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Can a sex scandal still ruin a star's career?

HaricotVert says...

For those that don't know who Edison Chen is, we can create a fictional Western scenario of equivalent magnitude:

Justin Timberlake takes in his computer to have it repaired. The people repairing it start snooping around and find 1300 compromising photos of him with 7 female celebrities performing various sexual acts. These celebrities include:

Jennifer Garner
Jessica Alba
Kristin Kreuk
Hillary Duff
Lindsay Lohan
Keira Knightley
Natalie Portman

As such, all of the celebrities are dropped from practically all of their current and/or scheduled endorsements, movies, concerts, and divorced/separated from their current significant other/husband/fiancee.

That's pretty much what happened in Hong Kong.

Birth control for middle school girls? (Sexuality Talk Post)

raven says...

Oh, I am totally in agreement with your assessment of both fashion and cows... who knew they would be so inextricably linked?

Fashion, and general media programming in general are having a vast effect on the minds of women, of all ages these days... its sad, but we live in a society where useless, drug-binging, party girls like Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton are perpetually thrust into our faces via tv and magazines. Thus, they become role models and impress all sort of ridiculous standards on young girls... and older girls and women. Suddenly its considered 'okay' in the mainstream media to be a total slut, which is the wrong message girls need to be hearing... I think the episode of South Park that featured Paris Hilton was pretty dead on in regards to this problem... so dead on, I sifted this just for y'all reading this thread... Stupid Spoiled Whore - VIDEO PLAYSET!

Now, getting back to cows not named Paris... you're right, the hormones we have been injecting into our cattle have not only been partially responsible for girl's maturing at younger and younger ages (didn't seem to work on me though... hmmm...), but there are also a whole host of other sources of estrogens and progesterones that we come in contact with on a daily basis. Many plastics that are used to package and store our food begin to break down after a while and leech all kinds of things into our dinners... including hormones... so, in the end, its our own fault and science... DAMN YOU SCIENCE!! No, just kidding, but yeah, it's no wonder girls are menstruating at 11 and people are growing bigger and wider every year it seems.

ender (Member Profile)

gnargnar (Member Profile)

winkler1 says...

In reply to your comment:
so i can never post another video on the sift can i? since this one didn't make the cut (do not in the least to my crappy labeling skills. i should've labeled it crazy monkey eats lindsay lohan on tv with george bush)
bummer. i've found like 5 bodacious videos since this one. no second sifts? sad face.

Is that seriously how it works? The language here doesn't say anything about only getting one shot.. thought it was more like passing the bar exam, you can try many times

When new user accounts are created, members are "probationary posters". This means that the member is only allowed to post a single video. If this video makes it to a "published" status, the member may post more videos at a time and have passed their probationary status. While in this probation state, a member cannot vote on another new member who is also on probation. This policy is in response to repeated abuse of VideoSift by some new members, and it gives existing members the opportunity to get to know a little bit about a prospective poster before allowing them full access to the site's resources.

CNN anchor refuses to read LINDSAY LOHAN story!

MINK says...

wow, how much was he paid to start a lindsay lohan "controversy" that ended up on videosift and spread the name of lindsay lohan far and wide?

i mean i just read, heard AND TYPED her damn name more than once. i would never hear about her if reporters would stop reporting how they don't want to report on her because they don't want to give her the "oxygen of publicity".


Motorcycle Madness

good musicians being radical

gnargnar says...

so i can never post another video on the sift can i? since this one didn't make the cut (do not in the least to my crappy labeling skills. i should've labeled it crazy monkey eats lindsay lohan on tv with george bush)
bummer. i've found like 5 bodacious videos since this one. no second sifts? sad face.

Jay Leno's post-jail interview with Paris

EMPIRE says...

Mean? This idiot must be made fun of until she can't take it anymore and stops leaving her house, so FINALLY no one will have to see her.
And the same goes for Lindsay Lohan and the likes. It's unbearable.

how to create a sexy pop star

fungi parasite takes over the minds of ants

Exxon Tries to Undermine Al Gore

sfjocko says...

Read the full article, reprinted from WSJ

...."In the video, Mr. Gore appears as a sinister figure who brainwashes penguins and bores movie audiences by blaming the Mideast crisis and starlet Lindsay Lohan's shrinking waist size on global warming. Like other videos on the popular YouTube site, it has a home-made, humorous quality. The video's maker is listed as "Toutsmith," a 29-year-old who identifies himself as being from Beverly Hills in an Internet profile.

In an email exchange with The Wall Street Journal, Toutsmith didn't answer when asked who he was or why he made the video, which has just over 59,000 views on YouTube. However, computer routing information contained in an email sent from Toutsmith's Yahoo account indicate it didn't come from an amateur working out of his basement.

Instead, the email originated from a computer registered to DCI Group, a Washington, D.C., public relations and lobbying firm whose clients include oil company Exxon Mobil Corp."...

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