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AutoTune the News 2 - Gay Marriage, Weed, Pirates

Disgusting Dominos People - Domino's President Responds

WTF Trailer - Trainwreck of a Christian Movie C Me Dance

Ray Kurzweil on the future of technology

Deano says...

Glenn Beck, I have no idea who are you but your titles suck. I'm going to watch the rest of this and play the Kurzweil Drinking Game where you take a swig every time he says "exponential". I fear I may have a hangover tomorrow.

Russians Take Their Shots From Across the Room

Russians Take Their Shots From Across the Room

Obama Inauguration Drinking Game (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

Obama Inauguration Drinking Game (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

kronosposeidon says...

>> ^rottenseed:
perfect! I remember when Bush was in office and you'd have to drink whenever he said things like "freedom" and "terrorist"

That's why I've been constantly drunk since 9/11. They hate us for our Mai Tais!

And swampgirl: You're a horrible mom.

(Jim! Get your dad a beer, pronto!)

Obama Inauguration Drinking Game (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

swampgirl says...

The only thing is.. What time is the actual swearing in? Cause unfortunately my drinking hours do not begin until evening.

I'm doing the kid thing w/ the event all day tomorrow. Is it wrong to teach kids a drinking game? We could use diet coke?

Hey, maybe they'd pay attention to the event better right? :::no parental flames please::: heheh

Downvote Bias? (Sift Talk Post)

Space Knight Has No Inner Monologue

handmethekeysyou (Member Profile)

Russian drinking game

Never have two guys and lots of cups been this exciting

VideoSift 2nd Presidential Debate Liveblog Party (Election Talk Post)

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