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The Check In: Betsy DeVos' Rollback of Civil Rights

newtboy says...

Your assumption is incorrect. As I've stated repeatedly, I think people should be seen and assessed individually on the totality of their character. It's just that I see the inpracticality of that in institutional settings where a few people must assess tens of thousands of applicants in months. That necessitates putting people into groups and making assumptions, sometimes by necessity that's by race. Fund education better, they might screen better. Fund all education better, they might be able to abandon all criteria beyond past performance, but that just won't happen (but $12 billion for Trump's trade war's damage to soy bean farmers, no problem, who's next?).

Ahhh....but those discriminatory practices have, and still are encoded in the law against these groups in many forms. Some have been rectified, many not, and never has there been a reasonable attempt to make up the shortfalls/damages these policies have caused these groups over decades and centuries. If I beat you daily and take your lunch until 11th grade, then stop, it's still horrifically unfair of me to insist you meet weight requirements to be on my JV wrestling team and yet not offer you weight training and free lunch to help you get there. Same goes for groups, however you wish to divide them, that have been downtrodden.
Creating policies to address the damage done in order to get the long abused back to their natural ability level isn't bad unless they aren't ever modified once equality is reached. We aren't close yet.

Some won't, most do. You make a thousand little sacrifices for the greater good daily, one more won't hurt you. If your ability is actually equal to the poor kid trying to take your place, the advantages you have over them should make that point abundantly clear and your scores should be excessively higher. If they aren't, you just aren't taking advantage of your advantages, making them the better choice.

Time will tell, but I don't see this as political, I see it as rational realism vs irrational tribal wishful thinking.
My parents both worked at Stanford, and are Republicans, and both support giving less advantaged students more opportunities to excell, and both think diversity on campus benefits everyone to the extent that it merits using race and gender as points to consider during the application process if that's what it takes to get diversity.

Your main problem seems to be that it's decided purely by race. Let me again attempt dissuade you of that notion. Race is only one tiny part of the equation, and it's only part because they tried not including race and, for reasons I've been excessively sesquipedelien about, that left many races vastly underrepresented because they don't have the tools required to compete, be that education, finances, support of family, support of community, extra curricular opportunities, safety in their neighborhood, transportation, etc., much of which is caused by centuries of codified law that kept them poor, uneducated, and powerless to change that status. No white male with a 1600 and 4.0 is being turned away for a black woman with 1000 and 2.9, they might be turned away for a black woman with 1550 and 3.8 because she likely worked much harder to achieve those scores, indicating she'll do even better on a level field.

I don't see why Republicans care, they're now the proudly ignorant party of anti-intellectualism who claim all higher education is nothing but a bastion of liberal lefty PC thugs doin book lernin. Y'all don't want none of that no how. ;-)

Edit: note, according to reports I saw years ago, without racial preferencing FOR white kids, many universities would be nearly all Asian because their cultures value education above most other things so, in general, they test better than other groups.

bcglorf said:

. I get that you disagree vehemently......

Michael Jackson - Billie Jean ( cover by Donald Trump )

vil says...

Austrian Protestant? The last time they were relevant was in the 16th century.

Murderers by faith? Spread the fear, keep stupid people subjugated.

The video is a lame innocent joke with zero actual content and yet what interesting comments. I should google this hip-hop thing.

MOWGLI - Official 1st Trailer

MilkmanDan says...

Cool. I kinda liked the 2016 Disney Jungle Book movie, but they certainly need some reminders about what the public part of Public Domain means. They've benefited massively from it in the past century, but they are working really hard to try to prevent anyone else from doing the same in the next century...

Sam Bee - Medicinal Cannabis For All

Mordhaus jokingly says...

I wish I could be a fly on the wall in the future to hear people discuss how stupid we were back in the 21st century.

We know Cannabis does more good by far than harm, but we ban it.

We know climate change is happening but we ignore it.

We keep letting Michael Bay make essentially the same movie over and over with a slightly different theme.

We elected Trump.

When woman couldn't run in the Boston Marathon...she ran

Why these Alabama voters are sticking by Roy Moore (HBO)

moonsammy says...

States like Wisconsin and Kansas have implemented conservative policies - how's that worked out for them? Here's a hint. Go ahead and point me to a counter-example, where cuts to social programs and austerity have provided a benefit to the people of a state. I'm damned sick of the false promises of so-called "conservative values" - they don't fucking work, all evidence supports the notion that they don't fucking work, and they're destroying the progress this country made during the early and mid-20th century to create a strong middle class.

It's in these people's own best interests to support progressive policies, but the politics of division and hatred, and the highly effective lies from the likes of Fox News have blinded them.

bobknight33 said:

From the last speaker ..This sums it up

Policy is everything, and if we don't stand for conservative policies, then we've lost.

