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5 Yr Old Girl Discusses Princes Leia's Slave Outfit With Dad

My_design jokingly says...

And that is why my daughter on gets to watch stuff on Netflix/Amazon, her advertising exposure is pretty limited. Plus she gets very limited TV time as it is... Although I'm questioning whether or not it was a good idea to let her watch Californication at age 5. Now every time she asks if she can have some Coke, it get so confused...

SDGundamX said:

If only that were true.

This girl is 5 years old. Over the past 5 years, in every commercial she's seen on TV, on every magazine cover she's seen by the checkout counter when she's grocery shopping with her parents, in the majority of the cartoons she's watched and the dolls she's probably played with, in every reaction she's seen in adults' faces to how women dress and behave, she's been culturally programmed with and internalized what modern Western society deems as "beautiful."

It's unavoidable, really, as @Truckchase pointed out above. It's part of the socialization process. But if you've read about how Carrie Fisher struggled with body image issues and eating disorders throughout the filming of the original trilogy, then you probably (like me) find this video more tragic than cute.

turtle heart keeps on beating

newtboy says...

The first big fish I caught here in N Cali, my 'friend' pushed me to eat the still beating heart to gain the fish's power/appease the fish gods (even though I don't eat fish). It was about the same size as the one in the video. I made it pump some coke-a-cola through itself first...but I'm not at all sure it helped the taste! I can't begin to describe the feeling of it beating in my throat/stomach. ;-)

Little girl dances to "Me & My Uncle" in NYC Subway station

billpayer says...

Nah. I remember when Williamsburg was actually real instead of full of trust fund kids and euro trash.

This is some rich hipster mom exhibiting her carefully vintage styled daughter for her facebook friends. Probably still high on last nights coke binge

Life of a Williamsburg child is being dragged from one asshole hipster event to another

Doug Stanhope on The Ridiculous Royal Wedding

Chairman_woo says...

Up until I saw my fellow countrymen (including many I respected) fawning like chimps at a tea party during that whole "jubilee" thing I might have agreed. There seems to be a huge cognitive dissonance for most people when it comes to the royals.

On the one hand most don't really take it very seriously, on the other many (maybe even most) appear to have a sub-conscious desire/need to submit to their natural betters. Our whole national identity is built on the myths of Kings and failed rebellions and I fear for many the Monarchy represents a kind of bizarre political security blanket. We claim to not really care but deep down I think many of us secretly fear loosing our mythical matriarch.

One might liken it to celebrity worship backed by 100's & 1000's of years of religious mythology. The Royal's aren't really human to us, they are more like some closely related parent species born to a life we could only dream of. I realise that when asked directly most people would consciously acknowledge that was silly, but most would also respond the same to say Christian sexual repression. They know sex and nakedness when considered rationally are nothing to be ashamed of, but they still continue to treat their own urges as somehow sinful when they do not fall within rigidly defined social parameters.

We still haven't gotten over such Judeo-Christian self policing because the social structures built up around it are still with us (even if we fool ourselves into thinking we are beyond the reach of such sub-conscious influences). I don't think we will ever get over our master-slave culture while class and unearned privilege are still built into the fabric of our society. Having a Royal family, no matter how symbolic, is the very living embodiment of this kind of backwards ideology.

It's like trying to quit heroin while locked in a room with a big bag of the stuff.

It's true to say most don't take the whole thing very seriously but that to me is almost as concerning. Most people when asked don't believe advertising has a significant effect on their psyche but Coke-a-cola still feels like spending about 3 billion a year on it is worthwhile. One of them is clearly mistaken!

Our royal family here, is to me working in the same way as coke's advertising. It's a focal point for a lot of sub-conscious concepts we are bombarded with our whole lives. Naturally there are many sides to this and it wouldn't work without heavy media manipulation, state indoctrination etc. but it's an intrinsic part of the coercive myth none the less. Monarch's, Emperors and wealthy Dynasties are all poisons to me. No matter the pragmatic details, the sub-conscious effect seems significant and cumulative.

"Dead" symbolisms IMHO can often be the most dangerous. At least one is consciously aware of the devils we see. No one is watching the one's we have forgotten.....

The above is reason enough for me but I have bog all better to do this aft so I'll dive into the rabbithole a bit.....

