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TDS: Limbaugh Leaves New York

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Vote for stupid people and you get what you deserve. Bush was a knee-jerk reactor of little substance. Obama treats the economy like a social experiment. I didn't vote for either of them. It is a frustrating thing to be a helmsman on the Titanic frantically shouting about the huge iceberg of debt while Captain Obama tells the hoi polloi he has locked down below decks that everything is fine.

Rush Limbaugh - Computer Tard

Krupo says...

"What does the on switch do?" nice.

>> ^chilaxe:
Can anyone check whether the PDF file in question is searchable or not? If it's the type of PDF that isn't searchable, then Limbaugh is making a good point (albeit clumsily), and Olberman is wrong.

Well, only if security is enabled *AND* you're too lazy to print it out (sorry, *geek is ON) - otherwise, anyone with Adobe Professional can run OCR on that sick puppy.

Even in the unlikely case of MAX security on, you could print it out, then manually scan and OCR it. That is assuming printing isn't locked down too... in which case the truly nerdy could screengrab each individual page, and then print if they REALLY needed to... though at this point, the whole file should probably be password protected before anyone can open it for the ULTRA paranoid.

I spend WAY too much time with PDFs in my day job.

I think I'l turn this comment in to a lazy blog post.

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

Farhad2000 says...

1. I have lived through a coup attempt in Zambia, perpetuated by a military officer who called himself Captain Solo. Which was the name of a cheap straight to VHS movie that was shown on local TV just a week before.

2. I have lived through Gulf War 2 in March of 2003. Everyone assumed we would die in Kuwait because Iraq was going to use chemical, biological and possibly nuclear SCUD warheads. I felt sorry for all the troops forced to put on their MOPP suits every time there was an alarm. It was surreal.

3. I nearly got kidnapped in a car in Lusaka, a car thief was trying to break into our car while I was sleeping in the back. I stopped him by locking down the doors fully before his hanger wire could decouple it. He looked at me with accusing eyes like I just took candy from a child.

4. I learnt English entirely by sound and watching American movies. My entire grammar structure is based around what sounds right. As such I used to have a very American accent.

5. I was born Muslim but only ever practiced it culturally. I went to the mosque only once before realizing I could not be a servant to any god because am simply too lazy to give a shit either way.

6. I spent most of my early childhood on my uncle's farm, raising chickens, doing masonry work and harvesting potatoes. This experience has made me humble.

7. I cannot live in comfort in my country because I have severe life threatening allergies to its environment.

8. I nearly drowned as a child at a water park when I got sucked in the water intake for the slipping slide ride. I vividly remember how it felt looking up through the water up at big African man who was drying himself near the pool. He jumped in and saved me. I was so scared I never got to look at his face or thank him. I regret this.

9. Africa was the best place I have lived in. Its more beautiful then most people realize. The people are in desperate poverty but are gentle and kind. You will never see more beautiful clouds anywhere else.

10. I have a purple belt in Karate that I got as a kid. I think it's totally useless and has no baring on any combat ability I have.

11. I used to stay up late at night in high school watching MTV Europe, MTVChillout and MTVAlternative nation, back when it was good.

12. Kuwait proved to me that money does not buy happiness nor does wealth make people better individuals.

13. My favourite city will always be Montreal. I had the best and worst of times there.

14. I do alot of drugs. Most of the time I don't look for a high. I look for relief. Its quite healthy for my psyche. I like psychedelics and exploring the limits of my psyche. I like to disassociate.

15. I have a heart problem and in all likely hood will die prematurely. This doesn't bother me that much.

16. I have been arrested while being high on mushrooms, the experience was surreal and hilarious and depressing all at once. My arresting officer was the splitting image of Spud from Trainspotting.

17. Deja vus scare and confuse me.

18. I been to more countries then I care to mention. People are really all the same all over.

19. I love music, I have music collection I have maintaining since middle school. I will be very sad to lose it. I love only particular songs and moments, its hard for me to say I like any particular artist. The question what is your favourite genre of music always troubles me, its hard to pick one. Alot of my music I listen to in particular moods. I would be the first person to implant a music player into my brain.

20. I love cinema, I think cinema is humanity reflected, our dreams, desires, hopes, fears and experiences.

21. I wish I could stop being so cynical.

22. I don't know what to do with my life.

23. I used to go to the roof of my building in Africa and sleep under a full starry sky. Trying to pick out the satellites.

24. Life is hard to take seriously, I feel like I have been here before, and did all this before. I expect to wake up any minute now.

25. I feel like I shared too much.

Slow Motion Genocide (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

I remember a while back people would post and say how VS was different then Youtube, especially in it's comments. I haven't seen anyone utter such a phrase in a long time.

I think it would be beneficial to lock down membership in the site the same way SomethingAwful and Metafiler has done through small monetary donation. Viewership would still be free however but not posting.

