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ant (Member Profile)

Boys will be boys

BSR says...

Kid is going to go to school and the teacher will report black & blue marks on the child's head.

Lawyer up kid. You can get everything you want for Christmas.

Democrats RAGE As Super Bowl For Black National Anthem.

newtboy says...

More ridicule for the ridiculous idiot.
Bob, first you idiots tried to stoke outrage that the song was sung at all, tried to boycott the NFL and especially the Super Bowl.
That boycott failed so miserably that the Super Bowl was the most successful television program ever in history, highest ratings, most money made.
More people watched believing there would be less MAGA stupidity, more advertisers bought for the same reason, more people held parties knowing their MAGA friends/family wouldn’t come.

Hey….can you guys boycott Thanksgiving and Christmas?
MAGA could finally make America great again, by leaving America alone.

Now that your boycott failed, since you simply cannot admit you are a failure, you come up with this utterly stupid lie that the left was outraged over the right not standing for a song people don’t stand for…and that the same people who support kneeling for the actual anthem are outraged someone sat during a song. 🤦‍♂️

If you are going to make up silly *lies constantly, could you please at least make them less diametrically opposed to reality? Lately your stupidity is barely worth being *debunked @bobknight33

PS- still waiting.

lol…Trump caught twice this week blatantly censoring and editing articles on “Toth Senchal” that praise Biden or criticize him…you know, exactly what he FALSELY CLAIMED Twitter had done and he called ELECTION INTERFERENCE…but they proved Twitter had not done what he accused them of…but Trump did! 😂
Yet another case of every accusation is an admission….every one. Got another?


newtboy says...

Reminds me of my dad’s “penguins” story.
As a kid, he got a book about penguins from his aunt for Christmas. My father had never expressed, nor did he have a keen interest in penguins, but being a well mannered southern boy he wrote a thank you note…”Dear Aunt Mildred, Thank you for the book about penguins. It taught me more about penguins than I ever wanted to know.”
Still today, 70 years later, whenever someone in my family gives TMI, we just say “penguins”.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

For Christmas a second sex tape of vitriolicly anti gay “moms for liberty” Ziegler having sex with another woman has surfaced (I didn’t even know the first one was on tape…better air it during a publicly broadcast hearing in congress, the precedent set by Greene showing dick picks of an elected official’s son repeatedly).
Her GOP Chairman husband’s rape case is progressing. Remember, he raped the woman they had a 3 way with…because family values and the children.

More outrageous MAGA hypocrisy, because everything you rail against is just more self loathing couched in projection.

Question: with Trump plummeting in polls, dropping over 14 points Nicky picked up putting her in a statistical tie (including the margin of error), what will you and he say when the prosecutions continue even though he’s not the presumptive candidate anymore!?!? The lame attempted excuse that it’s a purely political prosecution against a political rival(like Hunter’s prosecution and Joe’s inquiry absolutely are) is evaporating in your hands. 😂

BTW- polls also show Biden beating Trump by 14 points if Trump is convicted of anything.

newtboy said:

Ziegler himself is now calling out the hypocrisy of those in his party who are calling for him to step down for (allegedly) raping the woman he and his puritanical book burning wife often had 3 way sex with, but who didn’t call for Trump to step down from his candidacy and party leadership when he was found guilty of raping a woman, but it’s no surprise since you didn’t care when Trump was bragging about routinely sexually abusing women and 14 year old young girls (look it up, he bragged repeatedly in public about miss teen USA contestants he told he had an obligation to sleep with and repeatedly forced his way backstage to watch undress while he owned the pageant, more than once on Howard Stern) on tape, broadcast, and it was public knowledge before he was elected in the first place.
Also don’t forget Trump’s friend Roger Stone who is a willing cuckold who put adds on swinger sites looking for “huge hung black Cock” to have deep hard nasty gangbang sex with his wife while he watched.
Yes, Trump’s (complete lack of) morality is now the official GOP position direct from the actual party leadership…immorality deviancy and debauchery are officially main features of the GOP, not minor issues.

PS- Thursday Trump lost his NY appeals of both the summary judgement of guilt and the financial monitoring agreement he’s already violated y secretly transferring $40 million out of the state. Expect more charges….much worse charges than Hunter is facing for exponentially greater and blatantly intentional crimes.

White Wine In The Sun an Atheist Xmas Song by Tim Minchin

BSR (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, "The Indict-Mare Before Christmas", has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 261 Badge!

BSR (Member Profile)

"The Indict-Mare Before Christmas"

BSR (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Weekend Update: Christmas Joke Swap 2023 - SNL, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 259 Badge!

BSR (Member Profile)

noims (Member Profile)

Buttle says...

And a very merry christmas to you too. Or whatever floats your boat -- the solstice is coming right up, and I'm looking forward to it.

noims said:

I literally came back here to see if you'd commented/voted on it yet. Hope Santa Claus finds a nice way to get into your place.

ant (Member Profile)

Toxicity (System of a Down) Halloween Light and Fire Show

Heroic man saves dog stuck in elevator!

cloudballoon says...

Less a save than just picking the dog off the leash. Like taking off ornaments off a Christmas tree.

How he didn't spot the dog while walking towards the elevator is beyond my comprehension.

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