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OverLord (Member Profile)

Real Time - New Rule – Learn How to Take a Joke

bobknight33 says...

What's the difference between God and a Democrat?

A: God knows He's not a Democrat.
You might be a liberal if…

you break out in a cold sweat at the mention of the Constitution.

you believe the Constitution is living but unborn babies aren’t.

you believe that a democrat freed the slaves and a republican created the KKK.

you abhor censorship unless it’s censoring race, religion, Conservatism, Western culture or Rush Limbaugh.

you believe 59% of whites who voted for Romney are racists but 96% of blacks who voted for Obama are not.

StukaFox said:

So these two Jews are in Dachau looking at all the scenes of torture and death surrounding them when one cries out "Oh God, this can't get any worse!" Just then, the cloudy heavens open up and it starts raining scorpions.

"Thank you, God!" he cries out in joy.

"Why are you thanking God for THIS?" the other Jew asks in despair.

"Because -- free scorpions!" he replies.

Your turn, Bob.

Should gay people be allowed to marry?

bobknight33 says...

The "change" is not the issue for me. Its the tail wagging the dog that I am asking about.

Why should any society capitulate for such an insignificant demographic group?

Gays make up less then 4% of population.

And for gay marriage the % is even less than 1% The question really becomes Why should 1% demographic force the 99% to change?

IF the word gay is clouding you thoughts change it ti KKK, NAMBLA, Black supremacist or any another insignificant demographic group...

To answer you question the very definition of marriage would change.

robbersdog49 said:

What are they forcing you to change? They aren't changing your life at all, nothing is being imposed on you. Your rights don't change. Nothing changes for you. Why is this so hard to understand?

WTF Cops?! - Two Racist Texts and a Lie

heropsycho says...

The only thing I will say is just because blatantly racist jokes are said, that doesn't automatically mean someone is racist.

A friend and I will literally try to say the most god awful racist crap to each other about black people partly to make fun of racism and to just be so shockingly horrifying that it's funny. We also make horrifyingly sexist jokes, I make jokes about Canada (he lives there), and he makes 'Murica jokes. We even make horrifyingly awful "yo mamma" jokes. But the key is we absolutely positively know for a fact that neither of us believe any of it. If our chat logs only were cataloged and examined, we'd appear to be members of the KKK who regularly fornicated with each other's mothers while repeatedly demanding women make us sandwiches.

I don't know enough about the specifics of this incident if this notion is applicable or not. However, with everything going on with racial issues and policing, it's certainly amazingly tone deaf at best.

Deray McKesson: Eloquent, Focused Smackdown of Wolf Blitzer

bobknight33 says...

Seriously This is what you bring to the table? These are my "racist" comments? This is the BK33 racist highlight reel?

You don't need an anger management class you need to have you head examined.

Look at each BK33 quote and then read the rest of my text from each. Read them in context. Facts are not racist.

Then again you don't need facts. If I had chocolate cake with white icing and only ate the cake I would some how be racist for "sparing " the white icing.

And for the grand quote you bring up the Sifts wet dream of racist quotes"
"And you wonder why blacks are still call the n word."
The actual text does not imply directly or indirectly that I am implying such. It does infers that in the minds of some
( Democratic Senator Robert Byrd,
Democrat Harry Truman,
Democrat Hugo Black,
Democrat Bib Graves
Republican Edward Jackson,
Republican Clifford Jackson
All of which were KKK members) this thought could occur. I am not implying that. Good try.

While many Sifters have actually used the n word in its full spelling, I have not.

ChaosEngine said:

What brand of racism? Well, thanks to the amazing technology of the sift, let's do a little search..... oh look.
"Slavery is irrelevant to the plight of the black man today."

"If Blacks did not commit more crimes than other groups then women would not be clutching their purses and other demographic groups would not be as afraid."

"Your right but in Zimmerman neighborhood there have been break in by young black men. Hence young black thiefs' set the precedent for Martin to be followed." Hey, crap grammar into the bargain too!

"Funny how you don't hear jack what Black pastors protest against GAY marriage" Racism and homophobia.... bonus!

"And you wonder why blacks are still call the n word."

No, you're a fucking beacon of racial harmony and enlightenment.

You're goddamn right I'm angry. Being angry is the correct response to this. And no, I don't need any "anger management" bullshit, because I control my anger and channel it into doing useful things.

Deray McKesson: Eloquent, Focused Smackdown of Wolf Blitzer

ChaosEngine says...

The worst thing about @bobknight33 and @lantern53 s insidious brand of racism is that it turns you into them.

The way to defeat them is with tolerance and understanding.

But I don't have the patience for that. FSM forgive me, I just want to punch them in the face.

That is unequivocally wrong.

It's what they want and it ultimately, it solves nothing. But it's really, really hard to read their constant stream of "I'm not racist, but here's why black people suck" tirades.

Deray McKesson: Eloquent, Focused Smackdown of Wolf Blitzer

GenjiKilpatrick says...

You are not a black person.

You have no idea "what's good for" black people.

You're a racist.

You're a bigot.

You think that Republicans & the "Conservative Agenda" are the answer to EVERY question.

You're such a dolt, you think that just because White Racist of one political affiliation started the KKK..

