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Exploding Weed Seeds - Smarter Every Day

BSR (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

......So I loaded up the truck
And I moved to eme-rald green....
Triangle that is. Humboldt gold. Sticky icky.

The next thing you know, Newtboy got really high
Lying on the grass and just staring at the sky.
25 years later and things are still the same
Smoking grade A weed and a-pickling my brain.

Y'all come back now, ya hear?

BSR said:

"California's the place you outta be".

Dust in a Baggie

Gender Reveal Sparked 47,000 Acre Wildfire cost $8 Million..

newtboy says...

Arson plain and simple. They should be charged with murder 1 for any deaths, and all 8 million in damages....not just the one guy who fired the shot but everyone involved in setting up the firebomb.

They went to a bone dry field of brush to create an explosion in the middle of waist high dead grass without clearing the fuel from the site and without bringing any fire suppression equipment, not even a wet towel, that makes it intentional arson....or a case of being too dumb to be allowed to live.

No reasonable person could NOT foresee that a huge tannerite explosion in a <2% humidity field of fuel would start a fire, and running away without even trying to put it out makes it again 100% intentional.
This moron and his family should just be harvested for organs, it's the closest they could get to actual restitution. This $500 a month nonsense is outrageous. 100% of the family's assets should be forfeited, including houses, cars, pensions, anything of value...and left with < $1500 a month from his salary....a fourth year agent makes an average of $125000 a year plus 64 days of paid time off, family health and life insurance, retirement starting at 50 with full benefits, employer matched savings, pension, etc. $500 a month ($6000 a year) is insulting and not even noticeable to his finances considering his salary, $5000 a month isn't enough, and would still leave him with $65000per year + all those benefits....not to mention whatever his wife brings in. That's absolutely outrageous. I feel like restitution of $100000 a year until it's fully paid off is being generous considering the damage he caused.
Side note, this is the level of intelligence the border control agency accepts. We need an IQ minimum for public servants, I'm pissed one penny of my tax dollars go to pay brain dead slugs like him, and that total morons like him are armed and given authority is asinine.

Felix Colgrave | THROAT NOTES

eric3579 says...

From a reddit comment..

The guy seriously knows his Australian ecology.

I'll list out some of the amazing detail on flora and fauna he's put in there starting from the Allocasuarina littoralis tree the Black Cockatoos are sitting on. It's one of their favourite foods.

The frogs are probably Peron's tree frogs (Litoria peronii) based on the eyes and calls

Then the Angophora tree has the leaves in the right place

The spider orchid (Caladenia sp) in the grass

The waratah and sickle fern (maybe) in the possums hat

The old man banksia (Banksia serrata) as you stated

There's a lot more, but that's what stuck out to me. The guy's really done his homework while making that.

Joe Biden walks to the podium in Warm Springs, GA.

Beaver Doesn't Want to Budge

SFOGuy says...

I love, in my mind at least, that this is a Canadian video and of course, with grass on the side of the roadway and no snow--that he has a hockey stick lol.

The Walk.

harlequinn says...

The length units don't matter in trig (as long as they are consistent of course). Easy to forget I guess.

My measurements versus your estimates? I'll take the measurements thanks.

A full length pic for you here.

Rise on my screen is 14 mm (from grass to top of white curtain), run is 81 mm. 10 degrees. You can measure this yourself.

No really, put a ruler on the screen and tell me what you get. No estimates. What does a measuring device say?

newtboy said:

240 what? Pixels slope?
235 what? Elephant ball hairs run?
46 right angle what? 46 mouse penises rise?

No it isn't calculus, it's barely trig, and fuck you, my math is spot on...and they're WAY closer.

It's measurements we disagree on....yours suck donkey balls. You claim the stage floor is 4.5' high and the ramp run only 23.5' long....neither is close to right.

I estimated rise, 3' based on the width of stripes, and run, 40' based on the length of stage segments. That's 4.3 degrees. Do you disagree with the estimation, gleaned from pictures and video of the whole stage/ramp?
You can only be saying it's a 23.5' run and 4.6' rise, that's insanely off on both counts, but granted does give you the 11degree number.

