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Bizarre Trial of Darrell Brooks

Sea of Thieves - A Friendship Review | exurb1a

Disagreement About Masks at Christmas 2021 in Math Class

bcglorf says...

@newtboy and @fuzzyundies

I know you at least had an emoji on proselytizing but...

Discussion of Christmas is no more proselytizing than discussion of Hanukkah or Ramadan. And in discussion of any of the 3, referencing the actual religious origins isn't really an 'escalation'.

And I get it's 'fun' to point out, but I can't believe anyone seriously feeling the exact date being inaccurate as a 'credibility' issue.

And surely wouldn't the failure to note that Fauci from March 2020 probably agrees with Fauci months later be the real big concern. FOX news for pity sake still tries to run the narrative of Fauci flip-flopping on masks using this exact footage...

Disagreement About Masks at Christmas 2021 in Math Class

newtboy says...

“Peace….among those with which he is pleased.”
Clearly implying no peace for any of those you mentioned then?
Even the Christmas celebrations are really huge middle fingers and thinly veiled threats to any non Christians.

fuzzyundies said:

Yeah, he completely lost me at the sermon. "We can all agree", because there were no Muslims, Jews, Pagans, Wiccans, atheists, etc. in the room.

eric3579 (Member Profile)


Zawash (Member Profile)

Nordic Garrison - The Search for Christmas

Holiday Ride | Chevrolet

professor bros - prisoner christmas

eric3579 says...

I'm feeling quite the Christmas spirt *doublepromote for all those who will be spending Christmas behind bars, and everyone else

ant (Member Profile)

Let's talk about a video for grown ups...

noims says...

Interestingly, about 2 weeks ago one of my son's classmate's parents said pretty much this on the parents discussion group. The reaction was only mixed in that some parents have been doing this all along, and others thought it was a great idea and would start moving things that way.

The great thing about that is that it works class-by-class, mostly, and even if one kid does get a PS5 at least they're the outlier.

Personally, if I get my son something big for christmas, I want the credit for it, not some overfed figment 😁

Jack and Grace Reenact I Love Lucy's Chocolate Factory Scene

ant says...

Did you see the colorized episodes? I watched a few clips online a few days ago and a full Christmas episode on CBS a few years ago. They were beautiful and clear! Also, for its DVD.

lucky760 said:

Love this. ❤️

I've loved I Love Lucy from the time I was a young kid. I've seen every episode multiple times.

I've tried to get my sons into the show. They've seen an episode or two. I'm going to keep at it.

When Harry Met Santa Claus

newtboy (Member Profile)

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