(We do very quickly start getting into conspiracy theory territory hare so I'll try to keep it as uncontroversial as I can.)

A. The UK is truly ruled by financial elites not political ones IMHO. "The city" says jump, Whitehall says how high. The Royal family being among the wealthiest landowners and investors in the world (let alone UK) presumably can exert the same kind of influence. Naturally this occurs behind closed doors, but when the ownership class puts it's foot down the government ignores them to their extreme detriment. (It's hard to argue with people who own your economy de-facto and can make or break your career)

B. The queen herself sits on the council on foreign relations & Bilderberg group and she was actually the chairwoman of the "committee of 300" for several years. (and that's not even starting on club of Rome, shares in Goldman Sachs etc.)

C. SIS the uk's intelligence services (MI5/6 etc.), which have been proven to on occasion operate without civilian oversight in the past, are sworn to the crown. This is always going to be a most contentious point as it's incredibly difficult to prove wrongdoings, but I have very strong suspicions based on various incidents (David Kelly, James Andanson, Jill Dando etc.), that if they wanted/needed you dead/threatened that would not be especially difficult to arrange.

D. Jimmy Saville. This one really is tin foil hat territory, but it's no secret he was close to the Royal family. I am of the opinion this is because he was a top level procurer of "things", for which I feel there is a great deal of evidence, but I can't expect people to just go along with that idea. However given the latest "paedogeddon" scandal involving a extremely high level abuse ring (cabinet members, mi5/6, bankers etc.) it certainly would come as little surprise to find royal family members involved.

Points A&B I would stand behind firmly. C&D are drifting into conjecture but still potentially relevant I feel.

But even if we ignore all of them, our culture is built from the ground up upon the idea of privilege of birth. That there are some people born better or more deserving than the rest of us. When I refer to symbolism this is what I mean. Obviously the buck does not stop with the monarchy, England is hopelessly stratified by class all the way through, but the royal family exemplify this to absurd extremes.

At best I feel this hopelessly distorts and corrupts our collective sense of identity on a sub-conscious level. At worst....Well you must have some idea now how paranoid I'm capable of being about the way the world is run. (Not that I necessarily believe it all wholeheartedly, but I'm open to the possibility and inclined to suggest it more likely than the mainstream narrative)

On a pragmatic note: Tourism would be fine without them I think, we still have the history and the castles and the soldiers with silly hats etc. And I think the palaces would make great hotels and museums. They make great zoo exhibits I agree, just maybe not let them continue to own half the zoo and bribe the zoo keepers?

Anyway much love as always. You responded with considered points which is always worthy of respect, regardless of whether I agree with it all.

Patrick Stewart wins the Ice Bucket challenge

ChaosEngine says...

I don't understand this attitude at all. Why is learning about how to appreciate a good whiskey (or wine or steak or anything) such a bad thing?

If you genuinely like the taste of whiskey and coke (or whatever other mix you want), good for you. Just don't waste good single malt on it.

FlowersInHisHair said:

People get so weird about whiskey. Drink what you like how you like.

worthwords (Member Profile)

shinyblurry says...

Why would the acknowledgement of a designer be a depressing dismissal of the human spirit? Some of the greatest scientists who ever lived, like Johannes Kepler and Issac Newton, said their search for truth through the scientific method was enhanced by their faith in a Creator. Check out some of these quotes:

If you came to a beach and you found the message "Drink Coke" drawn out in the sand, would you assume that this was the product of wind, waves, and erosion? It would be obvious to you that it was the product not of natural processes, but a mind. The message in the sand doesn't contain information, it is information. It has a semiotic meaning, and the information in DNA is no different than that. You can derive information from natural processes but the information in DNA is organized for a purpose. It is a genetic language with features that far outstrip anything even our finest minds have developed.

I would also add that the truth does not care for our personal preference. We need to follow the evidence where ever it leads, and if it leads somewhere we don't like, we need to adjust our way of thinking. To do otherwise would only be to deceive yourself.

worthwords said:

If the best theory is a designer and we give up and go home then that's the most depressing dismissal of the human spirit ever.because it's simply not possible to consider that the diversity of life arose from an imperfect copying.
When the wind blows across a beach it leaves information about the direction and force in the rearrangement of billions of unrelated sand particles. Information is ubiquitous.