The stripes are 1.5' high, the top of the ramp floor (and stage height) is two stripes high....stage segments are at least 10' long, the ramp extends well beyond 3 segments as seen in the full descent video. If you need to nitpick, it might be 35', but 11 degrees still puts that stage floor at 6'9". It's not 1/2 that....It's 3'. 3' rise at 11degrees makes the ramp 15' approximately....also clearly not the case.

It's Trump that makes himself look awkward, and his attempted bullshit excuses are just awkward icing on his cake of awkwardness.... it was not in any way a steep ramp.

Lol. Yes, they got it wrong by about 1.3 degrees. They should commit seppuku in contrition....
But you got it around 6.7 degrees wrong, and now are still fighting about it using unassigned units of measurement on values pulled from....measuring an off center picture from breitbart of 1/3 of the ramp on a monitor?!... to do calculations, and are clearly measuring it insanely wrong, or they altered the picture, or both.

Put 40' run and 11 degrees into the calculator, you get 8' rise, 35'run gives 6'9" hight. It even gives you visual representation. Do you honestly think that stage floor is 8' up, or even 6'9"? If so, you are insane and no math, picture, argument, or fact will change your mind, because it's clearly waist high, two stripes, about 3'. If you aren't saying it's at least 6' 9" high, admit you got it wrong at least to yourself, and let's move on.

Flywheel Projectile

Happy New Year 2020

eoe says...

Woah, buddy -- you're going off the deep end with my argument and beating the poor straw man into a puff of dried grass. I'm not saying that everyone is a darn automaton following the whims of popular culture. I'm merely saying that there is a heavy pressure to do things because of culture. And because of Japanese kawaii culture, she gains a lot of social credit for performing in such a way.

Relax. Just beca

newtboy said:

So it her dancing like a cute anime girl for attention that you say isn't a choice, or is it demeaning women who make different choices than yours (hers) in the name of feminism that isn't a choice, or are you saying there are no choices and all behavior is culturally driven so out of our hands?

Doing crimes is a choice, and one not monopolized by minorities. It may be your best option in your particular circumstances, but it's never the only option, it is definitely a choice.

Ppft, I say. Then why don't people all act the same in a given culture?
Culture may make certain choices socially acceptable or not, or personally beneficial or not, but you are responsible for your choices. Yes, you really choose, cultural acceptance and consequences may be part of how you form your decision, or not, but they don't make your decisions, they inform them. If culture was the only deciding factor, we would still be living in the bronze age where a girl this age would have no viable choice but to have had a few children by now and would likely be dead from complications of childbirth. Fortunately, many have chosen to ignore or contradict cultural norms so we have progressed as a society.

God damnit Chug.

HerbWatson says...

Food shaming? I know all about that.

Apparently all I eat is grass, my teeth will rot, my bones will be weak, and I'll die 6 times in a row from protein deficiency. That's just on the daily. Despite me never eating meat in my 51 years of life (Indian parents).

The real clever people like to tell me that I'll make the cows go extinct, and the next person will tell me that the cows will overpopulate the earth if we don't eat them.

Don't worry about doing a degree in nutrition, just tell someone you don't eat animal foods, and they'll become a dietitian in about 4 seconds :-)

newtboy said:

Please don't be a stereotype and food shame non vegans, especially if you're going to be fast and loose with facts to do it.

Siberian Methane Bubbles Increasing as Permafrost melts

newtboy says...

I said it before and I'll say it again....
Game over, man. Game over!

When the tundra is outgassing faster than grass can release, we're hosed.
When the ocean methane is outgassing enough that it can be seen with the naked eye in open ocean among the waves, we're toast.
That makes us soggy toast.

Celebrities Freaking Out Over Meeting Other Celebrities

lucky760 says...

"how you doin"

totally didn't do it right

but at least it made happy Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons

Valley of the Boom: Trailer #1 | National Geographic

BSR says...

Uh, yes.

The doctors office.

NG magazines in the waiting room. Bewbs and grass skirts only. If I wanted an upgrade, I would go to the barber shop where Ritz the barber had Playboy magazines in the back room.

If you want more details I'll send you my PayPal addy.

ant said:

Uh, tell us more about it.

ant (Member Profile)

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Beggar's Canyon