That somehow White Racists from every other political affiliation are absolved from their bigotry & racism.

Ignorant, Already-Made-up-their-mind people like you and @lantern53 and @quantumushroom are the problem.

Privileged, Foolhardy, Uncultured, Willfully-ignorant, Hypocritical humans..
who will scream murder if the ANYTHING interferes with the pretty picture you have painted in your minds...

.. are the fucking problem that all minorities have to deal with.

Not liberalism or conservatism. Not Democrats or Republicans.

STFU. Go away. Please and thank you.

bobknight33 said:

Racist want to keep blacks on the plantation. That is the liberal agenda. I am not liberal.

Deray McKesson: Eloquent, Focused Smackdown of Wolf Blitzer

bobknight33 says...

Racist want to keep blacks on the plantation. That is the liberal agenda. I am not liberal.

Democrats policies have cause more harm to blacks. Then again Democrats held the south back then and formed the KKK. Today they enslave blacks economically and have decimated the family structure with their policies.

Since the 60's 85% of Black population vote for democrats during the elections.

The problem for black people is that they continually vote for democrats that do little to nothing for them. Black votes are being taken for granted by Democrats.

Conversely Republicans won't promise much since they know the wont get their vote.

GenjiKilpatrick said:

STFU Bobknight. Really.

You're just a silly old racist with no understanding of why POVERTY causes VIOLENCE.

Being poor and desperate as fuck.
Never having anyone to support you financially or emotionally.
Seeing absolutely no future for yourself because the only opportunities available are to gang-bang or work minimum wage jobs endlessly.

These are the reasons for the cycle of violence in poor black communities.

You just want blame black people for their problems.

"What's wrong with you? You've only been systematically oppressed for the past 400 years. Why can't you just stop all that poor people behavior so be can make some change as a country"

You fuckin' loon. Take your stupid ignorant opinions somewhere else.

Sheep Vs Cow-Double KO

missisippi burning-you get this straight shitkicker

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'gene hackman, willam defoe, mississippi burning, kkk, racism, civil rights, fbi' to 'gene hackman, willam defoe, mississippi burning, kkk, racism, civil rights, FBI' - edited by SFOGuy

missisippi burning-you get this straight shitkicker

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'gene hackman, willam defoe, mississippi burning, kkk, racsim, civil rights, fbi' to 'gene hackman, willam defoe, mississippi burning, kkk, racism, civil rights, fbi' - edited by SFOGuy

The Daily Show - A Million Gays to Deny in the Midwest

ChaosEngine says...

Clearly you didn't watch the video because that specific retarded rebuttal is soundly dismissed.

Gay people getting married IS NOT THE FUCKING SAME as Nazis, the KKK or the motherfucking WBC.

The fact that bigots like you keep trying to conflate to the two just exposes your ignorance.

lantern53 said:

Decorate my 'God hates fags cake' says the Westboro Baptist Church.

Barack Obama interviews creator David Simon of The Wire

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Yes, I am bit racist - as I said - toward Jamaican people.

Yes, I am prejudiced against cops - of any ethnicity.

A better word would be - wary, cautious, fearful

Again, you Lantern - as a old white cop - NEVER have to worry about being mistaken for a - thug or savage.

I do. Simply because I'm brown.

You can't complain about that Allen West isn't considered "black enough".

When you're making the argument that Obama isn't "American enough".

Barack Obama has lived his ENTIRE LIFE - expect 4 years between age 6 to 10 - in America.

So what if the Pastor at his church said racist stuff against white people?

That doesn't make Obama racist by association.

If that does, EVERY WHITE PERSON IS RACIST because.. the KKK.

Also -
George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

The Bush's financed the Nazis. National Socialists.

You support the Bushes, therefore you're clearly a racist AND a Nazi.

You see. I could make the same weak arguments as you Lantern.

Stop being a weak politically-correct coward and just admit you're a racist jingoist Nazi-sympathizer.

lantern53 said:

You're racist. You are prejudiced against white cops.

Seat belt violatiation ends w/ Police Smash Window and Taser

newtboy says...

It's getting to the point where there's MORE than one of these videos per day. It's even worse when you consider most of them seem to involve 'people of color', apparently targeted for their skin color. Have the police suddenly become a wing of the KKK? If not, what the hell is going on? It can't ALL be because there's more cameras today (one excuse I've heard), that's been the case for a while now and is not a sudden change, but this rash of violent cop videos is.

CNN anchors taken to school over bill mahers commentary

Asmo says...

He's exactly right...

When you read the bible, it's goes from wrath and brimstone to absolute love and forgiveness. Taken as a whole, it's a contradictory mess, which is why there are umpteen different types of christianity each with their own twist.

The KKK, for example, committed terrible crimes based on their interpretation of the bible... Did the bible make them do it, or were they already set on violence and cherry picked the parts of religion that justified it?

And he's right about he Buddhists brutally murdering Rhakines (coincidentally, Muslims) in SE Asia at the moment...

gorillaman said:

What he's claiming is that religions are not ideologies; that their doctrines don't influence the behavior of their followers or the cultures where they're adopted. Because, hey, "it depends on what you bring to it; if you're a violent person your islam, your judaism, your christianity, your hinduism is going to be violent."

That is frankly, and I use this word seriously, stupid.

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