Coca-Cola redesigns bottle caps so bottles can be reused

VoodooV says...

neat idea, but the fad of playing with toys made out of coke bottles is not going to catch on. I agree, instead of gimmicks with attachments which will just add to the waste, just recycle them back into coke bottles.

Coca-Cola redesigns bottle caps so bottles can be reused

My_design says...

Would be better still if they came back as Coke bottle. Now the landfills are going to be filled with coke bottles and crappy little red attachments.

What If You Stopped Drinking Water?

chingalera says...

Never saw my granny ever drink water. Diet coke, iced tea, and crappy merlot (w/ice and sweetener) every once inna while. She was one if those 'fish fuck in it' folks, if you mentioned a glass of water to her she'd always get the same wince on her face...

Celebrate World Water Day with hot tub sex or bathing in a public fountain.

Coke + Mentos Vs. Durex Condom

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'coke, coca cola, mentor, bottle, condom, durex' to 'coke, coca cola, mentos, bottle, condom, durex' - edited by lucky760

Coke + Mentos Vs. Durex Condom

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Our RoboCop Remake - Trailer

spawnflagger says...

I just watched the full movie. It was amazing (in a so-bad-its-good purposeful way).
I don't think the other Robocop remake has a scene where he's shooting 15 dicks off... choreographed dance murder sequence was bravo as well. Then the obligatory "80's coke party" with cocaine and boobs. And at least 2 references to That 70's Show, cause the bad guy is the dad.

Just organizing 55 different film crews is a crowd-sourcing accomplishment.


Harrowing Footage of LGBT Beaten and Humiliated in Russia

chingalera says...

No sir. Sensible sane and rational people(sarcasm intended) would treat sponsorship of Olympic games similarly if sayyy, the Olympic committee used child labor or trashed the environment building the arena and got corporate sponsors behind them....Wouldn't we then have to listen to the same type of gimps, the same who trash their own powers of reason, come out of the wood-works to protest that horrifying scenario!?? Watch them boycott coco-cola and mc donalds then?


All governments work the same dude, a few people force the masses to perform according to their rules or be fined or imprisoned.

Draaakonian bullshit.

Personally, I boycott coke and mc donalds because their food is non-nutritive shit that causes diabetic epidemics in adults and children-Less is more.

Besides, corporate sponsorship of anything is a waste of resources when the same could be used for advancement both physically and spiritually of the entire species.

It's 2014 sir, and pretty much ALL governments and law enforcement works on the same arcane model, be they called democracies or dictatorships....po-tay-to, fucking pa-tah-to

draak13 said:

How does this have anything to do with McDonald's, Coca Cola, and Corporate sponsorship of the olympics? Many low class people in america or every other country are the same kind of asshole...the only difference is how the governments and law enforcement work.

Questions for Statists

chingalera says...


First of all, Mr. and Mrs. VooDooV, please, do this little experiment for the entire group and speak aloud the way you responded to my last block of text...

The same Gastroesophageal reflex is encountered when proposing an argument to someone who refuses to engage in argument:

How many times have you heard the following statement by someone so eloquently clueless about what it is that's being discussed? "Well if you don't like it here, then why don't you move to Russia!?!

Or with a born-again Christian, OR rabid Atheist when their storehouse of personal illusion is dashed against the rock-hard crags when they wander too near an unfamiliar shoreline? Sounds something like this:

"Well, I believe I the way I do because with your way of thinking, you could go to hell but I can be sure this way that I am going to heaven!" -(quickly followed by ego-driven denial, then ostracization)

I refuse to engage quite simply, because you have like I have so many times before in my frustration with idiots and imbeciles, punks and thugs (and government insects employed by the state), showed the world your ass-card.

I'll admit everything I've been accused of when in the initial heat and frustration of being misunderstood I go off half-coked and wax mean-But here, and recently as I've conducted the experiment with vehement far-left liberal shit-thinkers, those who accuse e of foul-play remain solid in their own denial THAT THEIR SHIT STINKS!

Get it? All shit stinks mate, that the shitter doesn't realize it is not the concern of another shitter.

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