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I'm not enjoying the trolling on the Sift. (Horrorshow Talk Post)

Duckman33 says...

What spoco said on that video was a completely made up scenario that he had in his head, which had absolutely nothing to do with what was really going on. The woman was not being oppressed, intimidated, forced, belittled, abused either physically or mentally, OR sexually exploited in any way whatsoever. It was a knee jerk reaction to a basically harmless bit of drinking fun between a group of friends and consenting adults, nothing more. If they choose to party that way and play drinking games where they punch each other in the groins, who are we to judge that? And I'm not trying to be an ass here but who are you, he, or anyone else to judge us for thinking it was funny? I just don't get it. We have every right to like/laugh at the stupidity just as you guys do to hate it. And WE are trolling for mentioning that? Again I don't get it.

The new Olympic sport: Cunt Punching!

Duckman33 says...

>> ^Stormsinger:

>> ^Duckman33:
Observe the woman's behavior. Does she seem to be in duress? Does she seem to be an unwilling participant in any way, shape, or form? Does the guy not say "Ive never done this before, so..." indicating, I'm assuming, that he's never hit a woman before?
I'm fairly confident after watching this twice this is some sort of drinking game that she chose to participate in, knowing full well the consequences for said participation, judging from her willingness to let him hit her. I don't see anyone holding her there, forcing her to get hit. I see no malicious intent here. Y'all need to loosen up a bit.

No, actually. I don't need to. My opinion is that this video is a piece of pure shit. And yes, I have exactly the same view of those moronic pieces where it's two guys pulling this assinine crap. Stupidity and abuse is stupidity and abuse no matter the genders involved.
You don't like my opinion, that's on you. It's not my problem, and I really don't give a shit whether you agree or not that abusive, violent shit is wrong.
I -will- say that the more common this kind of crap becomes, the less time I'll be spending here. I've got better uses for my limited time.

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out then. It made me laugh. Sorry my low brow humor falls far beneath your standards. I'll try harder next time to please you. Oh wait, I forgot, I don't care if you are pleased or not. By the way did I direct my comment towards you in particular? No I didn't, so why are you getting a huffy about it? Never said I didn't like your opinion, I said people need to lighten up a bit. And judging from this comment that still applies.

[Edit] FYI my comment was for the folks claiming this was some sort of spousal abuse, or control scenario, not folks who didn't like it because it wasn't their cup of tea humor wise by the way. So this reply IMO is just as stupid/ignorant as this video is to you.

The new Olympic sport: Cunt Punching!

Stormsinger says...

>> ^Duckman33:

Observe the woman's behavior. Does she seem to be in duress? Does she seem to be an unwilling participant in any way, shape, or form? Does the guy not say "Ive never done this before, so..." indicating, I'm assuming, that he's never hit a woman before?
I'm fairly confident after watching this twice this is some sort of drinking game that she chose to participate in, knowing full well the consequences for said participation, judging from her willingness to let him hit her. I don't see anyone holding her there, forcing her to get hit. I see no malicious intent here. Y'all need to loosen up a bit.

No, actually. I don't need to. My opinion is that this video is a piece of pure shit. And yes, I have exactly the same view of those moronic pieces where it's two guys pulling this assinine crap. Stupidity and abuse is stupidity and abuse no matter the genders involved.

You don't like my opinion, that's on you. It's not my problem, and I really don't give a shit whether you agree or not that abusive, violent shit is wrong.

I -will- say that the more common this kind of crap becomes, the less time I'll be spending here. I've got better uses for my limited time.

The new Olympic sport: Cunt Punching!

Duckman33 says...

Observe the woman's behavior. Does she seem to be in duress? Does she seem to be an unwilling participant in any way, shape, or form? Does the guy not say "Ive never done this before, so..." indicating, I'm assuming, that he's never hit a woman before?

I'm fairly confident after watching this twice this is some sort of drinking game that she chose to participate in, knowing full well the consequences for said participation, judging from her willingness to let him hit her. I don't see anyone holding her there, forcing her to get hit. I see no malicious intent here. Y'all need to loosen up a bit.

Avatar Review (Part 1 of 2)

Olbermann Special Comment On New Orleans Free Health Clinic

millertime1211 says...

Diabetes, hypertension...caused by being overweight. People in America need to start taking better care of themselves!! I don't mind helping out people the actually need it, but when your need is driven by your love of big macs and quarter pounders well then i just consider that a slow form of suicide! Fat is not an illness, it can be overcome. But it requires hard work and that hard work just gets harder the longer you wait (or weight). Lets play a drinking game....everytime you see an obese (not overweight but obease) person in this video take a drink! I should not be required to pay for your lazyness and lack of self-restraint. Do people need help...YES!!! But help starts from within!

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