike

Katie Porter lambasts big pharma over cancer drug price hike

BSR says...

She may need secret service protection soon. She's got great "mom" skills. Always sounds like she's questioning 5 year olds. lol ❤️

Ten Years and One Day


BSR says...

Butthole Surfers – Sweat Loaf


Yes, son.

What does regret mean?

Well son, the funny thing about regret is that it's better to regret
something you have done than to regret something that you haven't done

And by the way, If you see your mom this weekend, will you be sure and
tell her...SATAN SATAN SATAN!!!!

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

14 Year Old Parker Stands Up For His Rights...

BSR says...

Your loss was my gain. Thanks mom and dad.

newtboy said:

He should have tried my trick....threaten to sue his parents for depriving him of the bliss of non being through a willful and wonton act of conception. Then he could live where ever he wants.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It's not CNN, it's directly from Trump himself. Trump's tweets are fake news?! Wow, that's progress.

He's going to try to shit on the constitution, again. He has zero respect for it, guaranteed he's never once read it through. He's not tossing it out completely....yet.

Schools are safe?! Students and teachers in them aren't. It's insanity to claim they even might be.
Kids aren't immune, kids under 10 still get sick from covid they just rarely die but many are permanently disabled, and they bring it home to mom, dad, older sister, grandma, etc. Kids over 10 are the same as the rest of us Covid wise. Classrooms are Petri dishes, it would be hard to design a place more likely to spread diseases, dozens of kids in close proximity with no ability to social distance, no hygiene, eating together hip to hip, basically being irresponsible children with little supervision. Note, schools aren't safe enough for Trump to send his child back.

Trump's team can't tell the difference between peaceful protests and rioters, that's why time and time again they're filmed attacking peaceful protests, beating and macing seated calm protesters, using tear gass on peaceful protests including shooting canisters at people's faces from point blank range, trapping crowds in enclosed areas with one exit, blocking that exit and attacking en mass, intentionally targeting media using weapons, rubber bullets, pepper spray and capsaicin bullets, driving vehicles into crowds with intent to harm peaceful protesters, beating and mace bukakke-ing peaceful and calm veterans who just stand and take it without even defending themselves, cracking elderly skulls open not rendering aid and claiming the victim was faking, etc. Trump has tried to label BLM a terrorist organization, and directed his shock troops to treat them as such. Repeatedly they are on camera trying to spark violence by attacking peaceful protesters, and have been filmed supervising white people vandalizing in the name of BLM, even directing the vandalism.

Yes, fake news like OAN, Glen Beck, and Fox can't tell the difference and hope you can't either, that's why they fake photos, adding in armed antifa, using old out of state burning riot photos to pretend Portland is on fire, never mentioning that those caught starting fires, shooting cops, driving into crowds, shooting into crowds, etc have been far right wing boogaloo boys, not protesters. Never mentioning the protests are limited to about a 4 block area of Portland, not the entire city. They pretend that when peaceful crowds are shot at and gassed and a few toss back empty water bottles as they retreat, the crowds instigated it and forced "police" (not really police) to use excessive force (ignoring the fact that the agents shot first) by being violent....but oddly have no video of violent protesters to corroborate their unbelievable stories in dozens of cases. In the list of violent acts that drove the unwanted deployment of federal thugs, 9/10 were graffiti. Fake news can't seem to tell graffiti from firebombing.

Where were they when crowds of armed thugs were taking over state capitals and calling for the mob execution of governors and officials over quarantining a few weeks back? What was different there? Hmmmm...

bobknight33 said:

Quit buy into fake news,
Not going to toss out Constitution,
Tooling to CNN for actual unbiased news is like asking a junkie not to take your drugs while you step out for the day.

Schools are safe.

Trump/police are to stop riots not peaceful protests. Fake news can't seem to identify one from another.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You're almost right, some few unprofessional doctors say let >75% get it and build herd immunity. They're nuts, that's a guarantee of 10-12 million dead Americans at current reported death rates, and >triple that when you realize that without ICU care the death rate rises to 15%, near 45 million dead, and we are already at and over capacity.
Some doctors (likely many of the same irresponsible unprofessional morons) suggested taking Hydroxychloroquine was a good idea, until professionals proved them 100% wrong.

~4% REPORTED deaths, but we now know if someone gets it, recovers but with devastating lung and brain damage and dies a few weeks later of lung failure they don't count that as an official covid related death even when the death certificate does, so it's definitely higher than 4%, as if that's not high enough.
And what's the percentage that have lifelong debilitating effects like either permanently destroyed lungs or severe brain damage to name two?

Opening while cases are still rising, in direct contradiction to the CDC AND Whitehouse guidelines, guarantees another shutdown for longer, and the loss of far more mom and pop shops in the long run, so absolutely yes it's worth it.

Easy to say others should go back to work when you work from home.
Edit: in places where it CAN be done safely, including a minimum of guaranteed social distancing, masks, and sanitation at all times, I'm all for returning, but many if not most stores/shops can't, especially with the anti-maskers throwing fits. Our local stores limit customer numbers and some will act as personal shoppers for anti maskers and serve them curbside. We have had 200 cases county wide so far in the highest risk state, so it's working here so far.

Only kids under 10 are lower risk, kids over 10 are the same risk factor as everyone else, and under 10 can still bring it home to those more at risk. Restarting schools in states at high risk, nearly all states right now, is a guarantee of a longer, more deadly, more costly second wave.

bobknight33 said:

First of al not ALL agree to stay shut down or to mask up.

