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Florida DUI suspect arrested after threatening deputies PT1

Florida DUI suspect arrested after threatening deputies PT1

Officers Amazingly Keep Straight Faces During this Arrest

cloudballoon says...

Not sure about Florida's custom on suspected DUI....but... I mean, the dude even admitted to having 6 in 2 hours. Why not just get him to take a breathalyzer test and be done with it? What a waste of "policing" time.

$20 Million Settlement In Police Brutality Case

newtboy says...

This seems to be the right place for this….

Coffee city in Texas had an out of control police department. Now they have none.

Coffee City leaders voted unanimously to fire Chief of Police JohnJay Portillo and to deactivate the entire department until a new chief could be hired.
The chief had hired mostly officers fired for cause from other departments, and in the town of 250 people he hired 50 officers! More than half of the department’s 50 officers had been suspended, demoted, terminated or dishonorably discharged from their previous law enforcement jobs. The chief himself neglected to report a dui in Florida. The chief tried to quit by text before the meeting, but was fired after the council refused to accept his unsigned resignation.

This is not unique, there are many small towns held hostage and abused by their own police force. It’s why McKinleyville, a nearby town, is still the biggest town in California with no police, they don’t want or need them.

Come on, @bobknight33, tell me this is some liberal defund the police ANTIFA move, in East Texas, not an out of control criminal police force violently abusing a small community with impuginity.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s Republican major vote fraud case….

“A Michigan poll worker for the Republicans has been arrested recently for tampering with the voting system following the August, 2022 Republican primary up there in the state of Michigan. The man's named James Hoor, and what happened was that he used a personal USB drive, inserted it into an electronic poll book after polls closed the night of the August 2nd primary in Gaines Township precinct. Eight poll workers used the book to administer the election, which contains voter registration data, including confidential personal identifying information about all voters in the precinct, and Mr. Hoor put his personal USB drive into that machine to, I guess, copy data before any of that information could be sent to the state or change it. So he is taking the raw data. This has not been approved by anyone. Nobody told him he was allowed to do this. He took the data from that machine before anybody could verify what was on it. Now, these machines, by the way, are not connected to the internet, so he could not access it remotely. He had to do it with the flash drive. It's also unclear whether or not he was taking data or putting data in the machine. So we don't know that. And this was again, the raw data. This had not been certified. Nobody else knew what all was in this system. And this Republican came along and compromised all of it. This completely invalidates all votes on that electronic poll book.”

More fraud, 100% Republican frauds. Every single one. Most by officials, campaigns, or the RNC themselves. Videos of training poll watchers to break laws, bring electronic devices, go where you aren’t allowed to go, intimidate workers, etc. any Republican win in November is tainted and invalidated, none should be sworn in but instead held in legal limbo until 24, because they intentionally invalidated the elections. There’s no Republican that can win without cheating, so there’s not one valid Republican representative in government.

Also a PS- Bohbert has yet to file any claims against the group that said they have evidence that she had two abortions, was an unregistered escort (hooker), and a DUI accident with injuries she covered up like she claimed she would be doing in June when th stories broke. That amounts to an admission they are true, and she’s now being sued by the reporters for claiming the reports were lies.

This as Mengele Oz campaigned with Hitler’s car right after his mass puppy killing scandal came to light.


Pete Buttigieg Perfectly Articulates Republican Behavior

BSR says...

Paragraphs please. I can barely find the next line down. I'm old ya know. I can't hold my breath that long.

This is all I see:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Karl Popper from The Open Society and Its Enemies [1945]

I will not tolerate this.

Go back to your desk and bring it back when you're done and then I'll read it.

luxintenebris said:

Less well known [than other paradoxes] is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.—In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal.

Karl Popper from The Open Society and Its Enemies [1945]

LAPD Failed To Test Suspected Drunk Driver After He Crashed

BuilderCG says...

Having been a jury member for a DUI case where there was video evidence (shot from within the police station no less) that made it appear the accused was drunk but there was no blood or breathalizer evidence I can definitely say: "yes, administering the test IS important".

mxxcon said:

Is it necessary to test him if he's so blatantly shitfaced and car is getting towed?

Texas Law Hawk Highlights the Notable Laws of 2019

newtboy says...

I love me some Law Hawk, but DUIs dismissed even with a guilty plea?!?
Guess I'll be staying off Texas streets....and sidewalks...front yards, indoor malls, sports fields.....well, Texas in general. That's a terrible idea imo.

I remember back in the 70's when drunk driving in Texas was barely a crime, with most just let go and the ones that couldn't even stand or speak sent home in a taxi. It wasn't good. now in Texas anybody including violent felons can wear brass knuckles while carrying swords anywhere in public (except schools), but try to sell lemonade without a permit, "your going under the jail, son."?

Maybe 5g is making people insane....something sure is to have those kinds of laws being put on the books rather than removed.

