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LOTR Forced Perspective Moving Camera

May the lulz be with you

Boris Johnson's Olympic Welcome

Star Trek TNG Bluray Old Vs New - Unbelievable Difference

Sylvester_Ink says...

The new one will be, without a doubt, much better. The old version was edited together using VCRs in order to get the episodes done on a tight schedule, so the quality was pretty bad. (Worse than the quality of TOS at times.) Since they are reediting from scratch, that alone will result in much better quality than we've ever seen. Add to that the excellent color correction, cleanup, cg enhancement, etc that they did to the remastered TOS, and it will end up being quite impressive indeed.
Pay attention, George Lucas. This is how you remaster your old work the RIGHT way!

The Movies Of Christopher Nolan

Yogi says...

>> ^Payback:

My top five:
Ridley Scott - Alien, Blade Runner
Kubrick - 2001, Clockwork Orange, Dr Strangelove
Christopher Nolan - View video above
The Whedon - Firefly, Buffy (TV), the Avengers
Nicholas Meyer (Wrath of Khan, Undiscovered Country)
-Interesting tidbits
-I knew Nimoy Directed The Voyage Home, but didn't know he directed 3 Men and a Baby. - hmmph.
-I don't include Lucas, as he was a (3 movie) one hit wonder. Seriously, what else has he done thats's memorable?
-JJ Abrahms has WRITTEN and PRODUCED a ton of stuff I love, but he hasn't really directed anything.
-The Buffy episode "Hush" is the best, most original, scary, stand-alone story I have ever watched on television.

Whedon is amazing that goes without saying. You're right to not include Lucas, all you have to do is watch Indian Jones trilogy to see how he shouldn't direct and Spielberg should!

The Movies Of Christopher Nolan

Payback says...

My top five:

Ridley Scott - Alien, Blade Runner
Kubrick - 2001, Clockwork Orange, Dr Strangelove
Christopher Nolan - View video above
The Whedon - Firefly, Buffy (TV), the Avengers
Nicholas Meyer (Wrath of Khan, Undiscovered Country)

-Interesting tidbits
-I knew Nimoy Directed The Voyage Home, but didn't know he directed 3 Men and a Baby. - hmmph.
-I don't include Lucas, as he was a (3 movie) one hit wonder. Seriously, what else has he done thats's memorable?
-JJ Abrahms has WRITTEN and PRODUCED a ton of stuff I love, but he hasn't really directed anything.
-The Buffy episode "Hush" is the best, most original, scary, stand-alone story I have ever watched on television.

best of remastered original star trek series

Sylvester_Ink says...

Yeah, Paramount did an excellent job. See, George Lucas? THIS is how you remaster a series. By touching things up, but staying faithful to the original.

But I'm really excited to see how TNG turns out. The originals look particularly bad since all the editing was done on VHS for faster turn-around. For the remastered version, they're reediting the show from scratch, so it should be a big improvement.

'The Star Wars That I Used To Know'

ReverendTed says...

I felt like there was a missed opportunity for a "green screen" joke there at the end, but yeah, pretty great. (Especially for a "yet another Gotye, yet another George Lucas" parody.)

The Sunken Fleet of Bikini Atoll

George Lucas Bith-Slaps the Rich

Dark Shadows Trailer

dystopianfuturetoday says...

This doesn't look like it even honors the original. I'm just down on Burton. He used to make great movies. It bums me out to see him follow the career path of Sting and George Lucas. >> ^Boise_Lib:

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
This looks awful.

My view is probably distorted by my love of the original soap-opera.
We used to never miss an episode (or the herbal enhancements we chose) after school.

How Lightsabers Got Their Sound

All Your History: Adventure Games Part 4

MilkmanDan says...

I got introduced to the early King's Quest games, and later the 7th Guest, but I somehow missed all the Lucas Arts games. And I seem to be the only person who never played Myst.

To be honest, I never really liked adventure games. King's Quest(s) annoyed me. I got more into 7th Guest, but I don't think I finished it. I spent much more time playing Ultima 6; hundreds of hours while almost entirely ignoring the "story". To me, a "world simulator" RPG that tried to let you do essentially anything was much more engrossing than the adventure dynamic of needing to find 1 object to use in a logical (or not so logical) way to move forward (find the key, open the lock; or find the fish, throw to the bear as seen here).

Still, interesting to contemplate the genre even though it wasn't my cup of tea.

Blankfist's new sock puppets (Sift Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Setting the topic at hand aside, I think we should have a discussion on cat video aesthetics. Anyone can put a cute cat in a tea pot and film it. That doesn't make a great cat video. It ads nothing to the genre. And when you slather on the library music and cheesy home editing software titles and visuals, you border on parody. Don't pull a Lucas and try to cover up weak narrative by overloading it with graphics. Careless cat video production can risk proving cat video critics - who believe the genre to be a bunch of empty oohing and awwing with no artistic merit - to be correct.

You all need to study up on your cat video history. Look at the greats, study their work and discover what made them great. From Keyboard Cat's deft digits and flamboyant attire, to Stealth Cat's mastery of movement, to OMG cat's gift for physical comedy. Cats that can sing, climb or have narcolepsy are also fine contributors to the genre. Once you understand the basics of your craft, it is then AND ONLY THEN that you can begin to find your own cat video voice.

And once you have created a good video, you need to support it with appropriate commentary instead of overly saccharin glurge. I don't care who you are, that is not important to me. What is of major fucking importance is that you respect the craft and are responsible with what you choose to share with others on the internet.

Remember MySpace: Never again!

Good day to you.

Play them off keyboard cat:

WTF Kinect Star Wars - Galactic dance off

quantumushroom says...

1) The nerd is enjoying himself. What's the harm?

2) Lucas should've been made a dancing character.

3) Notice the spokesweenie didn't say "worse thing since THE PREQUELS", perhaps cause they're being run again in 3-D.

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