Multiple Lights - Mythbusters Bust Moon Landing Conspiracies

Women and VideoSift: Why I'm a feminist. Guys, I quoted you. (Terrible Talk Post)

MINK says...

calling yourself a feminist automatically makes your position "not clear"... i think you probably have the right ideas somewhere, but the "feminist" tag is about as descriptive as "liberal". This is why i don't ally myself with any isms... they merely lock down your ability to make your own point, because everyone assumes they know what your ism means. They argue with their own definition of your ism, instead of reading what you say.

McCain to Wife: See You Next Tuesday.

bamdrew says...

I think the more telling word is 'trollop'... was he born in Shakespearean times?

"Begone treacherous and foul trollop! If thine legs remained closed with a more common frequency, limiting the sheer quantity of gentleman-visitors betwixt their curving lines to a rate matching your average strumpet, one might observe retroactively the significant degree to which the stress of being bound to a harlet-wife doth trim once thick locks down to lonely threads and bare skull!"

(p.s. I'd vote for him if he talked like that.)

Who took a private jet to the energy debate?

dgandhi says...

As if anybody under secret service security can travel in a significantly more efficient way. Going to security screen everybody in business class? Going to take over 3 cars and completely lock down an entire train? Going to travel with a motorcade of armored SUVs?

Kucinich and Gravel are great, but the were never real contenders and everybody knew it, they are up there to help frame the debate, it's an important task, but they were not real players in this game, so their response does not speak to the reality of the situation for the high profile candidates.

choggie (Member Profile)

winkler1 says...

YT link's messed up.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
agreed-but there is that guy that built the on in Cali, that, regardless of the MPC and the price tag, blows doors off everything and had Indy drivers wanting more, more, more.....
Here's my prediction ">(I am Criswell, I see all)

The planet will reach a point of widespread destabilization orchestrated by the brokers of currency and commerce, oil will be at the center of the worst of it, and government's coffers will be drained on more conflicts and wars in the middle east being used chessboard-styley by the most the mean time, as has been for more than 3 decades, individuals, mavericks, will continue to invent in their garages and workshops, simple tweaks for cars already in production, and as always, will be made offers they can't refuse by the same people who want power concentrated in a small number of empire-minded cabals.

We will only see an end to the bullshit, that is fossil fuel for vehicles,(I say see, and "we", in the context of, it is already here, hidden,a "for your eyes only" scenario) when the economic manipulation, social engineering, and ever-increasing control over individuals with money as the fulcrum is taken down once again, as it has over and over and over again on planet earth-

Free energy would cripple the dealer, because his cards would be unnecessary.
Free energy is here and kept locked down tight-just as the planet's peoples are.

Car of the Future (Blog Entry by winkler1)

choggie says...

agreed-but there is that guy that built the on in Cali, that, regardless of the MPC and the price tag, blows doors off everything and had Indy drivers wanting more, more, more.....
Here's my prediction-
The planet will reach a point of widespread destabilization orchestrated by the brokers of currency and commerce, oil will be at the center of the worst of it, and government's coffers will be drained on more conflicts and wars in the middle east being used chessboard-styley by the most the mean time, as has been for more than 3 decades, individuals, mavericks, will continue to invent in their garages and workshops, simple tweaks for cars already in production, and as always, will be made offers they can't refuse by the same people who want power concentrated in a small number of empire-minded cabals.

We will only see an end to the bullshit, that is fossil fuel for vehicles,(I say see, and "we", in the context of, it is already here, hidden,a "for your eyes only" scenario) when the economic manipulation, social engineering, and ever-increasing control over individuals with money as the fulcrum is taken down once again, as it has over and over and over again on planet earth-

Free energy would cripple the dealer, because his cards would be unnecessary.
Free energy is here and kept locked down tight-just as the planet's peoples are.

American Values have been Exported to Russia

choggie says...

Oh, it will get hairy in the US quite soon....hairy in the sense that most of these folks won't have a clue as to the alternatives to marching in lock-step to whatever they throw at us-


The very fact that the majority of posters here on the sift tend to foment the ills of man's inhumanity to man, and place in such bold regard subject matter involving racism, political races, sophomoric comedy, homosexual rights, global warming and environment, and similar diversions and distractions, tells me that when the time comes, the "useful idiots", so aptly described by another famous control freak/empire orchestrator, will be ripe for the herding, into their new world agenda of economic, spiritual, and ideological lock-down.

Wake the fuck up meatbots, this experiment is reaching fruition, and you are the commodity to those who work behind the curtain, to control what you do, and who you think you are.


Has anybody heard from Gwaan? (Islam Talk Post)

Obama Blames Rush Limbaugh On Indiana Defeat

NetRunner says...

^ Wow, you're a dyed-in-the-wool dittohead.

The Democratic meddling Rush says started it is when kos encouraged readers of dailykos in Michigan to vote for Romney.

Democrats also didn't put McCain over the top. Maybe independents did, but Democrats still had a very contentious primary right up and through super Tuesday, when McCain more or less locked down the nomination.