% of deaths to infected is small. Is It worth shutting down and loosing mom and pop shops and much more worth it?

I say mask up and go to work.

Kids are the safest demographic.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

First of al not ALL agree to stay shut down or to mask up.

% of deaths to infected is small. Is It worth shutting down and loosing mom and pop shops and much more worth it?

I say mask up and go to work.

Kids are the safest demographic.

newtboy said:

The choice, ignore all health professional advice and gather in large close groups without any social distancing during an accelerating deadly pandemic or lose all federal funding to your already criminally underfunded school system.

There is no carrot, just stick.

This type of blackmail or extortion has never been done to schools in this all or nothing way to force parents and children to ignore life and death public health issues for imagined political points.

Only in Toledo

StukaFox says...


Here's where we agree on something.

I came from amazing wealth, like total top .01%, then lost everything and ended up in absolute poverty. I taught myself a valuable skill and kept building and building on it. It started with shit jobs, but I kept learning and doing more and never stopped believing in myself or in my ability to better my circumstance. I went to college and learned how to learn more efficiently. Even now, I'm improving my skills on a daily basis. 40 years later, now I'm in the 1%.

This is America to me, one part of it: that in America, you at least have a chance -- however small, however improbable -- to better yourself through your own skills, drive and determination. It's not a 100% guarantee, but I honestly haven't seen another country that fosters this attitude.

For the nb, did I have a leg up? Definitely. I was born with an extraordinary mind into a hyper-affluent family. As a child I went to the best public schools in America during a time when education was valued above all else. By the time my mom and I were basically on the street, I had enough base knowledge to build on what I'd already learned. I also took advantage of community college when it was all but free ($50 a semester) and was able to take pretty much any class that interested me. I was also able to afford a computer when they were very expensive and complicated.

Finally, I was born a white male and caught innumerable breaks because of that. I have zero doubt that I am where I am in part to this accident of birth, because I was told by cops, teachers and employers, sometimes quite openly and sometimes in coded language, that I was preferred over non-white people.

For all America's sin -- and many be thy score -- the nucleus of true capitalism is still alive.

bobknight33 said:

See an opportunity that uses you skills and go for it.

MakeWar | Defund The Police

eric3579 says...

people starting shit for the wrong cause.
sparking in our brains from all the lies.
I can’t breathe,
you’re choking me, I swear I’m the wrong guy.
I can’t speak,
the color of my skin makes me a liar.
Disarm the flock,
of human pigs.
If they meant no harm,
why would they need
these shiny guns?
Against these kids who were unarmed and full of fear,
protect and serve?
You’re not fooling me!
Now what?
They’re gone and you’re excused?
No future…No resolution…
This place used to be different.
Everyone was nicer.
Some of you would even help another.
Now we fight about the differences, that some of us just carry.
In our blood and in our genes and the place my mom was born.
Retired men
are freaking out
with all these kids,
that are coming out.
Leave them alone!
And continue living your boring reality.
They are superstars,
and you are nothing!
Holy shit!
They won’t stop!
Blaming it on being old school?
No excuses!
Not anymore!
Racist homophobes,
preaching the wrong words,
your time is fucking done!
You want freedom of speech?
You make me fucking sick!
Your future’s obsolete!

And the time will come when we’ll be free to be who we are or wear what we pleased without being scared. The time is now!

Saving a Falcon Trapped in a River

The Walk.

scheherazade says...

I meant the start and stop year are each off by 1.

Circumstantially it looks like maybe her mom called Larry King Live to ask for guidance way back in 1993 (the content of the exchange matches, as does the date, but no names were given). Could be unrelated.
Supposedly neighbors were told. Again, who knows.

If zero corroboration was good enough for Ford (Named first hand witnesses said they remember nothing of the sort), then maybe it's only fair to give Reade the same benefit of the doubt?
The double standard is quite conspicuous.

Personally, I wouldn't condemn anyone without physical measurable evidence on which to decide. Talk is cheap.

Maybe she does exaggerate. She wouldn't be the first.


newtboy said:

Legislative aide - Coordinate and attend meetings. Assist with the drafting of speeches, press releases and legislation. Conduct and summarize legal research, research studies and constituent surveys.
Her position - mail clerk and supervising interns.
Nowhere near the same thing. Like the receptionist putting "VP of communications and publications" as their title.

91-94 is up to 4 years, she worked for him for 9 months. That's a 3.25 year exaggeration, not one, which would itself be more than doubling the truth. think?! Yes, it's bad when your college says you didn't graduate, and a lie when you say you did. I don't think her cases would all be under review over a database problem.

Her current accusations ARE brand new, never coming to light in 30 years of Biden running for offices, including VP. They absolutely did totally pop up out of nowhere at a suspiciously convenient time in politics....and are bat shit crazy, forcefully fingered in a public alcove in the public halls of congress. Get real.

Edit: the long and short is she's not credible, at best she's shown a willingness to hyper exaggerate if it benefits her, more likely she's a bold faced liar who may have been paid to make accusations.

S. Korean scientist cures a patient's Parkinson disease

Russian Hamster Mocks Cop

BSR says...

I had sisters that would do this to me all the time.

Me: Stop saying everything I say!
Sister: Stop saying everything I say!
Sister: STOP!
Me: MOM!
Sister: MOM!

And then there was me...

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