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McCain defending Obama 2008

newtboy says...

Bob, if you're going to be such an ugly troll, at least try to not be an easily debunked idiot at the same time.
Here's twice he claimed to be conservative I found in under 10 seconds


And he's clearly decided he's Republican, but you seem to be admitting now that he's not conservative (by incorrectly claiming he never said he was one in a misguided defense).....but what you said was "If you are a Republican you don't sell out conservative principles.----------------This is where I hang my hat."....and you 110% hang your hat on him....a non conservative wholly unprincipled republican.....sooooooo......

Repeatedly calling patriotic and heroic McCain, a decorated veteran (who's numerous military decorations and awards include the Silver Star, two Legion of Merits, Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Star Medals, two Purple Hearts, two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, and the Prisoner of War Medal) a traitor starting while his body is still warm and treasonous and cowardly draft dodging Trump a hero solidifies your position as a non American and a irrefutable troll. It won't be forgotten. #Derp state

bobknight33 said:

Trump never claimed to be Conservative. Traitor McCain did.

McCain defending Obama 2008

newtboy says...

Jesus, Bob.
The Russians, a hostile foreign power and our adversaries calling him their enemy to you makes this hyper patriot, heroic American veteran and lifelong elected civil servant, the enemy.

And I live in an alternate reality?!

I think your tin foil hat has a hole and your brain fell out. You are metaphorically cheerfully eating a shit sandwich and smearing it all over, grinning like a moron the whole time.
You honestly have a mental problem you should get treated if that's your honest argument, because that's meth addict level nonsense.

bobknight33 said:

Thanks for pointing this out.
Truth in plain site that even Russian agree.

Sad you live in a alternate reality.

I'm not stepping into it. Maybe you need to step out into light. #walkaway.

McCain defending Obama 2008

newtboy says...

At this point, you calling someone in America a traitor is a compliment. If you applauded them, that's become insulting evidence against them. You act like a caricature, a compilation of all the worst of the know nothing rabid Trumpeteers, it's impossible to take you seriously.

Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how ignorant, vapid, feculent, and infantile they want that opinion to be, but you, sir, are taking excessive advantage of that entitlement.

Trump's draft dodging and tax evasion and multiple intentional bankruptcies at taxpayers expense were traitorous, McCain's decades of honorable service and self sacrifice were heroic and excessively patriotic.

If you honestly think you're fair and balanced, you must honestly be severely mentally unbalanced. You couldn't be more biased with an entire troll farm behind you....and I think you have one, comrade.

This comment would only be made by an enemy of America and disgusting human being, both.

bobknight33 said:

Traitor McCain
Should have been KIA not DOA.
Defending Obama is the least of Conservative gripes.

Before you all get pissy and go ape shit and try banning me , piss off. All entitled to opinion.

At least I'm fair and balanced I said about the same about Ted Kennedy passing.

McCain defending Obama 2008

Mordhaus says...

Not going to ban you for your opinion. But saying a veteran should have been kia is pretty goddamn low. You are, as all the dumbass motherfuckers on the interweb who have been calling him a traitor are, referring to the fact that he broke during his POW incarceration.

Here is a brief excerpt of the new techniques that came out right around the time he was captured. Techniques that were so insidious that the military had to REWRITE the code regarding breaking under torture.

"Some were physically tortured, some of them succumbed to the pain and broke, some did not, but there was also a new technique employed, and it took time.

Put into a dark box, not large enough to even stretch out, it is called sensory deprivation, and along with other enhancements, it turns a person insane, malleable, and open to the most ridiculous suggestions. like confessing to the war crime of being ordered to bomb hospitals and orphanages, and doing so.

Some of those who broke under this new kind of interrogation feared to be repatriated, thinking they would be tried for collaboration upon their return. American psychologists and psychiatrists, after interviewing some of these ex-POW’s, determined that, given enough time, anyone, if not everyone, could be broken.

John McCain made them start all over on him a number of times, until his Vietnamese interrogators finally gave up, and threw him into a miserable cell, and not back into his horribly, miserable dark box. His conduct, during his interrogation period, and thereafter, was nothing short of heroic."

Now, if you ever go through enhanced interrogation techniques, please feel free to report back to us how you managed not to break or suffer mental damage from them. Until that time, I find your opinion to be ill informed and lacking weight.

