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MAGA’s Path To Victory - Lindel Will Flip Democrats

noims says...

I can only assume he's going to flip them cheerleader-style.

Having said that, apparently their eyes are open now to hear all the problems you have, so maybe I'm wrong.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still waiting. 😂 😂 😂

I expect it to be a long wait for you to grow up enough to have the spine to admit you are, again, 100% wrong, as usual.
You have a long way to go and you aren’t making any headway.

Oh fuck…day 1 of the Trump Rape trial was a shit show for Habba. She’s going to end up in prison too. The judge is already so done with her disrespect, lack of courtroom decorum, lack of legal knowledge, attempts to re-litigate issues he already ruled on, calling the judge “sir” not “your honor”, interupting, filing inappropriate motions, making motions through email, slandering and libeling the judge publicly, etc. She is SO not ready for federal court, and she’s now LEAD COUNCIL after Tacapino quit Trump last weekend.
Trump is going to be convicted on every count, and lose every civil trial worse than anyone can imagine not just because he’s guilty but also because he has no defense team, he has unintelligent cheerleaders. He would be better off with a public defender, but they won’t sleep with him. His lecherous tendencies, needing to be surrounded by attractive women at all times to feel secure, are ending him in spectacular fashion….and I am so here for it with popcorn and a big gulp!

So far, Habba has been reamed by the judge and Trump had “Tothed” hundreds of posts attacking his victim while the jury is being picked…a jury that has total anonymity to protect them from exactly the same treatment if Trump finds out who they are. The jury is going to see those when determining how much to award his rape victim, his guilt is legally pre-determined from his last trial, and it will be in their minds that they might suffer the same thing themselves so expect an astoundingly huge award, enough to ensure he never does it again because they might very well be the target next time. 😂
He is so fucked.

Bonus- Oh snap…like I said, in opening statements the prosecutor showed them the 22 times Trump attacked Carrol this morning while in the room with them, asked to think about that when determining how much money it will take to convince Trump to stop. That’s going to be one big number with a lot of zeros….7…8…could we see 9 zeros? 😂
And make no mistake, she gets ANOTHER bite of his pie because he has not stopped defaming her even as the trial progresses, and that slander and libel isn’t covered in this or the other rape trials. He’s really regretting opening his halitosis filled mouth, but still can’t stop doing it. 😂

And Trump lost again in NY Supreme Court trying to remove his gag order so he can attack court workers and threaten their safety. Denied.

bobknight33 said:

More infantile whining and lying and redirecting to continue avoiding admitting to being 100% wrong about Trump’s multiple (7 times in 4 years during his most prolific child prostitution years) documented visits Child Rape Island with Epstein and being named repeatedly in the newly released documents including the specific accusations that he raped a 13 year old girl….again.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Jenna Ellis, Trump’s lawyer, sure sounds ready to flip, and she would have some good inside info.

Remember her, she’s been one of the loudest of his lawyers about him stiffing her on her legal fees….like he has every lawyer and most others he owes money to.

Now in an interview she said she wouldn’t vote for him because he’s such a malignant narcissist that he claims to have never done anything wrong in his life.

I wonder what changed for her. She said nearly the same thing in 2016, but then became one of his biggest cheerleaders. I guess you can only get raped by the team so many times before you become disillusioned.

Bonus - Holy sheep shit, Trump’s latest disastrous interview he admitted his lawyers told him he lost and he was doing illegal things trying to overturn the election but he decided if they disagreed with his plan they must be RINOs or just bad lawyers so he chose to listen to other people telling him what he wanted to hear because he had already made the decision himself that he would insist he had won the election early on election eve when less than half the votes had been counted despite his staff and election officials and reality telling him otherwise and insisting he stop.
“You know who I listened to…I listened to myself.”

