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Chicken Lady: Homecoming - Kids in the Hall

poolcleaner says...

Kids in the Hall sketches are also more thought provoking than SNL. SNL is more of a contemporary pop culture reference machine like Mad magazine and Family Guy.

The pop cultural references in KitH are to things of higher value like early cinema classics (Citizen Kane), Nietzsche, Morrison Hotel, surrealism, film noir; and with heavy pro LGBT, pro environmental (the beaver!) and anti corporate themes; displaying the frivolity of office politics, and the HARDCORE Canadian law enforcement.

What does SNL give but a couple'a chuckles, eh?

Fairbs said:

I think Kids did recurring characters better than SNL. SNL beats them to death and the sketches are WAY too long.

Tiny House Build For Homeless Woman

EMPIRE says...

I know it's not the best solution for homelessness, but damn it... this type of thing should be done a lot. The guy spent 500 dollars and the rest was donated. I doubt it cost 1000 in total. Imagine if it was sold as a kit ready to assemble. Even if it had a small solar panel and battery inside, and a closet to store stuff, it could be done pretty cheaply, and all cities have empty lots where these could be placed. With just a few dozens of thousands of dollars, you could give lots of people a shelter, and a constant in their life. And if city halls actually made the plot of land where they were built, nice and tidy, with green areas and public lighting, it could even be a nice looking spot.

Watch Out For My Body Rolls

Robot Farmers Are Taking Our Jobs!

newtboy (Member Profile)

German orchestra flash mob plays Ode to Joy

Janus says...

I'm inclined to believe most of the audio is not of them actually playing, which is unfortunate. I'd have liked to hear their actual performance.

I was initially just surprised at the sound quality for that kind of outdoor setting with very little ambient and crowd noise. When the synchronized singing (from the crowd or "plants" in the crowd with their lip movement not matching up? um) became clearer, that's what really made me suspicious.
The acoustic quality sounds much more to me like a music hall than outdoors, as well.

The Oath of Fëanor

gorillaman says...

When Morgoth in that day of doom
had slain the trees and filled with gloom
the shining land of Valinor,
there Fëanor and his sons then swore
the mighty oath upon the hill
of tower-crownéd Tún, that still
wrought wars and sorrow in the world.
From darkling seas the fogs unfurled
their blinding shadows grey and cold
where Glingal once had bloomed with gold
and Belthil bore its silver flowers.
The mists were mantled round the towers
of the Elves' white city by the sea.
There countless torches fitfully
did start and twinkle, as the Gnomes
were gathered to their fading homes,
and thronged the long and winding stair
that led to the wide echoing square.

There Fëanor mourned his jewels divine
the Silmarils he made. Like wine
his wild and potent words them fill;
a great host harkens deathly still.
But all he said both wild and wise,
half truth and half the fruit of lies
that Morgoth sowed in Valinor,
in other songs and other lore
recorded is. He bade them flee
from lands divine, to cross the sea,
the pathless plains, the perilous shores
where ice-infested water roars;
to follow Morgoth to the unlit earth
leaving their dwellings and olden mirth;
to go back to the Outer Lands
to wars and weeping. There their hands
they joined in vows, those kinsmen seven,
swearing beneath the stars of Heaven,
by Varda the Holy that them wrought
and bore them each with radiance fraught
and set them in the deeps to flame.
Timbrenting's holy height they name,
whereon are built the timeless halls
of Manwë Lord of Gods. Who calls
these names in witness may not break
his oath, though earth and heaven shake.

Curufin, and Celegorm the fair,
Damrod and Díriel were there,
and Cranthir dark, and Maidros tall
(whom after torment should befall),
and Maglor the mighty who like the sea
with deep voice sings yet mournfully.
'Be he friend or foe, or seed defiled
of Morgoth Bauglir, or mortal child
that in after days on earth shall dwell,
no law, nor love, nor league of hell,
nor might of Gods, nor moveless fate
shall defend him from wrath and hate
of Fëanor's sons, who takes and steals
or finding keeps the Silmarils,
the thrice-enchanted globes of light
that shine until the final night.'

k d lang before you could say "lesbian" on national TV

spawnflagger says...

I don't like country music, but she's an amazing singer. The interview was quite awkward. I'm not sure why they couldn't say it - Phil Donahue had an openly homosexual guest on this show more than a decade before this. I guess Arsenio Hall just wasn't as edgy

wtf is up with the background warping when the camera is on her?
(maybe some anti-shaky-cam filter applied to the old VHS recording)

Fox News anchors try Vegemite for the first time live on-air

bremnet says...

Sure looked like Nutella... years ago, started a post-doc at UQ in Brisbane, temporarily rooming at Gatton College. 1st morning, jet lagged at breakfast in dining hall, lathered it on white toast and laid into it. Managed to keep it down, but the gag reflex was winning. Students howled, all in good fun though. When I checked out 2 weeks later, they gave me a gift of a giant jar of it and a homemade booklet "How to Eat Vegemite"... good memories, but could never stomach it again.

charliem said:

FUCK thats a lot of vegemite!!!

