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w1ndex (Member Profile)

Mexico's Magical Fireflies

newtboy says...

Lol. The narrator sounds quite ominous...dark and foreboding. Judging by his tone, I expected him to finish by saying "in that one magical hour, the fireflies of Mexico eat people."
*promote a *quality natural event. Nature's fireworks.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Pro Trump Militias Kidnapping Refugees At The Border

BSR says...

Larry Mitchell Hopkins was arrested on Saturday in New Mexico.

EDIT: This video infuriates me. If you are setting type and want to make it flush right and flush left, (Justified) you must use a smaller font. If you want to keep the larger size type then just make it flush right (Rag Right) OR flush left (Rag Left). The overlay text just ripped my eyes out! There ought to be a law!

GOD! What's this world coming to?

Mexicans Are Stealing The Wall

newtboy says...

Lol. Nice. Touché.

We should just build more security walls IN Mexico so they will feel safe staying home then? Kind of the opposite of building a wall here and Mexico paying for it, but it might work much better with fewer hurt feelings all around.

bobknight33 said:

I am mistaken you are correct. However, these criminals have a wall that keeps them out of USA.

Walls do indeed work.

C'mon jump up

StukaFox says...

Good dog, Cujo! Also, you know that mutt drops a log the size of a baguette at least twice a day and it practically takes a snow shovel to fling it into the neighbor's yard.

I use to have a tragically retarded Cocker Spaniel (and, to note, there is no other variety of that breed) and it was like the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg, only with dogshit. At least three times a day, this golden-furred, floppy ear'd mongrel would scarf down a can of Alpo, a cup of kibble and whatever food was left lying on the table -- the same table the cat always got smacked for climbing on, but the dog ... ohhh, no! It's CUTE when the dog does it! -- then make a beeline to the back lawn where it'd crap Mt. Everest. I'd have to trudge out the the back yard, shovel in hand, while the guy next door shot me the stink-eye because he was tired of fishing dog turds out of his swimming pool every day during the summer. This task is odious enough, but it's a thousand times worse when you're stoned and it's a million degrees out and you'd much rather be floating on your waterbed listening to Dark Side of the Moon in headphones while blissful AC-cooled air wafts over your twice-weekly washed body and not fighting your way through a black fog of Horseflies to reach a 1:1 scale model of Mt. Doom made entirely of a too-quickly digested overpriced slurry of meat scraps and offal that the canners couldn't fob off on Mexico.

It might not have been as bad as all that, but in my hazy recollection, it was pretty darned close.

I'm not sure why I told you all this, to be perfectly honest, but I did. So there.


Payback says...

To be fair the driver is from a terrorist country. UAE, Saudi Arabia, Washington DC, Syria, etc.

Edit. After watching, I apparently forgot to list Canada and Mexico.

The Real National Emergency Is Climate Change: A Closer Look

Mordhaus says...

There are some portions of the GND that could work, how well I don't know, but they could in theory. My biggest issue with it, beyond the more ludicrous parts, is that it doesn't allow for reality.

It is very much like the Soviet 5 year plans in that there are a series of grand ideas but when they fail they would just rehash and move on to the next set of ideas. It's kind of like Trump's promises about the border wall.

Any logical person knew that Mexico was never going to pay for it and that it would probably never be built, but there are a fuckton of illogical people out there and logical people are as vulnerable to mob peer pressure as anyone else. He might even win a repeat term because there is still a huge rift between the more logical conservative Dems and the pie in the sky ultra progressives. Hell, in the confusion its even been mentioned on CNN that Hillary might toss her hat in again or try to lend weight to a conservative Dem nominee so as to 'trump' the progressives.

Your idea sounds fair, but I could only see something like that working in a country like China, where the 'incentives' are that you don't get stood against the wall.

newtboy said:

Fixing and upgrading our crumbling infrastructure could easily create enough of those jobs at least short term, by which I mean one to two decades, to employ every single able bodied American....granted, that's less than 1/3 of us, but would make unemployment rare.

Some countries have tried the free check/minimum income. It turned out to have zero effect on employment, no one decided they shouldn't work and just live on the stipend, it was under $600 a month, but they did find a huge benefit in well being and homelessness.
I don't see a huge difference from social security except age.

That said, I agree, what I've read of this new deal is overreaching pie in the sky dreaming that only made those supporting it seem unrealistic and not serious.

My new deal would trade all these benefits for sterilization after one child. Anyone with two kids pays more and is excluded from benefits, those with 3 or more go to work camps to pay society back for their irresponsibility. Lower the population by 1/2 and solving all these issues becomes exponentially simpler....many solve themselves.

Ladder beats wall

BSR says...

Putin won't nuke the US until the wall is built. Then when they start dropping them on the North West, Americans will caravan on down to Mexico and get a big FUCK YOU welcome through the "slats."

Maybe Mexico will build the wall.

bobknight33 said:

You don't always have a ladder with you. These guys luck out. Walls work.

Ladder beats wall

newtboy says...

*doublepromote the *quality advancements Mexico has recently made after discovering ladder technology.

With luck, this evidence of how easily a wall is defeated would make Trump rethink holding government workers hostage for wall funding....unlikely though, since it's not a meant to be a serious security measure, it's meant to be a monument.

BSR (Member Profile)

Trump to Give Primetime Address on the Shutdown

newtboy says...

I like his new plan, to take the money directly from the military for the monument to his own stupidity. Republicans should love that.
He's going to be really upset to learn that Mexico has developed ladder technology, making fences and walls obsolete.

Networks should refuse to air his speech and cite President Trump who repeatedly said he might yank the broadcasting license of networks that air fake news and lies as the reason.

Preview Of The Next Two Years - Pelosi, Schumer, Trump

Januari says...

Not sure what the problem is Bob, Mexico is going to pay for it after all.

bobknight33 said:

Trump won this debate.

Dems will loose on this issue. Drugs / human trafficking, need to stop. Dems are putting those who harm Americans first.

Obama administration gave 150 billion to our enemy Iran. Exporter of terrorism. they chant death to America. But the democrats can't give Trump and the US citizens 5 billion for the wall?

Preview Of The Next Two Years - Pelosi, Schumer, Trump

newtboy says...

Funding his wall won't stop those issues that are mostly port of entry crimes, not border jumping. The ten terrorists caught number he keeps talking about were all caught at ports of entry, not coming from Mexico over a fence.

Obama followed international law and released Iran's assets we (many say illegally) seized and held only after using them as a bargaining chip to successfully halt Iran's nuclear program. He didn't give them a cent of taxpayer money in that release of funds.

Dems gave Trump what?....$1.5 billion for border defense and he's spent <10% of it last year but wants 4 times as much this year or he'll shut down the government and just waste billions and directly impact all US citizens over a tantrum because he can't have his way. Also....what happened to Mexico paying for it? He's a great deal maker, make the deal and get the money from them.....problem solved, we should hear no more nonsense about funding his wall....that's not our bill.
Why isn't he building two walls? He knows we have two borders, doesn't he? Do you believe drugs, human trafficking, and terrorists can't come from Canada? (Edit :didn't you see the Jackal) guess he'll get Canada to pay for that one.

bobknight33 said:

Trump won this debate.

Dems will loose on this issue. Drugs / human trafficking, need to stop. Dems are putting those who harm Americans first.

Obama administration gave 150 billion to our enemy Iran. Exporter of terrorism. they chant death to America. But the democrats can't give Trump and the US citizens 5 billion for the wall?

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