Norway landslide sweeps homes into sea

BSR says...

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscingelit. Duis tellus. Donec ante dolor, iaculis nec, gravidaac, cursus in, eros. Mauris vestibulum, felis et egestasullamcorper, purus nibh vehicula sem, eu egestas antenisl non justo. Fusce tincidunt, lorem nev dapibusconsectetuer, leo orci mollis ipsum, eget suscipit erospurus in ante.

newtboy said:

Morbi dictum. Vestibulum adipiscing pulvinar quam. In aliquam rhoncus sem. In mi erat, sodaleseget, pretium interdum, malesuada ac, augue.

Beyond The Crash - The Worst News Of Your Life

newtboy says...

For one, nightshift workers, especially night shift drivers. Things are dangerous enough for them as is without making them survive a nightly road purge.
For another, many drunk drivers already have kids, so wouldn't be wiped from the gene pool.

I liked the old German model where any detectable alcohol at all while driving is automatic suspension of your license. It's not perfect but I'm fairly certain they have way less dui's because there is no level of intoxicated that's legal so fewer people convince themselves they're not too drunk.

BSR said:

I see you and I raise you 10 power points if you find the exact flaw in the logic.

Suspect drives off with Officer hanging on car

Esoog says...

Nothing wrong with the officer pulling him over. Dude was a full SUV length past the stop sign. If someone was coming from the officer's direction, turning left, it would have impeded their progress. Not saying they still couldn't have made the turn, or it would have been dangerous or anything, the signs are there for a reason. The stop was probably more to see if this was a dui, but he had reason to stop him. Just be cool, don't be an ass, and probably would have gotten a warning and let go, unless he has a long history of infractions...then he deserved it.

Vox explains bump stocks

Jinx says...

Why not take two steps in the right direction?

Taking the texting while drunk driving analogy - you'd ban both wouldn't you?. To simply ban the texting is surely tacit approval of the DUI.

I understand the sort of pragmatic approach and I'm not even sure I'd be against it... I just think you have to be careful not to imagine it as a step in the right direction because, frankly, it's not a step at all. To me it is closer to addressing a loophole in the preexisting law and it doesn't really facilitate or encourage further gun regulation. If banning bumpstocks is your end goal then great, but if you want more then I think you need to be asking for more, even (or perhaps especially?) if it means fighting for it.

MilkmanDan said:

I think a 10% reduction is pessimistic, 90% like newtboy mentioned is likely optimistic.

One person being killed would have been tragic. A quick search says most recent count is 58 dead, 515 injured. Tragic has been surpassed by some orders of magnitude, and I while see what you're saying, I think it would have been meaningfully "less tragic" if he had only had access to traditional semi-automatic.

He had a bunch of weapons and a bunch of ammo. Reload time was partially mitigated by the number of guns. But finger fatigue like newtboy mentioned would have made it hard to keep firing over a prolonged time (~10 minutes of active shooting time?), and the increased time between shots plus potential for fatigue would have let people make a break for cover or to get out of line of sight.

It may well have still been the deadliest mass shooting even if he only had semi-auto. Banning bump stocks (and other full-auto conversions) won't prevent the next one, but any mitigation at all is better than nothing. And I think it would have been rather more significant than that.

Is access to full-auto or generally equivalent to full-auto the main problem? No. I fully understand your reluctance here, because I agree that GOP legislators and the NRA are likely to hold up opposition to bump stocks as a more significant badge than it deserves to be. "SEE?! I did something about it! Pat me on the back!"

...But, on the other hand, it really is a step in the right direction. And there are no real downsides, aside from that concern about giving those parties a sort of political card to play. The public will just have to make it clear that this, while good, isn't enough by itself.

Billy on the Sesame Street

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Tired Of Driving

kceaton1 says...


Wow, I really wonder what was going on in that woman's head.

Even the article didn't help very much; and it even brought up more questions related to her arrest/charges...

I wonder if the police had yet to have see this video to use as evidence against her and had no real idea as to what happened in the accident (as the witnesses may not have helped them very much in piecing everything together; it made me wonder if this driver of the video taken stayed around for the police or merely went on their merry way and uploaded this later in the day). So they charged her with DUI, but the tests came back inconclusive so they had to release her.

Because from watching this video I can think of at least three to four charges they could arrest her with. So I'm assuming as I mentioned above that they merely slapped her with DUI and hadn't seen this yet, so they hadn't charged her with anything else as of yet; otherwise she would still be arrested. So I imagine she will be getting picked back up pretty soon. I'd love to know what the real cause was.

I'm guessing it was one of two things: high as a kite or a medical condition; I'm not entirely sure that this would be an alcohol related issue. But I have seen drunk people do some very weird things before. This however looks like she didn't care about parking the car or she "thought" that she had. Then she went to the sidewalk for whatever reason that compelled her to get out in the first place; perhaps a delusion or psychotic event--or something akin to it.

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