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Homemade Lightsaber!?!

Special Effects Done Right!

Harrison Ford Won't Answer Star Wars Questions

VoodooV says...

am I the only one just not excited at all about the new movies? I just feel certain that they'll fuck it up, or even if it's good, the feel of it will just be so foreign that it won't be Star Wars.

For all of George Lucas' faults, it still just won't be star wars without some hamfisted, bad dialogue.

LucasArts Remembered

Quadrophonic says...

I was looking forward to Star Wars 1313 and First Assault. I like when they take the lightsabers out of Star Wars once in while. I can only hope they don't make a Duke Nukem out of that games.

But I'm not sad, this won't be the end of Star Wars games and also not for the adventure genre. Lucas Arts made some really great games, which will last forever and ever. Mainly because one day I'll force my kids to stay in the basement until they solved Monkey Island II on Hard mode without any walkthroughs.

All Six Star Wars Movies

Fletch says...

This RotJ has the awful Hayden Christensen replacement for Anakin at the end. I hope the Disney movies are able to redeem this series somewhat. I can't imagine them being worse than what Lucas did with the prequels. Start with casting. The Anakins were just horrible in the prequels. And JarJar... wtf?

Star Trek Into Darkness - International Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

As much as I really want to post "I was criticising Star Trek trailers before it was cool" and leave it at that, I have to say that post kinda pissed me off.

It's got to the point where as soon as anyone has a legitimate criticism of anything they get labelled a "hipster". Well, fuck that. I'm 35, and I live in New Zealand. I'm not even sure what the fuck a hipster is other than that it's weird and confusing to me. </abe Simpson>

First things first, SNL actually isn't that funny. It has moments of hilarity (Tina Fey as Sarah Palin for example) but I general it's far closer to Chris Farley than Bill Murray. Maybe it was hilarious in the 70s but I've never seen those episodes. I do know that for the last 20 years, it has been consistently "almost funny".

More importantly, you're not the only one who likes Star Trek, and even if you're the trekkiest trek fan who ever quoted Kahn, that doesn't mean the rest of us aren't entitled to criticise it. Thing is, I'm a fan. I want to see this. And I want it to be good, same way as I REALLY wanted Prometheus to be brilliant. And it just ....wasn't.

So when I complain about this, I'm not some snide douchebag who's just dying for it to fail so I can jump on the Internet and let everyone bask in the glow of how right I am. I'm complaining about it because I'm genuinely worried it won't be good. I'm the one who went to the midnight premiere of Revenge of the Sith, because I still had a faint hope that Lucas would pull something awesome out of the bag.

Fletch said:

So many Debbie Downers. Must be a new hipster thing to rip on new Star Trek, kinda like every SNL vid/thread has some boorish dolt who has to tell everyone that they haven't watched SNL for years because it hasn't been funny since the 70s.

Well... I've been a fan of all the Star Trek series (including "Enterprise") and movies since TOS, and this looks awesome. I used to record the audio of TOS on my Realistic cassette recorder when I was 6-7 years old, and I can still irritate the hell out of anybody in the room by speaking the lines of an entire episode before the actors do. LOVE Star Trek. The first movie established that the timeline is different now. Storywise, prior Star Trek canon is largely moot. Get over it.

You don't want to go see it? Don't. Easy peasy. Anyhoo, you probably all meant to click on this vid.

Awkward Lightsaber Battle

Sad George Lucas

VoodooV says...

it's odd. for a long time, I've wanted someone to take over the reins of Star Wars because Lucas is a shit writer/director that surrounded himself with yes-men. I wanted him to see over and over what Star Wars could be like without his ego mucking shit up.

Hell I remember how adamant he used to be that VI was the end. It was the story of Anakin and when Anakin died, it's over. Now he's saying he'd been working on VII VIII and IX? Yeah fuck you George. You have become the evil empire.

At the same time though, now that it has happened and JJ is directing the next movie and George is out of the picture for good. I just derive no joy out of it. I would have preferred a lesser known director. I have enjoyed JJ's movies, but at the same time, the guy has his stupid tropes and hangups too.

I guess im just getting more and more fed up with Hollywood. Of course I'll go see the new movies. I'm so sick of the beating of the dead horse though

George Lucas' Response to Clerks and the Death Star Contract

nanrod says...

Does not George Lucas take great pains to make R2D2 and C3PO positive likeable characters and as such are they not obviously self aware and not just the sum of clever programming. When it comes to the morality of destroying (read killing) such entities, clearly Lucas never watched Blade Runner.

ant (Member Profile)

George Lucas' Response to Clerks and the Death Star Contract

The Terrible Truth 'Star Wars' Fans Can't Admit

MaxWilder says...

Funny video, but it's a load of horsecrap.

All the other "annoying, cutesy, toys" worked in the overall context of the film. Ewoks stood out like a sore thumb. Mostly because they were overstuffed. If they had been able to move like the deadly warriors that they were meant to be, it would have been fine. But as it was, the Ewoks were the first sign of Lucas' pandering to children, the beginning of his downward spiral.

Rejected Pitches: The Lord of the Rings

A Sneak Peek at Disney's upcoming "Star Wars" Movies

aimpoint says...

>> ^meggymoo:

Did everyone forget that Disney also did the avengers movie (which was awesome) and own pixar too. They cannot do a worse job than Lucas did on phantom menace and they might actually use fans of the franchise to direct and write for it. It MIGHT be good

I think the "it MIGHT be good" mentality is why we continued to watch the prequels in the first place.

A Sneak Peek at Disney's upcoming "Star Wars" Movies

meggymoo says...

Did everyone forget that Disney also did the avengers movie (which was awesome) and own pixar too. They cannot do a worse job than Lucas did on phantom menace and they might actually use fans of the franchise to direct and write for it. It MIGHT be good

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