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Spider's dance moves for life

People are insane! (2015)

wraith jokingly says...

Young males of the species throughout time displaying "suicidal and insane" behaviour before the conclusion (or even the start) of their reproductive phase, seems to point to two possible scenarios:

- The behaviour is encoded on the X-chromosome and only expressed in conjunction with genes from the Y-chromosome (making females of the species mostly immune).

- The behaviour is an extreme expression of a gene that is advantageous to the reproductive success of males of the species, if it expresses itself in some other way.

Both scenarios lead to the same conclusion: Chicks are to blame.

Ashenkase said:

The title is wrong, it should read "Young males are partially suicidal and insane" (except the dancing competition).

Arizona Rattlers Football-Dancing Player

dannym3141 says...

Yep, and they do a workout immediately before filming a scene so that they have what bodybuilders refer to as 'the pump' or the bulky, swollen and/or vasculated vein look. Unrepresentative of the normal human body.

In fact, muscles like that do happen naturally, but usually only for a short amount of time and usually only from the world's top athletes. For example Jessica Ennis one of our sporting greats with cobblestones for abdominals. No one stays in that shape for very long and it's not certain to be good for your health to do that.

On top of that, due to the varied gene pool, people in peak physical fitness can take on all sorts of shapes and sizes.

bareboards2 said:

Did you know that all that ab action in the movies is not "natural"? That right before a movie scene is going to filmed, the actor works with his nutritionist and personal trainer for at least a couple of days beforehand? They work to minimize body fat for just that day. Makeup is also used to enhance the ab definition. And that right before the camera rolls, the men do crunches to make the muscles stand out even more?

Key & Peele - Lightning in a Bottle

poolcleaner says...

They cancelled themselves and plan on making movies together:

“This is our final season – and it’s not because of Comedy Central, it’s us,” said Key. “It was just time for us to explore other things, together and apart. I compare it to Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor. We might make a movie and then do our own thing for three years and then come back and do another movie.

“I’m thinking we could do that every three years – take a year, go bang out a movie. That’s the plan right now.”

They reached the height of what they could create on a television program.

lucky760 said:

"You still on that?"

LMFAHS. I love Peele's deadpan and Key's outrage. They're the best.

Too bad they're canceled.


Frozen Lullaby by Garfunkel and Oates

eric3579 says...

*promote (got me by 5 min)

When a man doesn’t love a woman very very much
He signs away his paternal rights and jizzes in a cup
Then with lots of money and scientific genius
Hormones, pain and of course, um… Jesus

The process begins the way god intended
With a transvaginal ultrasound
With a wand longer than a ukulele
When it comes out of my body, it makes this sound (pop)

I give myself daily intradermal injections
An acute blood thinner and estrogen concurrence
Cryopreservation through hormonal activation
And none of it’s covered by insurance

Then I’m knocked out and you’re removed
And combined with a stranger’s come
And as the saying goes
You win some, you lose some/you dispose of the defective ones in a hazardous waste bin

And then you’re frozen until I’m certain
It’s time to unthaw you into a person
Then you’ll expire or you’ll make the grade
And that, my darling, that’s how babies are made
(It’s so easy and natural)

Hush little egg baby don’t say a word
Mama’s gonna freeze you til she gets rich

And when that day finally arrives
You’ll be constructed in a petri dish
With sperm donor 8w6-3
The silent partner of our family

So hush little egg baby don’t be sad
Just because I never fucked your dad

I know there are orphans everywhere
But I’m going to pretend that isn’t real
Don’t look at me like that just cause I admit it
You had kids and you knew the deal

Yeah I feel guilty about overpopulation
And ruining the environment for forever
But Osama Bin Laden had 20 kids
So fuck you or whatever

Sadly procreation is not a meritocracy
And we need to prevent a real life Idiocracy
Though it may be the ultimate form of narcissism
It’s also a way to re-reverse reverse Darwinism

Gonna mute the sound of that ticking clock
I just need the sperm now I don’t need the cock
My ovaries are like hey girl I’m over here
And I’m all like shhhh