Basically he just plead guilty to all the Georgia charges on national TV and admitted it was all his idea. I know he’s trying to influence the jury pool, but we all expect him to be claiming total innocence, no one expected him to just admit his total guilt. 😂

Second bonus- it seems that one of Trump’s assistants at Maralago (with no security clearance) was often given instructions and to do lists written on the back of highly classified documents from the whitehouse. Trump was using them as scrap paper to be tossed in the trash after use! She kept them and turned them over to the FBI after the first subpoena (that Trump ignored then fought) so Jack Smith has them. D’OH!

Biden's shuts down Pubtards who claim legislative credit

newtboy says...

It’s Dark Brandon’s mind control powers on display, taking the representatives who were the most vehemently opposed to infrastructure investment and turning them into the biggest fans and cheerleaders.

Let’s go (Dark) Brandon!

Trump’s Loyalties

newtboy says...

Bob, you ignorant slut

Putin invaded Crimea before Trump, true, and we eventually responded with harsh sanctions under Obama/Biden (not as harsh as now, we had less support). Trump’s people, before taking office, were on tape promising to remove any sanctions as soon as he took office, a crime btw and what Flynn went down for….then he recognized Russian Crimea halting any further international response.
Oh, and let’s not forget withholding military aid as they were being invaded to blackmail the Ukrainians into making up lies about and fake investigations into Biden.

It’s utterly asinine to pretend Putin wouldn’t expect the go ahead from Trump, who is cheerleading him on as we speak, offering high praise for the genius invasion, and have his full cooperation in blocking NATO from responding. Trump never once opposed or contradicted Putin. Not a bit surprising it’s your position. You are so gullible…and ignorant.

Putin DID invade Ukraine under Trump you moron. His forces were already in the Provence/states he declared independent, and have been for years. It was a smaller force, not full scale invasion, but his military was present and controlled the areas.
He’s escalating now, he says, because NATO is being strengthened (thanks largely to Biden, despite Trump wanting out of NATO) and he’s scared shitless that Ukraine will join and get help crushing the Russia backed separatists, quickly followed by other ex soviet satellites.

Putin is pausing that escalation now because of the strong response from Biden and our NATO allies.

How’re Trump’s criminal charges and civil cases doing? LMFAHS!!!

bobknight33 said:

Putin didn't invade under Trump. He did however invade with sleep Joe behind the wheel.

Guess Biden is Putin's bitch.
How's Biden favorably rating doing?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

StukaFox (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

To be clear, I didn't comment TO him there, but i certainly don't blame those who do. He has a habit of being smarmy and disrespectful on other people's non political videos to the point I've seen many killed because he turned it to a bob centric vitriolic comment thread.

I've given him years of civility, hundreds of opportunities to be better, he almost never returned the civility. It's not what he wants. He wants to trigger libtards and doesn't care how damaging it is, how racist, how uncivil, untruthful, or how many lives are lost as long as he gets to be a cheerleader for Trump.

When he actually directly supported Trump lying under oath, saying only a stupid man tells the truth if the truth would hurt them, I 100% gave up on him. I will not coddle a liar, nor will i let him lie publicly uncontradicted.

I hate liars unconditionally.

If I was a dishonest muck raker, i want others to contradict me. If i become a vocal racist, i want others to call me out. I treat him as i would have others treat me if I acted like him.

After 4+ years of his vitriolic support for everything disrespectful that trump says, perhaps he will return to just being a right wing troll once Trump is gone, but I'm not holding my breath.

Merry Christmas to you too.

StukaFox said:

"(...) I wonder why you believe he should he be coddled?"

- I'm not saying he should be coddled anymore than anyone else here. He did something humane and cool, and that's what everyone here has been asking him to do (each in their own way; mea culpa etc), but instead of saying "hey, that was really a cool video. Thanks.", it was time to take shots at him. I make no secret of where my feelings are on him, his politics and the world at large, but I also feel that cool things should be rewarded, especially in this case and in this place and at this time.

"Are you saying he doesn't follow the golden rule, to treat others as you would have them treat you? I thought disingenuous discussions dripping with disrespect was what he wants."

