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Kissinger calls for 'New World Order' AGAIN 1/5/2009

kymbos says...

Kissinger is looking like a shrivelled, dried up coconut. It was a term used by Paul Keating to describe John Howard, but I think it's apt here. Now, is there a rule that says I can't post a comment without upvoting? I don't feel strongly about the clip.

Kissinger calls for 'New World Order' AGAIN 1/5/2009

Constitutional_Patriot says...

>> ^Kymbos:
Hmm... the term 'dessicated coconut' comes to mind.

Could you elaborate on this one? Desiccated Coconut is sweetened dried coconut shreds and I'm not sure how this is relevant. Also rediculous comments without voting makes you a troll.

also see
for the first time he stated (publicly) that America will be losing it's national soverignty without it's consent.

Kissinger calls for 'New World Order' AGAIN 1/5/2009

The Atheist Nightmare is the Banana

Atheism & Christmas (Religion Talk Post)

volumptuous says...

I don't celebrate it, and I donate money to charities in friends/family members names. I will buy my GF one nice thing, but other than that there are zero gifts purchased.

I don't decorate my house, no tree, no lights. It's just another normal day here, except everyone's quiet and the traffic is non-existent. I usually take this time to travel locally, and this year is Hawaii for a few days, by myself, on the beach, with a fucking coconut.

Thank you baby jesus!

Hagelslag Boterhammen Landschap

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'chocolate, sprinkle, landscape, sandwich, candy, coconut' to 'chocolate, sprinkle, landscape, sandwich, candy, coconut, butter, dutch, wim sonneveld' - edited by Eklek

What Are You Going to Be for Halloween? (Kids Talk Post)

swampgirl says...

Have a glass of Kryptonite, Clark

Liquid Kryptonite recipe:

3/4 oz Midori Melon Liqueur
1 splash Vodka
3/4 oz Coconut Rum
3/4 oz Spiced Rum
3/4 oz Pineapple Juice

Kryptonite Directions
Combine ingredients with ice in a cocktail shaker. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass, and serve. ( I guess you could add a touch of green food coloring for show )

How NOT to break a world record!

wax66 says...

5. Make sure the coconuts are properly supported so they don't move.
6. Place something soft where your hand would go if you miss the coconuts. Metal hurts.
7. Don't choose coconut hand smashing.

How NOT to break a world record!

How NOT to break a world record!

How NOT to break a world record!

budzos says...

My hand hurts just watching that. I'm guessing the guy didn't buy the coconuts themself and so they were harder than he's used to? Or did he just miss the sweet spot eight times in a row?

How NOT to break a world record!

blankfist (Member Profile)

How NOT to break a world record!

Maatc Getting Famous as a Professional Escalopter (escalopteur?) (Blog Entry by dag)

lucky760 says...

>> ^LittleRed:
Holy cow, maatc - you talk faster than any German I've ever met.

Ditto- and I've never met a German before.

@maatc- Way to pull out a Pulp quote! I do that once in a while but people usually don't get it and I look stupid. (E.g., any time I taste something good, like, oh I don't know, say a taster of Thai Coconut Soup with Tempura Sunflower Sprouts, I say "That iiiis a good Thai Coconut Soup!")

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