I want all the stuff I don’t need a bucket list
It doesn’t make me greedy it just makes me feminist
Now I’m thinking back through all the guys I’ve dated
If they heard this song they’d fucking hate it

Hush little egg baby don’t you cry
You’ll have the best genes mommy can buy

I don’t want to wait until I get in dire straights
My friends say if I want kids I should go out on some dates
But these working bitches don’t have time to leave it to the fates
The world deserves more Riki’s and the world deserves more Kate’s

So hush little egg baby dad’s are overrated
He did what mattered when he masturbated

Hush little egg baby just hold firm
Mama’s gonna buy you designer sperm

And if that sperm gives you random traits
Mama’s gonna test your dna

And if your dna doesn’t make things clear
Mama’s gonna just have to live in fear

And if that fear turns into guilt
Mama’s gonna hold onto what we built

And if I hold too tight as to suffocate
I’ll buy you lots of things to overcompensate

And if that overcompensation’s too transparent
I’ll pretend it’s somehow better with no male parent

And if you say but mom who’s my dad
I’ll say I don’t know and it’s just too bad

And if that badness forms a hole in your heart
I’ll want to make it up to you but won’t know where to start

I’ll probably start by saying it’s just you and me
And there’s no such thing as a normal family

So fuck being normal and let’s do this shit
Momma’s gonna freeze you til she… gets…. rich

Huge Great White Close Up

Asmo says...

I think this should qualify as *EIA because if you're right, messing with a pregnant female that also happens to be one of the most dangerous apex predators in it's home environment is asking to be weeded out of the gene pool... = \

ChaosEngine said:

IANAMB* but I think that might be a pregnant female. I don't see any claspers and the abdomen seems swelled.

White Party - A Lesson in Cultural Appropriation

JustSaying says...

OK, here's a thing: colored people suck at racism.
There, I said it. I'm not even trolling here. Honestly, as wrong as racism is, white people are just better at it. Just take racial slurs, there are no good ones for white people. Cracker? Seriously? They're fucking delicious. Put cream cheese on me and I get even better.
Wanna be specific and call me a Kraut. I love Sauerkraut.
I'm a fat guy, you can not offend me by giving me food related names. Try harder next time. Actually, can anyone do better than this?
Even the argument about theme parties is crap, we're better at this than colored people are. The RNC, Nuremberg Rallies or even random Ku Klux Klan gatherings are far more offensive than anything black people could do. We, white people, out-racist (yes, that's a word now) everybody else without even trying. If there's one thing where white people are far more superiour than anybody else, it's having a feeling of superiority.
I'm not a racist, I believe we're all equally cruel, stupid and worthless. Humans aren't worth the flesh they're printed on. However, from time to time, you'll find out that there are some things a certain group of people is statistically better than others. Sometimes it's in the genes, sometimes it's in the culture but one thing I'm sure of, the actual worth of a human being is decided by its actions.
The truly interesting question is, why are white people so willing and able to take action against reason and empathy and favour fear and ignorance? The actual issue here is not the racism itself, it's the question why it comes so easily and thoughtlessly. Without effort.

WTF Cops?! - Two Racist Texts and a Lie

poolcleaner says...

To be fair, my friends and I are extremely racist to each other in our text messages, but we are a hodge podge mix of white, black, Mexican, Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, Iranian, and really who cares about trying to include them all.

See, smart people gravitate towards each other regardless of race or sexual orientation because they were in honors and AP classes together, competing in academic decathlon, speech and debate, and went to the same tutoring place, hanging out not because they were cool and looked the same, but because they are intellectual gladiators; only idiots revolve their lives around a group of mammals simply because they look alike. It's truer than you think. You end up living up to other people's expectations and fail to experience the joys of your unique mind if you don't diversify your experiences. We are all prototypes for a future society anyway. White people are a conglomerate of interracial breeding. Also, it's simply genetically irresponsible NOT to mix genes with people of differing racial traits.

Why? Because all humans are niggers. It's just not common courtesy to call people niggers in public, and certainly you wouldn't call someone you don't know a nigger. Say what you will, I feel like there's an overriding logic that makes criticism of that pretty clearly crybaby bullshit. Black people have a reason to cry, and then there's white people lol; but, we are all just people so how does that not override your logic on BOTH sides of the argument? I'm above and below everything and nothing. I am the all singing, all dancing crap of the world. You might not agree but life is transitory and we'll all die and fertilize the ground.