- Congratulations, then, you just gave him everything he wanted and lowered yourself in the processes. It's not for others to follow the Golden Rule, the point is you're the one who's supposed to live by it even if others don't. If you blame him for not being the bigger man, you should at least try to be that man himself.

Christ knows there'll be enough ugliness for everyone involved the other 364.

FWIW, Merry Christmas to you, BSR, all the fun and raucous people who make Sift a daily view -- and that includes Bob.

Jorge Masvidal on re-electing Donald Trump

BSR says...

So @bobknight33,

@moonsammy asked you a few questions. I'm not sure if you missed the request or if you're just sitting around pulling your pud yelling "COME ON FUNNY FEELING!!

I'm interested to see just what you think about the issues he's asking you rather than just seeing you jump around with your pom poms in your cheerleader outfit.

Bob, what specifically has Trump been doing well, that you'd like to see more of? Actual specifics please, not vagaries. Are you a big fan of the 2017 tax reforms? The boondoggle border wall that's been paid for by redirecting funds meant for the military, and definitely NOT by Mexico? Breaking faith with our historic allies while promoting authoritarians like Kim, Putin, and Erdogan? I really am honestly curious: what has Trump done, specifically, that you feel has been a positive for the US?

Buttigieg Shuts Down Loaded Fox Question

newtboy says...

LOL. You realize you're using edited Fox clips, right? The channel you just said isn't trustworthy....the channel that in court argued they are so biased and untrustworthy that no sane person would believe them?
You realize you had to go back to LAST YEAR to find a clip of even them trying to cheerlead for Trump, right? I know you don't want 2020 to count, just ignore it, but so sorry, it happened, and Trump's lack of leadership erased and reversed any minor gains he had made (minor gains made at a much slower rate than under Biden/Obama).

Sorry Bob, nobody is going to ignore the multiple disasters trump caused in 2020, and most despised Trump in 2019 for being a liar, fraud, tax cheat, rapist, and blatant pedophile.

bobknight33 said:

MEGA Job maker.

Next 4 years will be even better.

BSR (Member Profile)

Moscow Mitch Rushes To Senate Floor

BSR says...

Sometimes I just picture you at your keyboard wearing a cheerleader outfit. NOT that there's anything wrong with that.

bobknight33 said:

Yet not 1 racist statement from Trump 3 years and county.

Also all Conservatives are Russian asset racists.

Only the left can invent / push this bullshit.

Democrats are going to loose big time in 2020.

Glass Movie Clip - Opening Scene (2019)

Glass Movie Clip - Opening Scene (2019)

Sword and Kama forms

TheFreak says...

wtf is this?

The thing is, the traditional arts related to that sword have not died out. They're still practiced. You can literally go on youtube and see exactly what a strike with that sword looks like.

It doesn't look anything like that.

Why did you need to replace the cheerleading batons with fake weapons? All those moves are just as impressive with sticks and a whole hell of a lot less embarrassing for everyone involved.

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

Briguy1960 says...

Woodward is no Trump cheerleader and you know that for a fact.

Actually the point I was making is Woodward wasn't only talking about the incident with Acosta.
Great minds see through the emotional overload I guess...

newtboy said:

I have no passion for any hyper biased sources, which is only one reason I won't watch Fox, the other being every time I do it seems it takes less than one minute for them to stray from the truth and go off on some hypothetical pathway based on nonsense, and I just won't intentionally give professional liars and Trump cheerleaders any of my attention or views.
Fool me once, shame on..shame on you....Fool can't get fooled again.

Also, I'm not looking for a debate about CNN's lawsuit over security clearances/press credentials being used as political cudgels by immature "leaders" with unstroked egos, I'm not a lawyer and even they likely don't have much more than opinion on this subject, it's so unique....but I do think it sets a dangerous precedent, one that would have sent the right into violent fits had Obama banned Fox hosts after directly calling them the enemy of America for years, and one that may come back to haunt them in 2 years. Please recall how Fox treated Obama who still gave them one on one interviews where they were even ruder to the delight of the right, before casting aspersions at a political rival's character. Those in glass houses....

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