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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Such projection, Bob. Never anything to add to a conversation, so you fall back on silly, baseless, prepubescent insult. It’s totally divorced from reality, but it’s still funny watching you squirm.

You could only think there’s no factual information if you don’t/can’t read them. They are chock full of fact and citation, unlike your posts that have neither….ever.

And stop being coy, Bob. Every person here knows full well you read my posts like they were air and you were trapped underwater. I read yours like a tired garbage man who just found another pile of garbage they have to clean up.

Such sad and dishonest whining, little Bobby. If only you would grow up a little you could be childlike.

bobknight33 said:

I don't even read you trash since there is no factual information.

Taiwan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

You really are such a cowardly baby, Bob. You look stupid and weak being too cowardly to say what you mean and hiding behind this idiotic, two year old level insult and your sock puppets. Grow up, comrade. Get some balls.

Fuck you Tiananmen Trump. See, not hard for adults with a spine.
I see you’ve forgotten how much praise Trump lavished on China, how he supported Xi in everything he did, from exterminating Uyghurs to the crackdown on Hong Kong, the expansions in Tibet and the Western Pacific, Trump supported China 100% until his trade talks fell apart….and was paid handsomely by China.

If Biden is Beijing Biden, Trump’s real name must be Wang No Xi.

You just keep reminding us that Trumpists are so unintelligible and moronic that, to say “fuck you” to their president, they chant “let’s go Brendon” and think they’re clever.

TangledThorns said:

Beijing Biden loves CHINA! Let's go Brandon!

What Was the FBI's Involvement in Jan. 6

newtboy says...

More liars spreading every single thing right wingers have ever said about the insurrection, the failed but attempted coup for Trump of Jan 6.

Come on @bobknight33, you know it was a horrible deadly attack against the United States when you're claiming it was Antifa or BLM who attacked, but now that every single person charged is a right wing nutjob like yourself, delusional, ignorant, and apoplectic over the bat shit crazy conspiracy theories you believe, suddenly you claim it was a peaceful picnic with families peacefully touring the capitol in orderly legal fashion, not the violent deadly hate filled anti American terroristic attack on democracy we all know it was.

The capitol police's minimal presence and preparedness was explained early on...the leadership refused to prepare, refused to deploy, and issued orders to retreat, all allegedly at the direct orders from Trump, that's why all his, and his families communications on Jan 6 are's been widely reported that he routinely used Melania's phone to avoid presidential scrutiny and recording of his someone with a lot to hide. Multiple sources have confirmed this.

I won't insult your lack of intelligence by saying you believe this dishonest twaddle, but I will insult your lack of honesty for posting it, you dishonest idiot.

Progressive Couple Thrilled With Latest Mandates

vil says...

Subscribe! You can be a lot cooler than anyone else!


Nice how "progressive" is an attempted insult, but you want to be "cool".

Why I Give Abortions

newtboy says...

...or stand your ground/self defense.

So, in your mind, consensual sex is a shameful crime like robbing a bank? So bad you would kill to hide evidence of it? Your poor poor wife.
And you think having an abortion is to restore perceived virginity!?
And you think that's the only reason anyone has one!?! Reputation!?!?

Just wow. I used to think I was insulting you by saying your IQ was < I see that was a compliment.

bobknight33 said:

Abortion is eliminating a witnesses .

It is like robbing a bank in the middle of the night.

You pick the middle of the night so there wouldn't be anyone around. Weren’t planning on killing anyone.

A bystander passing by who stopped and looked because he heard something and comes in for a closer look.

He spots you in the act you and now you there is a witness to your deed.

Now you have to kill him so you can get away with your crime.

The unborn child is your evidence that ties you to your deed.
You kill it and hence know one knows this ever occurred.

US sues to block TX abortion law

noseeem says...

Hee Hee.

It's just good fun. You pretend to know facts, so why not fight mud with mud?

Look, you're answer is no answer. Calling it murder makes you look unconscionably devoid. It has no merit. Also is an insult to the whole matter.

If life - other people's unformed, potential children - matter that much...then why not support Democrats?

