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Mallakhamb, The Sport of Extreme Pole Dancing In India

5th Dimension - One Less Bell to Answer

jensign24 says...

We lost a "REAL" humanitarian in Robin Williams. Where I come from I
come from the days of Solid Gold with Marilyn McKoo Waylan Flowers
and Madam and Dione Warwick Marilyn I miss Fifth Dimension but we have another spark of talent You. Marilyn you would love your One Less Bell to Answer and can you imagine Aquarius/Let The Sun Shine In on a theater pipe organ. I do these at our Ohio Theater on our Mighty Morton. It has an India Indian Drum on it and sometimes I'll put the mike over my hand and play the Aquarius drum part with my hand on the side of the bench. Love Ya.

ABC song for children

10 Amazing Destinations for Honeymoon in India

20 Misconceptions About Sex (mental_floss)

Stu says...

I'm with blue. It's been an assumed 6 inches forever but there's been studies out since the 90s that the avg is only 5.5 and then they even broke it down by race with american indians being the largest avg at 5.7. Same thing with condom sensitivity. They actually make condoms now that make it less sensitive for men who go...faster. Bigger breasts ARE less sensitive. The latest being a study done in Vienna where larger breasts were approximately 25% less sensitive because breast have more fatty tissue than glandular tissue which is more sensitive.
I want to see this guy's sources. He has a lot of good facts but a lot of bad ones as well.

Time-lapse of American seizure of indigenous land, 1776-1893

korsair_13 says...

This map/video is so wrong on so many levels.

Firstly, to call the entirety of the present day United States "Indian Land" before the states were created is wrong and idiotic. Native Americans (another misnomer) were not present in every spot of every bit of the lands in any way. For the majority of the middle of the states, Natives were nomadic peoples, thus while they could lay claim to all of the land if you asked, it is just as dumb as saying that a bear owns all of the territory it can walk on.

Secondly, for those of you who think that Native Americans should have more reservations, you should read any number of books by Native American scholars that say that the worst thing the governments have done is treat Native Americans as separate from standard citizens of the countries that have them. What they should do is eliminate reservations altogether to get rid of the dependency trap that is killing the Native American people as we speak. One might say, "well, they will lose their culture." But this, too is incorrect. Have the Chinese lost their culture in North America? Have the varying kinds of Europeans? In my city many people still celebrate Chinese New Year and lots celebrate Saint Patrick's Day and Robbie Burns day (regardless of whether or not these are ex-pat holidays).

So in conclusion, what the government did in the past vis-a-vis the murder of Native Peoples was absolutely despicable. However, taking land was very often something that happened without bloodshed and was done with trades and treaties, the bloodshed that followed was a clash between terrified Europeans and the people whose culture they didn't understand. But for many of the incidents the Native Peoples sanctified the taking of the land.

Time-lapse of American seizure of indigenous land, 1776-1893

Last Week Tonight: Change The Name!

Sagemind (Member Profile)

Reverse Racism, Explained

Most Deadliest Legs in the History of Man

To J.K. Rowling, from Cho Chang

brycewi19 says...

Really? I understand racial insensitivity, but is this a fair expectation of diversity in a fictional place that takes place in Scotland? Sure, the name is completely off, but it feels like the rest of this anger is misplaced on an author who is not trying to tell a story on themes of racial diversity.
To top it off, crowds react strongly and positively to enthusiastic and impassioned anger, further building the bravado of this poetic "slam" piece.
If Rowling is trying to tell and cast a story reflective of the local demographics, it doesn't appear inaccurate.
Scotland isn't the same type of "melting pot" America has come to be. Again, perhaps the expectation has been created that all cultures must have the demographic diversity that America has established. Remember, the character she is referring to is actually Scottish.

Scottish population by ethnic group (Scotland 2011 Census)

Percentage of total
White Scottish - 84.0%
White Other British - 7.9%
White Irish - 1.0%
White Gypsy/Traveller - 0.1%
White Polish - 1.2%
Other White ethnic group - 1.9%
White Total - 96.0%

Pakistani - 0.9%
Indian - 0.6%
Bangladeshi - 0.1%
Chinese - 0.6%
Other - 0.4%
Asian Total - 2.7%

Caribbean - 0.1%
Black - 0.0%
Caribbean or Black Other - 0.0%
Caribbean or Black - 0.1%
African - 0.6%
African Other - 0.0%
African Total - 0.6%

Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - 0.4%
Arab - 0.2%
Other - 0.1%
Other ethnic group Total - 0.3%

TDS 2/24/14 - Denunciation Proclamation

Trancecoach says...

This is a warlike culture and your fellow Americans seem like war (until they are in it themselves). The neocon mentality permeates through both the left and the right. Except war is a serious evil and rarely does anything ever justify it. In all of US history, there have been only about 6 years in which the US has not been at war with someone somewhere. 6 years or so in over 230 years.

The economics of slavery would have ended it pretty soon, and it would have helped if the US federal government had not been enforcing "fugitive slave" laws which forced states to return escaped slaves.
Ending slavery was definitely a good thing. Just like ending the war with Japan. But the 'necessity' of the war to achieve that end is far from certain just like the 'necessity' of nuking Japan (twice!) seems rather absurd.
It's the neocon mindset. The 'necessity' to go to war, whether it's with Iraq, or with Afghanistan. With Mexico. With the British. With Spain. In Vietnam. In Korea. In Latin America. With the 'Indians'. Each of these wars were 'necessary' according to its apologists.

"War in the East. War in the West. War up North. War down South. Everywhere there's war."

War is the life of the State. This country, like all countries, was founded on slavery, and war. States do not come about peacefully and 'organically'. They are the product of coercion and war.

War apologists always have reasons why their wars are 'necessary' and only that war would have served. Ask Cheney.

But then, they also think that the situation now is 'necessary'. So I wish you luck and hope you are enjoying your wars.

Proud To Be -- The Best Super Bowl Ad you'll never see

Proud To Be -- The Best Super Bowl Ad you'll never see

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