I've got no real read on Republican thought patterns, but I think McCain is the Republican's best shot at winning the White House without really changing the party. Huckabee or Ron Paul would've fared better, but they would've represented a break from the neoconservative movement, and the Republican party has apparently decided to cling to that still.

McCain's got a shot, not because he's in any way fit for the job, but simply because he has a reputation of independence from the core of the party, while in reality, he's still drinking the kool-aid.

Once that illusion of independence fades, he's gonna get beat like a rented mule, even if Hillary takes a chainsaw to Obama's chest at the convention.

Obama Documentary: America Dreaming (Documentaries Talk Post)

choggie says...

the "change" he is always talking about, that he never lays down, is the kind that will be left in yer pockets after the Obomba drops.....
this short list prediction, taken from promulgated data, and statements made by O himself
• Obama enacts stronger “federal hate crimes legislation” to “reinvigorate enforcement at the Department of Justice's Criminal Section.”...he may even help us all to invent some new definitions of speech, broadcast, and the printed word-

• Obama creates “a fund to help people refinance their mortgages and provide comprehensive supports to innocent homeowners.”...he will then march in lock-step to the world's money machine, faster and more dutiful than any of his predecessors

• Obama, following through on his pledge to “meet with the leaders of all nations, friend and foe,” signs a non-agression pact with ol' Akmed Handbinnajob

• Obama doubles foreign aid to $50 billion to cut “poverty around the world in half by 2015.”-fucking idiot

• Obama removes our troops from Iraq, leaving a power vacuum filled by Iran.-Armageddion???

• Obama enacts socialized medicine, destroying small businesses with taxes to pay for illegal's healthcare, and further reducing the overall quality of services, across the board-

• Obama enacts amnesty for illegal aliens....they are so helpless and needy, and their country IS connected to ours....

• Obama enacts legislation demanding carbon friendly cars, hammering the final nail in the coffin of the US car industry, and Eris help us, appoints Al Gore to some bullshit post....

• Barack Obama enacts laws to reinforce affirmative action by funneling money to “women and minority-owned businesses.” and affirmative action, well, talk about yer dumbing-down across the board, in universities, etc.

• Obama repeals the Bush tax cuts, then proceeds invent some new reasons for new about a gullible meatsacks tax, for everyone who went to his pep-rally....

• Obama enacts the Employment Non-Discrimination Act to entrench the power of the homosexual lobby, who we all know, are shining examples of fair play and sensibilities you'd wanna pass down to yer kids-fuck the queers in government

In short kiddies, a shitstorm-designed to get us all closer to lock-down in cell block America-

Parallel Universes DO Exist. I kid you not.

rembar says...

Ok, folks. Here's my take.

Initial impressions: Each interview is very shortened and not always as thorough as should be expected, but nothing is outright incorrect. I'm getting the distinct impression that this video is cutting out hours and hours of interviews to get a few little blips of speech that are being slapped together by layman TV people to get the nice easy piece they want. For example, I'm not particularly sure why Professor Lloyd is brought in, he seems to be speaking to an entirely different set of questions than the video is supposed to be asking.

Eric, the roulette table is in reference to the Schrodinger wave equation and its implication in wave function collapse. In theoretical terms, the video is putting forward an interpretation of such an event, specifically Everett's many worlds hypothesis. If you want an explanation, I can put one together for you, but altogether it's a reasonable (albeit not the most widely-held) hypothesis, insofar as quantum mechanical hypotheses are.

Overall, the video just seems to be very disjointed and sloppy. Each speaker is cohesive individually, but the leaps the video is making are not connected and occasionally simply off-topic.

I'm tempted to leave this video in the Science Channel because it's at least making people ask questions. The question "Are there parallel universes?" is one that is still in the hypothesis stage without substantial data in support of or against an answer either way, so it falls within the softer side of science, the part not yet locked down by solid evidence. In this sense, the video is still in keeping with scientific principles.

I am, however, concerned that this video does seem to be misleading in that it is presenting a number of phenomena and theories that are not quite topical or sufficiently linked as to be topical to the specific question of whether parallel universes exist, and doesn't place them appropriately. Why are they getting into entanglement theory? Why are they talking about quantum computers? ....I don't really know. Hell, they don't even distinguish a change in topics when they move from the "Dang there could be multiple versions of you within the same universe because the universe could be infinitely big" theory to the "Holy crap there could be multiple universes because there could be branching due to quantum decoherence" theory. Bad bad bad. Naughty TV show.

In short, I think I see both sides of the argument here. KP, you're right, I think the scientists are cool and damn smart (and Seth Lloyd is fucking BALLER) and their research and theories are great. Irishman and Jonny, you're right, the overall video is being screwed up by crappy TV program producers/editors and their regrettable fill-in voice-overs. I'm at a loss for what to do. I think I'll come back, see how a few more people weigh in, and then decide whether this video stays or goes.

P.S. If you happen to think a video in the Science Channel is questionable, please let me know via profile comment or email. I happen to be SWAMPED in my own research, and I don't have near enough time to clean out all the swill from the channel as throughly, as often or as quickly as I would like.

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