EDIT: Before you go saying I am a fanboy, I didn't care for him as a senator or presidential candidate. He was gullible enough to get sucked into the Keating Five mess and I didn't feel he would be a good president, so I voted democrat in 2008, even though I generally vote republican. I can still recognize him as a war hero and for his service though. The man was not a traitor.

bobknight33 said:

Traitor McCain
Should have been KIA not DOA.
Defending Obama is the least of Conservative gripes.

Before you all get pissy and go ape shit and try banning me , piss off. All entitled to opinion.

At least I'm fair and balanced I said about the same about Ted Kennedy passing.

Krypton "Making of the Legend" Extended Featurette

ChaosEngine says...

"no matter how dark or cynical the world gets, he's always hopeful and heroic and optimistic"

uhhh... watched any of the latest DC movies there, bud?

"I would have run into Florida School ... Unarmed" trump

bcglorf says...

It's the Malazan book of the Fallen, a series of books actually.

It's a fantasy series with magic and gods, but it gives a more accurate and unflinching look at human history than any history textbook ever has. It gives a very personal look at soldiers on all sides of wars being waged and the brutal choices forced upon them in very cruel world. Another quote from the series summarizes what sticks with me the most:
"The harder the world, the fiercer the honour."

It's the difference between heroic acts demonstrating actual sacrifices, versus hero's 'risking' dangers that we know will never harm them.

Fairbs said:

what is your favorite book? I'm guessing Hemmingway

Launch Of Elon Musk's $250,000 Tesla Into Space 2/6/18 LIVE

oblio70 says...

If Musk was a country, I'd move there...they get amazing stuff done...amazingly. Kind of like how the so-called "Greatest Generation" did but with the whole Country backing them. "We do this because it is hard".

Where is that Country now? Eating it's young...
Crippling NASA decades ago (whom are still heroic), bleeding our infrastructure out, and feeding the overly-wealthy again and again and again.

Brain-Dead Teen, Only Capable Of Rolling Eyes And Texting

Trump Negates His Condemnation Of Nazis, Both Sides Guilty

RFlagg says...

NOBODY is saying anybody is heroes. I haven't read or saw any reports saying they were heroes, save for Fox who says that the media was. Just that people were counter protesting those sort of people the whole word fought a war to defeat.

What is happening is that Trump refuses to say just how fucking evil Nazis and the KKK are. He wouldn't do this if it was a Muslim who ran people over, nor would you. He, Fox, and all those on the right would all be saying how it proves how evil Islam is. By that standard, the fact they don't see how evil Nazis are, proves how evil Christianity is, if God won't convict you that Nazis are one of the greatest evils that ever existed... that anyone who isn't a fucking Nazi themselves, wouldn't call out the absolute shit that is a Nazi or KKK is, is reprehensible. I'm sure most Christians would take offense to such a statement, for such blanket blame of a few bad Nazis proving how evil Christianity is, but don't think twice blaming a terrorist act by a Muslim on the religion itself.

We got Republicans trying to push through laws that protect drivers who hurt or kill people who are peacefully protesting. As if the first amendment doesn't matter. Now, to be fair, most of those probably wouldn't protect the asshole who killed that lady down there, as he clearly had intent to hurt and kill.

Let's repeat the main point, there are no mainstream media saying any group is a hero. People may have called out the one lady as heroic, though it wouldn't have been if it wasn't for a White Supremacist asshole who killed her because she was protesting against White Supremacist like him. But NOBODY in the mainstream media is saying any groups are heroes. All we have is Fox saying as such, and trying to give fucking Nazis a pass for not being some of the most evil people ever. There's no fucking blame on both sides. The fact that we have such a blatantly racist President, with a White Supremacist in Bannon, has emboldened such hate groups, they are gloating how he wouldn't put them down, and then how he rolled back what he said Monday. They love that he's so clearly on their side of pure hate.

He wouldn't have waited days to condemn the violence if it was Muslims at the center. He'd have said something right away, talking about the dangers of radical Islam. He wouldn't have waited to get the facts, as he's proven time and time again. Nor would have the far right media machine like Fox.

Fuck anyone who would stand with the Nazis and the KKK. Fuck anyone who'd defend their hate.