So, in retrospect, let's continue to call friends and family niggers as we see fit, but let's not so hastily call someone we don't know a nigger; likewise, let us continue to judge ourselves as unworthy, but not judge others as such. I feel like that should make everyone do alright.

How Systemic Racism Works

newtboy says...

If you watched the entire Morgan Freeman-Through the wormhole episode, you would have seen that simply spending 1 on 1 time with those of other races/tribes can erase much of the subconscious racism and make them seem like one of 'your' tribe. He did not say we MUST be racist/bigoted (he did say that we ARE whether we know it or not) or that it's still a survival mechanism, it has not been since we lived in isolated tribal groups.
Removing that obstacle to civilized behavior does NOTHING to stop, or hinder evolution, it might even accelerate it (by fostering better gene mixing)...the medical system takes care of hindering evolution for humans quite well by removing 'survival of the fittest' from the equation.

shang said:

I'm prejudice but that's because its human nature. I find black women disgusting ugly. But that's just me, I can't see them any other way. Its ugly. I don't like dark tanned women either.

Moron political correctness sjw mongs need to quit labeling preference as racism. I personally find idea of 2 guys rutting gross, heck even Jim carrey puked in his movie after seeing it. Many find it gross, but that's just personal preference.

I won't tell others how to live, but I want to live my way and no sjw PC retard will get me to do otherwise.

Political correctness sjw, want to force everyone into collectivism. That is the sheep herd mentality, unable to think for yourself, everyone copies same morals and ethics and tolerates all.

That is not human

Individualism is human, individual choices, prejudices, morals, ethics and do not tolerate those that try to brainwash you into collectivism.

Even Morgan Freeman recently stated humans are bigoted and must be so its our nature and has allowed our survival and evolution and progress. If we eliminate bigots and force collectivism human progress stops. Evolution ends, no more survival of the fittest, but Mike Judge's idiocracy comes true in a collective political correct society.

Political correct and sjw should be banned and instantly removed for being antihuman, anti freedom and anti individualist. Sjw and PC are true hate groups more lethal and crazier than any fundamental religion.

They are the real terrorists

Epic Win Compilation

Retroboy says...

Have to agree. Those ones are kinda "epic fails" from a Darwin Lottery and human gene pool perspective.

"Wait... you survived that and had KIDS?"

ChaosEngine said:

While some of these are definitely win, a lot of them are the reason health and safety standards exist.

missisippi burning-you get this straight shitkicker

poolcleaner says...

I watched this when I was bored as fuck in Oaklahoma during the summer of 2002 at my ex's grandma's house. It's too hot to go outside, let's watch grandma's VHS collection. 12 volumes of Conway Twitty specials, Once Upon a Time in the West (Sergio Leone: Henry Fonda and Charles fucking Bronson motherfucker), Breaker Breaker starring Chuck Norris, 9 to 5 starring tig ol bitties, and Mississippi Burning with the Gene HACK-man.

Yep. I watched Mississippi Burning, Once Upon a Time in the West and Breaker Breaker over and over AND OVER all summer in the back woods of Oaklahoma. And played shit tons of magic the gathering (and sex). Even now, when I play magic, all I think of is the word Shitkicker, semi truck car chases, dreary harmonica drifting over a desert, and Dolly Parton's tits (and femdom bondage).

White American culture, huh? This clip is awesome.

missisippi burning-you get this straight shitkicker

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'gene hackman, willam defoe, mississippi burning, kkk, racism, civil rights, fbi' to 'gene hackman, willam defoe, mississippi burning, kkk, racism, civil rights, FBI' - edited by SFOGuy

missisippi burning-you get this straight shitkicker

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'gene hackman, willam defoe, mississippi burning, kkk, racsim, civil rights, fbi' to 'gene hackman, willam defoe, mississippi burning, kkk, racism, civil rights, fbi' - edited by SFOGuy

missisippi burning-you get this straight shitkicker

Korean 50 Shades of Grey

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