They are the only ones seriously taking about national healthcare. NO GOP PLAN - isn't that true?

If you w/the holy staff, want children to be carried to full term, then prenatal care is a necessity. Data shows that the bulk of terminations are single parents with children. As a citizen of the USA, you KNOW that's tough enough. But no guy, no religious fart, that talks about "personal responsibility" yet offers no aid is sewer fodder.

Even adoption is a lie. Poll anyone at your church (if you do that sort of thing and are not independently enlightened) how many have adopted, bet it's not that much...if any.

It's a hard sell, amigo.

But do know there are foreseeable unintended deaths coming because of this bill if left in place - GO DOJ!!! Blissful Bob and his ilk will claim it did no such thing either.

Mean you no ill will (the devil you say) but your intent isn't being served by this notion that banning means solving.

[BTW: do you remember when the state of FL and Jeb Bush lost ~10,000 children in the foster care system? Sometime later he glowingly said they accounted for 99% of them? Meaning 100 kids could have been sex slaves, dead, or dating Matt Gaetz.]

bobknight33 said:

Using my words? from some other posted Video.

Fake news personnel also at this site?

Why should I be surprised.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aaaahahahaha! Nice projection....and another failing grade in English. Want to compare transcripts? I know we can only go to 8th grade before yours ends....too bad, I was still getting all "A"s with maybe one "B" in PE then. I would suggest we compare SAT scores, but you indicated you didn't get that far.

I did not catch your cranial rectosis, thanks for the concern, out of character though it may be.

We all know that if you could back up your nonsense with anything that resembles a fact or citation, you would. You never can, and when you try you invariably either turn out to have totally misread what you cite, you cite propaganda sites rated at 5 Pinocchios, or you link to spoof sites based in Columbia that try to install viruses.

We all also know you only make these public insults to try to feel like a big boy, in private you were usually far more reasonable, civil, sometimes even flattering, and privately you could admit you were wrong, not in public though, there you're an uncivil moron spouting insane conspiracy theories and utter nonsense then hiding when challenged, or at best replying with factless, pointless, preschool level snark, and since you said you support lying in any circumstance if it helps your argument or cause, including under oath in the highest court in the land by the top government official, I won't speak to you in private. This made you a constant and consistent unapologetic liar that can never back up their nonsense because there is no corroboration or verification possible for blatant lies, so instead you answer with dumb insults.

At least I offer a fact based (often with citations) argument when I insult your lack of intelligence, education, knowledge, logic, honesty, and civility. You cannot say the same, because you never have a fact based argument to offer, and consequently you are totally incapable of insulting me. D'oh!

So sorry I use fact and citations to disprove your insane infantile nonsense constantly, and don't slink away into the shadows when challenged because my positions are reasoned and considered, and can be logically and factually corroborated, not just insulting preschool nonsense based on wishful thinking like you spout.

bobknight33 said:

Your not worth the wasted dialog because you head is so far up your rear that you can not her anything except you own echos.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Can you articulate why you think that, being specific? I doubt it.

Leave it to you to get even your attempted insults backwards. I might be the stupidest intelligent person you know (but it's highly unlikely), I'm not dumb. I know you don't understand the difference, maybe look it up. (Hint: stupid means "like you're in a stupor" and is descriptive of your temporary cognitive state, not your permanent intelligence. From SAT class....Stupid is to smart as dumb is to intelligent)

You, on the other hand, might be the dumbest stupid person I know...and with your multigenerational minimal middle school education you're one of the most ignorant too. Not a good combo.

bobknight33 said:

Your the dumbest smart person I know.

Taliban flaunt weapons, dollars after US flees

newtboy says...

Better a useful tool than a useless fool....fool. (and every sentence needs a verb, Bob. When you can't even write in what you claim is your native language, you might refrain from insulting those who can. This is why graduating the 8th grade isn't enough education. It makes you an ignorant idiot no reasonable person will listen to.)

