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Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

BSR says...

If I remember correctly God said something to the effect of "Thou shalt not kill".

What other weapons do you have left in your arsenal that your God gave you?

bobknight33 said:

the question is, do most people care enough to protect & fight for their God given freedoms of self-defense against evil??

Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

bobknight33 says...

Mass shootings/presidents in office
Reagan- 31
Bush- 18
Clinton- 54 *
Bush- 49
Obama- 132*
Trump- 40
Biden- 147 (so far)
...Mass shootings" comprise about 1% of all gun-related homicides in America. Just noise. Not worth targeting with legislation.
According to 0bama's own CDC study, guns are used to prevent crimes between 750K and 1.5 million times per year.
Mass sh*oting fatalities: About less than 900.
Mass k*l l ings of unarmed citizens by socialist governments in the last 100 years: Bbetween 100 million & 260 million DURING PEACE TIME.
Allowing ANY government to begin the process of UNVERSAL registering and confiscating your g u n s through monetary pressures is the beginning of total tyranny, SUBJUGATION, slavery and Mass S l a u g h t e r of the non-elite class, which is most people.
the question is, do most people care enough to protect & fight for their God given freedoms of self-defense against evil??

Lyft driver kicks racist passengers out of his car

newtboy says...

Once again, every word you write is a lie.
The passengers are absolutely Trump “conservatives”, the Lyft driver is a liberal…or is that what you’re trying to say….thank god for those racist conservatives standing up against that anti racist Democrat? (But you typoed anti to “a”)

God is going to kick your ass for involving him in your stupid lies, bob. If you believed in god, you would never take his name in vain and wouldn’t give false witness constantly….you would live by the golden rule to treat others as you would have them treat you.
I don’t know if there’s a god or a heaven, but one thing I know for sure is you’re going to hell.

There’s some attention. Feel better? Now It’s your nap time, you’re being cranky. Afterwards you can have some juice in your sippy cup if you’re good.

Edit: I would have respectfully left you alone because (you claim) you had a death in the family…but you clearly aren’t too broken up or you wouldn’t be here trolling with partisan stupidity that’s so diametrically opposed to reality it must just be a cry for attention. If your grief isn’t enough to make you pause that for even one day, it’s not enough to shield you from contradiction and a good lambasting….I think it’s what you’re looking for.

bobknight33 said:

Thank God for a conservative
Standing up against a racist democrat.

Lyft driver kicks racist passengers out of his car

BSR says...

Fixed it for you so you wouldn't be embarrassed. 👍

BTW, God told me to tell you to keep him (or her) "out your fuckin' mouth."

bobknight33 said:

Thank Goodness for a democrat.
Standing up against a racist conservative.

Lyft driver kicks racist passengers out of his car

100 Kids Tell Us What They Want to Be When They Grow Up

Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

cloudballoon says...

Imagine the scenario where a bad guy pulls out a gun, the first "good guy" pulls out a gun, then a second "good guy" pulls out his gun... wanna bet the probability who the 2nd guy points his or her gun to? And the subsequent 3rd-nth good guys' guns going to point theirs to?

Oh, then unevitably the "no duty to protect" police forces come and shoot ALL the guys with guns.

Total chaos, and good luck untangling the legal lawsuits that will inevitably come after. America! F**k YEAH!!

"Good Guy With A Gun" Theory. These NRA honchos reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally don't want their subservient cohorts think one more step ahead of any argument. The sad truth is there's enough of mindless American too lazy (or even capable?) to think ahead just as they wished due to America's educational system and pathetic "freedom at all costs" patirotism & American 2nd Ammendment Exceptionalism crap.

There are many democratic countries that said no to widespread gun ownerships (Australia, NZ, Japan) and are far better for it. I guess (read: I don't watch C-SPAN) that sense of American Pride infects even the Democrats to be gutsy enough to compare the US to other countries during legislative gun-control debates?

That assault-style (like the ARs) gun ownership rights is pretty FUBAR from the get go. If that's a right, why not grenades? Tanks, fighter jets, subs and heck, nuclear missiles? As long as I'm a "no criminal record" American citizen, isn't it my God-given right -- and my freedom! -- to own any weapons as long as I can afford it? Unhindered Capitalism at its finest we're talking here! The most American of values!

Souther Baptist Church Covered Up Massive Sex Abuse Scandal

Silkworms Spin Cocoons That Spell Their Own Doom | Deep Look

Amish response to covid

robdot says...

This guy actually says they had communion,knowing they would get sick. Then this pos says,hey ,we don’t wanna get tested,because that would make the numbers go up and that would be bad for business… we may never know how many of these idiots got killed by the other idiots. But nobodies god protected them from covid. And neither did theirs. They knowingly and willfully spread a pandemic across their community and state. Fuck them.

Amish response to covid

Pete Buttigieg Perfectly Articulates Republican Behavior

luxintenebris says...

Want answers? Then LISTEN. Stop believing in your false Republican GODS and grant the possibility they don't know any more than the other party.

Saint Reagan once said he'd give up a dozen things to get one thing he thought was needed. Seemly that is now a sin in the eyes of the GOP. That's one major problem in our politics. No compromise or acknowledgment that any solution has to include both parties.

Can't tango if the Red only wants to sit on their asses.* Tell me I am wrong.

Your words are like sour milk. Uttered out, then left to spoil in the light of actuality.

* "It's true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance?" (Gridiron Dinner on April 22, 1987) Also Ronnie, so maybe that's the only message the GOP molasses asses listen to.

bobknight33 said:

G in G out

Pete will never be POTUS - soft-spoken but not leadership material. (had to fix ; spell-check was being belligerent)

He is the stuff of political campaign dreams.

Relatable, great communication skills, common sense answers - there was a BIG reason why a Fox audience gave him a standing ovation. (almost said 'standing O' but didn't want you to lose your gourd over the image - u kinky bug) **

**BTW: there has been over 700 attempts to rid the US of the EC & we almost did

Dodge Viper Crashes During Street Race || ViralHog

BSR says...

Back in 2014 I worked for a company in Naples FL that is owned by Jack Roush. The job was mostly road testing new cars before they started hitting dealer lots. We would travel on specified routes for 8 hours. There was day and night shifts. I mostly drove nights. The routes were on Interstate and city roads. Every test vehicle had a Black Box.

We had three 2015 Vipers. The thing I liked the most with that car is that it felt like you were sitting in the hand of God. I cannot tell you how hard it was to keep to the speed limit. It was so hard that I got written up just for "touching" 100 mph for 2 seconds.

Me and Viper

The Dick Head WORDLE producer at the NYT

The James Webb Space Telescope mirrors are aligned!

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