Aussie here - never in my life have I ever used that much, thats like....waaaayyyyy too much.

It aint nutella people!

The Song of Eärendil

gorillaman says...

Eärendil was a mariner
that tarried in Arvernien;
he built a boat of timber felled
in Nimbrethil to journey in;
her sails he wove of silver fair,
of silver were her lanterns made,
her prow was fashioned like a swan,
and light upon her banners laid.

In panoply of ancient kings,
in chainéd rings he armoured him;
his shining shield was scored with runes
to ward all wounds and harm from him;
his bow was made of dragon-horn,
his arrows shorn of ebony,
of silver was his habergeon,
his scabbard of chalcedony;
his sword of steel was valiant,
of adamant his helmet tall,
an eagle-plume upon his crest,
upon his breast an emerald.

Beneath the Moon and under star
he wandered far from northern strands,
bewildered on enchanted ways
beyond the days of mortal lands.
From gnashing of the Narrow Ice
where shadow lies on frozen hills,
from nether heats and burning waste
he turned in haste, and roving still
on starless waters far astray
at last he came to Night of Naught,
and passed, and never sight he saw
of shining shore nor light he sought.
The winds of wrath came driving him,
and blindly in the foam he fled
from west to east and errandless,
unheralded he homeward sped.

There flying Elwing came to him,
and flame was in the darkness lit;
more bright than light of diamond
the fire upon her carcanet.
The Silmaril she bound on him
and crowned him with the living light
and dauntless then with burning brow
he turned his prow; and in the night
from Otherworld beyond the Sea
there strong and free a storm arose,
a wind of power in Tarmenel;
by paths that seldom mortal goes
his boat it bore with biting breath
as might of death across the grey
and long-forsaken seas distressed:
from east to west he passed away.

Through Evernight he back was borne
on black and roaring waves that ran
o'er leagues unlit and foundered shores
that drowned before the Days began,
until he heard on strands of pearl
where ends the world the music long,
where ever-foaming billows roll
the yellow gold and jewels wan.
He saw the Mountain silent rise
where twilight lies upon the knees
of Valinor, and Eldamar
beheld afar beyond the seas.
A wanderer escaped from night
to haven white he came at last,
to Elvenhome the green and fair
where keen the air, where pale as glass
beneath the Hill of Ilmarin
a-glimmer in a valley sheer
the lamplit towers of Tirion
are mirrored on the Shadowmere.

He tarried there from errantry,
and melodies they taught to him,
and sages old him marvels told,
and harps of gold they brought to him.
They clothed him then in elven-white,
and seven lights before him sent,
as through the Calacirian
to hidden land forlorn he went.
He came unto the timeless halls
where shining fall the countless years,
and endless reigns the Elder King
in Ilmarin on Mountain sheer;
and words unheard were spoken then
of folk of Men and Elven-kin,
beyond the world were visions showed
forbid to those that dwell therein.

A ship then new they built for him
of mithril and of elven-glass
with shining prow; no shaven oar
nor sail she bore on silver mast:
the Silmaril as lantern light
and banner bright with living flame
to gleam thereon by Elbereth
herself was set, who thither came
and wings immortal made for him,
and laid on him undying doom,
to sail the shoreless skies and come
behind the Sun and light of Moon.

From Evereven's lofty hills
where softly silver fountains fall
his wings him bore, a wandering light,
beyond the mighty Mountain Wall.
From World's End then he turned away,
and yearned again to find afar
his home through shadow journeying,
and burning as an island star
on high above the mists he came,
a distant flame before the Sun,
a wonder ere the waking dawn
where grey the Norland waters run.

And over Middle-earth he passed
and heard at last the weeping sore
of women and of elven-maids
in Elder Days, in years of yore.
But on him mighty doom was laid,
till Moon should fade, an orbéd star
to pass, and tarry never more
on Hither Shores where mortals are;
for ever still a herald on
an errand that should never rest
to bear his shining lamp afar,
the Flammifer of Westernesse.

"Have a good weekend" Kids in the Hall sketch

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'kids in the hall, bruce mcculloch, dave foley, mark mckinney, KITH' to 'kids in the hall, bruce mcculloch, dave foley, mark mckinney, scott thompson, KITH' - edited by brycewi19

ulysses1904 (Member Profile)

Synchronised Kittens

The Best of David Mitchell Rants on QI

The Best of David Mitchell Rants on QI

ulysses1904 says...

The few times I have seen an American on QI they just sit there and watch, like Rich Hall and that PC guy from the "I'm a Mac" commercials. Makes me wonder why they even invite them, they seem overwhelmed.

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