Will be 1 interesting vote.

Tesla New Semi Truck. Also surprise Tesla roadster unveiled.

newtboy says...

But electric cars are well over 1 1/2 centuries old. In fact, the earliest working examples are from the 1830's, predating gas cars by 50 years (+-).
It is great to see their resurgence, finally.

bobknight33 said:

What a beautiful time to be alive. To watch the electric vehicle come about and mature over the nest 30 years will be awesome.

It's Mueller Time! Trump Administration Season Ending

Drachen_Jager says...

I'm not saying he shouldn't be prosecuted. And he most certainly deserves to rot in jail for the rest of his life for all the financial crimes he appears to have perpetrated prior to his presidential run (his crimes against the English language alone should qualify). Added on, the crimes surrounding the race and his presidency would see him well into the next century in jail time if prosecuted fully.

It simply won't resolve anything for the United States. What's needed is a fundamental political shift or a major change to the political system. Neither of those can happen in the next few years, and they're unlikely even down the road.

newtboy said:

Perhaps, but the law doesn't work if it's only applied when it's convenient.
Dad going to jail is pretty bad for the whole family, and community. That doesn't mean working fathers get a pass on murders or rapes...I think the same logic applies here.

Tragically Hip - Ahead by a Century

The Tragically Hip - Ahead By A Century

The Tragically Hip - Ahead By A Century

The Tragically Hip - Ahead By A Century

CNN: Guns In Japan

SDGundamX says...

Uhhh... you are aware of the atrocities Japanese soldiers committed less than a century ago during WWII, right? And I think you're confusing psychopaths (who may or may not be violent) with those suffering from a psychosis (a complete mental break with reality).

Either way, mental illness is a huge problem in Japan and in fact treatment of mental illness is one area where their socialized medicine is sorely lacking behind other countries.

I don't know of any credible studies that say that mental illness rates are lower in Japan than in other developed countries, but I do know that the overwhelming majority of crimes in pretty much any country are actually committed by people who are legally sane.

So, despite what you may believe, "genetic" predisposition is an unlikely factor in explaining Japan's crime rate. Besides which, criminologists agree that whatever role genetics plays in people becoming criminals it isn't nearly the most important factor and is dwarfed by environmental factors (see this for a scholarly article on the topic and <a rel="nofollow" href=">this for a popular news article).

You're trying to paint this as two equal parts of the recipe for crime when in reality it's more like "add two cups of environmental and a dash of genetics/personality/whatever."

Crime does happen here. The kinds of stuff I hear about on a daily basis in the news: crimes of desperation (homeless guy stealing to survive), thrill-seeking crimes (stealing a bike because you're young and stupid and the chances of getting caught are pretty low), crimes of passion (i.e. domestic violence, drunken bar fights, etc.), organized crime (i.e. yakuza), and the big one--sexual assault.

Sexual assault is so prevalent in Japan that there are actual signs warning women of areas where they are likely to be groped or have men expose themselves. There are train cars for women only so they don't have to get groped on the way to work or school. I mean, how fucked up is that?

So it isn't all rainbows and unicorns over here. Crime happens, and unfortunately is much more likely to happen to you if you're a woman. Still, even accounting for that the crime rates here are ridiculously low, for the reasons I stated above.

jwray said:

@SDGundamX those cultural factors are all true, and none of it contradicts my point. Both culture and inborn personality traits play a role. A place where murderers have been routinely caught and removed from the gene pool for centuries is going to be a place with a lot less genes for psychopathy. Not so much in a frontier society without effective law enforcement for much of its history, like the US. The US isn't the worst in this respect, but it hasn't been civilized for nearly as long as Western Europe or Japan, and this is a source of both genetic and cultural differences.

CNN: Guns In Japan

jwray says...

@SDGundamX those cultural factors are all true, and none of it contradicts my point. Both culture and inborn personality traits play a role. A place where murderers have been routinely caught and removed from the gene pool for centuries is going to be a place with a lot less genes for psychopathy. Not so much in a frontier society without effective law enforcement for much of its history, like the US. The US isn't the worst in this respect, but it hasn't been civilized for nearly as long as Western Europe or Japan, and this is a source of both genetic and cultural differences.

rbar said:

@jwray are you saying that US citizens are genetically the most violent in the world?

a black man undercover in the alt-right-theo wilson

MaxWilder says...

I admit that I still find it annoying, but the use of the word literal as pure emphasis and not meaning actual reality is over a century old.

Jinx said:

I almost closed the tab after "literally a quantum leap" but I'm glad I didn't because the rest was pretty smart and insightful.

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