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Proud To Be -- The Best Super Bowl Ad you'll never see

lantern53 says...

What's wrong with calling someone Negro? It used to be okay, no one was offended.
Then someone decided they were offended and it changed to 'black'. Then someone decided that was offensive, so now's it something else.
None of these 'African-americans' are from Africa. But progressives delight in dividing people. How about we call Indians 'Americans'?
Oh wait...some Indians might be offended.

Proud To Be -- The Best Super Bowl Ad you'll never see

bcglorf says...

Wow, America is... different from Canada in this regard. You don't call anybody an Indian up here unless they are from India. The whole insistence on westerners to continually, and incorrectly, refer to the people originally here as Indians long after confirming this certainly wasn't India is considered racist in Canada. You want to get in trouble fast, walk onto a reserve and start referring to people as Indians rather than Native or Aboriginal.

Proud To Be -- The Best Super Bowl Ad you'll never see

lantern53 says...

Two things...some Indians call themselves redskins.

Calling a major sports team 'Redskins' is not an insult, it's a compliment.

Now, some Indians don't like it, but if you're looking to not offend anyone...good luck with that.

Proud To Be -- The Best Super Bowl Ad you'll never see

bareboards2 says...


This says it better.

People, Native American people in particular, in my limited experience, have the ability to ignore all manner of historical insults — like the Medals of Honor still on record for the soldiers who perpetrated the Wounded Knee Massacre, or the faces of U.S. presidents carved into a site the U.S. government took through warfare, forced starvation, and treaty violations. That resiliency, though, seems a pretty poor excuse for heaping on much smaller insults — like “Redskins” — and justifying them with “See? They’re cool with it.”

Proud To Be -- The Best Super Bowl Ad you'll never see

'A Million Ways to Die in the West' Red-Band Trailer (HD)

World War Two Movie Making Gone Wrong

Darkhand says...

Wow are you seriously comparing cyclists right to share the road to

Black and White integration in schools
Indians being pillaged of their land
Women not being allowed to vote

The only "shatteredrose" you probably have is in your ass because you are really butt hurt about this entire situation.

Oh next time remember to include the holocaust in your comparison list too. I mean because cyclists are constantly forced into interment lanes where they can't be free.

See I'm even helping you.

shatterdrose said:

Then again, they also said those few black kids going to all white schools were idiots too . . . Or those few Indians who stood against British rule . . . Or perhaps those few women who protested and marched until they had the right to vote?

World War Two Movie Making Gone Wrong

shatterdrose says...

Then again, they also said those few black kids going to all white schools were idiots too . . . Or those few Indians who stood against British rule . . . Or perhaps those few women who protested and marched until they had the right to vote?

See, the problem with that statement is that many cyclists are actually out there to change the world for what they perceive is a better way of life. Not to mention, they have tons of research on the subject to back up their claims (unlike the situations I cited, which btw, I am well aware are on a totally different level of human abuse).

The issue is of course is you have some die hard cyclists who aren't there to make a statement, but because they're counter-culture. They're hipsters. They're going to run stop signs because "fuck authority" etc. Then again, I've been hit 6 times in my car. Care to guess how many of those were because someone didn't obey a traffic law? That's why we have those rules to begin, to prevent "accidents" from occurring.

As a cyclist-commuter, and as someone who drives thousands of miles as work requires, I say if a cyclist blows through a stop sign and you hit them, their own damned fault.

Many of us, including myself, have petitioned to create a Yield on Stop Under 30 rule. In essence, we have way to many stop signs in this country. This goes for cars as well. And you know you've done it at some point: you come to a stop sign in some part of a housing project and you "California Roll" through it. Or a "Brooklyn Stop." Whatever you want to call it.

But I do know some cyclists who blatantly disobey rules as a fuck you. But as a cyclist who stops at red lights, who stops at stops signs, who checks behind me to see if I can make it easier for a car to pass me, the whole "fuck cyclists" thing tells me exactly what I see on the streets everyday: we don't need cars. Cars create assholes. Cars insulate you from the world around you and the people around you become anonymous boxes of steel that you don't care about. It's a me me me me society.

To that matter, the cycling community here in Orlando is pretty big given our population and disgusting sprawl patterns. The majority of us you'll never notice because we're doing things right. Some of us, you will notice because we are doing things right. When we make a left turn, we get in your way. So would any other vehicle. Are we going too slow? Suck it up. I can't tell you how many times some asshole comes within inches of me trying to speed past me . . . on a 25 MPH road while I'm doing a good 18. We almost always end up at the same stop sign or red light.

So yeah, as you said, the extreme ones are stupid. It goes both ways, as you said. But FYI, the world would be a better place if everyone rode a bike. Just saying.

chingalera said:

I have mixed feelings regarding cycling enthusiasts. The ones who see the world as a polluted shit-hole because of cars, who dress in biking-gear and ride to work everyday and don't own a car, the SAME people who obsessively recycle their garbage and preach about it to others (as if the world would be a better place if everyone "recycled").