The fact that the Republicans who could do anything about this asshole only have harsh words and won't start a hearing on conduct unbecoming a President, the fact that he's made us the laughing stock of the world, just shows how low the party and its supporters have gone.

bobknight33 said:

Media is trying to make BLM / Antifa into some kind of fucking folk heroes. LOL

Motorcycle Drives Off Cliff

Fairbs says...

was it brave for him to drive his motorcycle over a cliff at 65?

was it a heroic act for that kid to help the old guy down the escalator? personally I thought that one was borderline racist

Drachen_Jager said:

Sorry, but crawling out for help is not "brave".

Bravery is putting yourself at risk to help other people. Putting yourself through pain in order to survive is mere survival instinct. Most times, bravery is the opposite of survival instinct. People who run up to burning cars to help the occupants out are brave. Soldiers who storm machine gun nests are brave.

That word has been so watered down by the contemporary American need for "heroes" it's becoming meaningless.

An authority figure offers an intelligent rebuttal

Mordhaus says...

I think you will find that when people post a video about a law enforcement officer that shows a reasonable or heroic action in the line of duty, it gets voted up quite well.

The thing is, and I may be speaking out of my ass here without the statistics, most of our posters are going to post things they are exposed to more often. If they are in North America, it is likely they are going to post more videos about cops that are in the USA. Sadly, law enforcement in the USA is having a crisis of faith among the citizens being policed because we have had a few years of epic failures in duty being caught on camera.

So if you look at the sift in microcosm, you are going to noticed a preponderance of 'bad' cop videos. Whereas if you look at each poster, you will find that when they do find a video of an officer behaving in a laudable manner they will usually submit it.

Budweiser 2017 Super Bowl Commercial "Born The Hard Way”

SFOGuy says...

Honestly, I'm flabbergasted.
Either they are heroic, they have growing immigrant markets, or their marketing people are having a stroke and are going to pull this shortly.

There's just no way they could want to step into this.

Although...They are an international business.


newtboy said:

Nope, this is the official Super Bowl commercial....they claim they came up with it before the election.

Why Home Ownership is Actually a Terrible Investment

RedSky says...

Yeah, this is way to short to cover the topic.

Freedom / choice is worth considering but people need to treat home buying as an investment because it is often the biggest single investment they ever make. Buy low and sell high. Putting that out of your mind because you're planning to never sell is a huge mistake. You would think that other countries would have learnt the lessons of the US, but housing markets in places like Canada, Australia, big Chinese cities are just waiting to pop. The mantra of 'house prices always rise' continues.

The most obvious measure broadly is price to median incomes. Here in Sydney (and some of the other Australian capitals) it's at eye watering levels. Buying a house here right now is basically banking on preferential tax treatment (in our case, called negative gearing), restricted supply continuing forever (the main driver of house prices by the way), and heroic increases in income to forestall the inevitability of prices simply becoming unaffordable.

It's gotten to the point here where lenders are asking home buyers (who want a loan to value ratio of over 80%!) to pay so-called lender's mortgage insurance (LMI) which adds a substantial amount to their loan and guarantees the bank (not the home buyer) if the borrower defaults. The insurance company who issued the insurance contract then goes after the defaulted home buyer to recoup the payout to the bank:

From what I understand there is still plenty of reasonably priced property in the US (in some cities) but even there you have plenty of places that have become ridiculously overpriced.

Jurassic World, Jurassic Values

poolcleaner says...

Jurassic Park fans only give a fuck about the dinosaurs, okay? Check the discussions at IMDB. I don't think the average moviegoer understands the concepts of morality and heroic action -- and neither do your average filmmakers.

They wanna see references to previous movies in the franchise and then see people terrorized by fucking dinosaurs while the heroes escape the carnage and fight them like it's a video game. And yeah its important that hot people are in the movie and that they hook up.

The older brother's character shows young boys that there are plenty of fish in the sea so who cares about your nagging girlfriend, go out and get some. Time for love when you're in your 30s. Everything leading up to that is a vagina, boobs, and a mouth.

Jurassic Park, fuck yeah.

John Oliver - Ryan Lochte

LiquidDrift says...

Not only did he lie about the events, he painted himself a heroic tough guy that stood up to the gunman while his teammates sat down and cowered. Unbelievable asshole, so glad he got caught.

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