First, Open the Books is not a trustworthy or unbiased source of information. was founded in 2011 (to try to embarrass Obama) by its chief executive officer Adam Andrzejewski, an Illinois entrepreneur and past Republican candidate for governor, with former United States Republican Senator Dr. Tom Coburn as the honorary chairman. It's highly partisan and biased.

Most of those vehicles and weapons we did leave/are leaving, like the cash, were in the hands of the Afghanis when Trump sounded retreat last spring. To "secure/remove/destroy" them we either have to stay and support the government (too late, would have needed to start before releasing the Taliban's army last March), or go to war with the Afghan government and seize it by force, they wouldn't just hand it back...duh.
We aren't "leaving them behind", we gave them to the government that Trump abandoned last spring when he released 5000 hard core Taliban fighters from prison (more than the original Daesh) with no conditions (and without consulting with the Afghan government) and allowed them free reign to destroy the Afghan government while we sat by, not even really preparing to leave but not helping the Afghanis....and he apparently told them they could do whatever they want except attack the retreating Americans, and they did....but sure, that's Biden's fault. 🤦‍♂️

Biden failed to be prepared for the speed of the fall of their government, a failure to be sure, but Trump all but ensured it would be fast and that we would be unprepared. Biden should have been evacuating our allies and helpers since Jan 21....Trump should have started the evacuation of Afghanis in March 2020 but instead his administration wouldn't even consider letting them come to America, so there was no process or staffed department when Biden took over and stopped Trump's attempted civil war and dealt with the out of control Trumpidemic, just a round file and a blind eye for all refugee applications. Recently Biden's administration changed this, creating programs and staffing to accommodate the refugees and convincing our allies to accept many in Europe, something Trump didn't even try.

Trump didn't do anything to get this equipment out of the country for a year either, did he? His plan was to be out 100 days after he left office, but nothing was in the works to make it happen...Too busy campaigning, pushing fraud frauds, and starting coups.

Try again.

bobknight33 said:

Newtboy you such a TOOL

The only blame is that Biden did not secure / remove/ destroy these.

Total Failure on Biden's watch.

U.S. military is leaving behind 75,000 vehicles, 600,000 weapons and 208 airplanes/helicopters in Afghanistan as the Taliban takes control of the country, according to the watchdog group Open the Books.

After the recent IPCC climate report an old 'Newsroom' clip

newtboy says...

I won’t insult your intelligence by implying even you are brain dead enough to believe anyone said anything even approaching that, but I will insult your lack of honesty for saying it.

bobknight33 said:

For people who believe this shit.
I could be wrong but as you loons indicate that we will all die in 10 years because its too late to do anything anyway,

Chicago July 4th weekend - nearly 100 people shot

newtboy says...

@bobknight33, why won't you quit me?

I won't insult you by pretending you mean what you say, or that it makes any kind of sense at all.

600000 Covid deaths you don't care a whit about, suddenly 16 gun violence deaths are an issue for you? Lol. Don't buy it for a picosecond.

BSR said:

I think you crave @newtboy attention.

Mom arrested after posing as 7th grade daughter in school

JiggaJonson says...

@newtboy just fyi, maroon, i recently learned is a racial epithet.

I believe I learned the term from Bugs Bunny "What a maroon!"

But apparently it's just another way to make fun of people with a lot of pigment in their skin. I only realized this when I heard it used as an actual insult. "Fuckin maroon." This is, consequently why maroon as a color is brownish/redish (to resemble the skin of the people that are on lonely islands aka people who have been "marooned")

I have no doubt that you didn't know this ahead of time, but just know it going forward. I don't think that's what you meant, and you wouldn't want to be misunderstood.

EDIT See also, art like this statue titled "Maroons surprised by dogs" (1893) (Brussels) by Louis Samain. Note the fetters on the hands and feet: (Pretty fucked up eh?)

EDIT 2 I think I also know the word from various TV show episode titles that are some version of "Marooned" when people become stranded.


EDIT 3 Oh yeah, and this dumbass. What did she think would happen? She didn't "Just walk in" she wore a disguise elaborate enough she filmed her "setup" that took long enough that it required montage-like speed in post. Not to mention she had to use her daughter's school id to get in.