It's THESE insects, OCD, tweakers that I can't stand, self-absorbed, self-righteous gimps on two skinny wheels.

Add to that description the DICKHEADS that preach cycling-over-automobiles who intentionally stick their ass in the center of the road while conducting traffic and talking smack to drivers sharing the road with Professor Suicide??

THOSE motherfuckers, can moisturize my ballsack.

I had an old roommate who died in San Francisco during a Critical Mass ride, the poor fucker got creamed by a truck driver who was ALSO a dickhead, of the opposite persuasion.

I certainly believe that anyone who chooses a bicycle as their only means of transportation who do so in a large cities where the majority of people commute to work from rural areas in cars everyday, have a fucking death wish.
San Fran, NYC, Chicago, Philly?? No problem. Any city where cyclists are not very prevalent on the roadways, yer an idiot plain and simple.

Bill Nye Sets the Record Straight on Astrology

Trancecoach says...

Regarding precession, much of modern Western astrology does not make that correction, but Indian (Vedic) astrology certainly does. The correction is called ayanamsa in Sanskrit and is considered very important in casting Indian charts. Some Western astrologers also perform a correction, using a process that is actually closer to the way the ancient Greeks did it.

In more general astrological terms the difference is called tropical vs. siderial astrology.

Police Force Man to 14-hour Anal Cavity Search!

blankfist says...

Capitalism didn't write the Indian Removal Act of 1830. Government did. And it was Andrew Jackson who signed it into law, and he was the first Democratic president who believed in the power of popular votes. Also a huge racist. But if you want to blame capitalism for the ills of majority rule and statism, knock yourself out.

And I do find it amusing that you can mention Stalin in one sentence and then claim statism has done far more good than harm. I believe a basic knowledge of human government through history would easily disprove that assertion.

I think what's more apt is that statism tries to reform its past failings. Marriage shouldn't even be a government issue, in my opinion, gay or otherwise. I don't know you well enough, but I assume when the forty-year war on drugs finally ends in the US you'd chock that up to "See? In the long run government works!"

Even though it causes the very problems the people beg it to fix. Government is a sick cult.

ChaosEngine said:

I'm going to leave aside the highly dubious assertion that is was democracy and not rampant capitalism that stole the land from the Native Americans.

But you still don't get it. I am not required to condone or accept everything that is done in the name of "statism", any more than being an atheist makes me condone Stalins religious purges.

Once again, yeah, that is a terrible injustice and it should be righted. But on balance, "statism" has done far more good than harm.

The correct way to eat a pomegranate

MilkmanDan says...

I remember pomegranates being very expensive in the US, to the point that they were a "once a year on Thanksgiving" kind of thing for my family. But that was in rural Kansas - maybe they aren't so expensive in cities with more fresh fruit import infrastructure.

Now that I am living in Thailand, they are cheap and readily available. And interestingly enough, the flesh around the seeds is clear or possibly with a very slight red/pink hue -- but not at all like the deep red they were in the US version.

So, here I've gotten into the habit of just ripping the fruit open with my bear hands and eating handfuls -- no staining issues. But, this will video definitely come in handy if I want to be a little more dignified when cracking one open. Thais call the deep red version "Indian Pomegranate" (translated), so maybe the US sources most of their imports from there.

Grimm (Member Profile)

Louis CK - Indians, White People and God's Earth

MilkmanDan says...

OK, I'm going to take back my objections:

This video is a superset of the above, but it actually includes a fair bit more than all of those combined as well. And this cut presents the bit in a more complete form that conveys some of the nuance better.

I should have actually (re)watched all the videos in question before my first comment. Indians and If God Came Back (1st and 3rd links) have a combined duration of 2:57 compared to the 4:38 here. The animated White People and Indians is 1:37 (with an intro), so even that plus If God Came Back (2:04) adds up to less than the duration here. And most importantly, again the whole bit feels more complete, has better nuance, and makes more sense as the complete cut here.

So, my apologies for my hasty previous comment -- I'd redact it but I'll leave it up and "own it" so to speak.

Sorry for the interruption, and accept my /upvote in an effort to make actions speak louder than words.

Louis CK - Indians, White People and God's Earth

MilkmanDan says...

Not an exact dupe, but a superset of Louis CK - Indians, Louis CK - White People and Indians (animated, so different video -- and your sift @Grimm now that I look at it), and Louis CK - If God Came Back.

I dunno the exact rules about calling a dupe, and I don't have privileges to do so anyway. I understand the temptation to just go for it -- each of those videos hit #1 here on the sift, so Louis CK is pretty much guaranteed votes. But, for the sake of limiting redundancy, I won't personally upvote this.

Grimm (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Louis CK - White People and Indians, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

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