Going through a makeover/disguise
Learning and following your daughter's schedule
Using your daughter's student ID

DOES NOT = just walking in

Valedictorian Gives Unapproved Speech on Abortion Rights

luxintenebris says...

* a h e m *

wisdom can be displayed at any age.

and age is a teacher...but not all pay attention.

there's a reason the phrases "from the mouth of babes" and "no fool like an old fool" will be passed on to the next generations. it is universally true.

even @18 or 19...or even matt gaetz girlfriend's age, 17...the demonstrative truth is SHE IS A VALEDICTORIAN and she has the sapience (you can look it up) to understand what she is condemning.*

am STILL unconfident that you believe what you're saying (it'd be an insult to both of us). have to be a wag of a satrist. no one is so subtly self-owning w/o some thread of chicanery showing.

just the juxtaposing of "well read" and "idiot" in the same sentence is A SCREAM!! man! that's good!

it's a Carlin skit. "jumbo shrimp"

makes me smile.

[if you're using newt as an example of a bad example, it's a bad example of a bad example. the low-hanging fruit here would be, it's unlikely bk33/tt ever had to worry about any unwanted pregnancy other than their own. doubt they've ever even stroked a petting zoo beaver.

* to be fair; its' Republican fly fodder. hardly 'gold star' level.

bobknight33 said:

She is 18 or 19.

Still dumb as adults go.

Newt your the dumb one also. To give a child such credence and pretending she is adult enough is foolish.

She is smart enough to say NO, This might fuck up my future.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Allow me to quote the defense attorney for the Qshaman-
"A lot of these defendants - and I'm going to use this colloquial term, perhaps disrespectfully - but they're all fucking short bus people...these are people with brain damage...they're fucking retarded, they're on the goddamn spectrum."

These are Trump's warrior's lawyers, making the claim that if you believed Trump like their clients (and like you, Bobby), you had to be "fucking retarded". That's you they're talking about. Rebuttal? How long was the bus you took to school?

Thanks so much for allowing us to use that term to describe Trumptards as a quote, because I had refrained from using it so far because it insults the mentally defective, not because it's not pc to use that word, but because it degrades them by saying they are as dumb and dysfunctional as a Trumpster.

Enjoy the rest of America's lifespan at this point. The Republican party is going down the drain bit by bit. At this rate, youall won't win a single election in 22, the party is fractured beyond repair between the remaining few adults without brain damage (too few to govern) and the Trump party (too few for a majority and getting more unpopular every day, already too unpopular to win elections). I only know one person in real life that would still vote for anyone that supports or supported Trump, and she has severe brain damage. Every other Republican I know has left the party, including my entire family. My mother campaigned for Bush Sr. repeatedly, she voted for Jr twice...last election she voted for Biden.

Racing for $100

greatgooglymoogly says...

The message he was trying to make is perfectly valid and worthwhile. He just did an unartful job of making it. If I was one of the guys in the back and we knew each other, I would be insulted to be referred to by my race instead of by name. "Chris, Robert, and Mike over there are faster than you all" comes off a lot more respectful than "those black guys". If he didn't know their names, "those guys in the back" would have been preferable.

And if he is making assumptions, that is exactly why I highlighted his choice of words, to point out that he was making assumptions. Pointing this out doesn't detract from his message that nobody has equal opportunity.

newtboy said:

So, because he didn't go into how well he knows them at all, you are going to jump to the conclusion that he doesn't know them and claim he just randomly assumes any black person is a champion level sprinter?
And, if true, why you don't see that as another roadblock, people making assumptions about their abilities based purely on race, confirming his point?

I disagree completely, it's a near certainty he personally knows them, likely they are part of his group putting on this event, an event designed to open people's eyes to their own racial privileges. It would be a ridiculous and self defeating gamble on his part to make those statements if he didn't know them personally....ridiculous and racist, basing his assumptions purely on race to make a point that you shouldn't do that.

You are making huge assumptions based on a lack of information to try to discount his message.....why? Why is his message so scary to you that you feel the need to discard it over your likely mistaken red herring assumption?

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