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Cliven Bundy Shares Some Peculiar Views

artician says...

I'm sure there are logical reasons for the tax that I'm not aware of. If there weren't though, I would ask why no rancher would be allowed to graze his or her cattle on unused land, tax-free.
In case my comment confused anyone on where I stood on my opinion of this guy: he's a piece of shit for his stubbornness, ego, and, now, racism. It was just the taxes for a perceived common resource that caused me to feel sympathy for the situation.

Januari said:

Just him or the thousands of other ranchers who respect the law, pay their taxes and grazing fees?

Cliven Bundy Shares Some Peculiar Views

artician says...

I am amazed that this has gone on so long.

That said, for the first time in my memory, I actually feel like the government is handling this correctly. They didn't go in guns blazing and claiming the victims were threats. They went in, allowed the guy to make a complete ass of himself, and let the media handle the public defamation. Now I feel like they could go in, guns blazing, and for once have a recorded justification of doing so.

That said; from everything I've heard the cattle are eating on public land that's not in use. In the realm of sanity, if he's not hurting anyone, let his fucking cattle graze.

Cliven Bundy Shares Some Peculiar Views

Yogi says...

Apparently you can't read. They sent Armed Men, after trying to get him to pay several times and after he threatened them with his guns. Maybe you missed that but when Bundy says he and his wife have guns and they're going to "do what needs to be done" they're not talking about Gardening.

Bundy no matter that he's a racist has acted improperly. He is Stealing food for his cattle, even Glen Beck has people paying him Grazing fees for his land. Also the fact that he hasn't paid taxes in 20 years.

He hasn't paid taxes yet still benefits from the government, most specifically there would be NOTHING in Nevada if it wasn't for Big Government Projects like say the Freeway system or The Hoover Fucking Dam.

These Militias certainly aren't in the right, hell they planned to put women and children in front of them so the government would shoot them first. Mighty brave, I think Al Queada uses the same tactic. They're not crazy, maybe a little off, but they're certainly not right about this.

The government isn't assfucking people by protecting land and charging for grazing. It's perfectly reasonable, otherwise you can be the first asshole to start dumping oil all over Yellowstone National Park.

chingalera said:

Marching in lock-step to your demise, child. Your comments on this matter read like a dutiful slave to your own oblivion.

One of the things no one has even cared to mention about this event is that the federal government, enforcing a civil affair (non-payment of grazing fees) sent armed swat teams to enforce the matter. The citizens of the United States who chose to show up in support of Bundy (a dumb-ass for the shit he's said of late, that the media has completely used to distract the putties with racism being an opportunistic side-issue in this entire debacle), who did so with guns as well-were within their rights to do so, breaking no laws. For this, they are called all manner of names and labeled as agitants, crazies,etc., by people without a clue as to how they are being ass-fucked.

The media, an arm of the state's machine, focuses upon this and continually pumps their brand of newsspeak, loaded language (like newtboy here repeats and foments to his own audience of parrots), and in doing so guides the story in a direction that further ignores facts while blatantly promoting the further erosion of individual rights under the constitution in favor of bigger, stronger, more restrictive government.

We are going to see more and more of this in the coming decade, as well as more people who favor the cozy protection of government control over individual responsibilities and accountability.

Cliven Bundy Shares Some Peculiar Views

newtboy says...

I both agree and disagree.
Cops should try do de-escalate when possible, but also should not allow felonies to continue unabated and/or felons to just walk away from the violent crimes they just committed in front of officers, as they did.

Like you said, if Wesley Snipes had called out the crips and bloods (not to be racist, it's an extreme example) to protect his right to not pay taxes, the cops would almost certainly NOT have 'backed off'...I would like equal treatment across the board. They didn't back down in Waco, or Boston, or Pakistan, or Afghanistan, or Iraq....why start now to 'save lives', especially the lives of admitted traitors to the USA? (if you proclaim your readiness and willingness to fight an armed battle against the federal government that you publicly denounce, and ask others to join your armed insurgency, you ARE a traitor to the USA, period, in my opinion...look up "the whiskey rebellion" for historical context.)
EDIT: I think they should have called the national guard to restore order, since the local officers were so outmatched. A couple of heavy armored vehicles and a few hundred machine guns and/or a few attack helicopters buzzing about would have made them think twice about advancing, unlike the smattering of officers with pistols that backed away and allowed the theft (and killing) of confiscated cattle.

Some human lives need to end. :-) In this situation it's not about putting one person away, it's about upholding the rule of law, which is being publicly broken not only by one jackhole, but by all the armed 'terrorists' that have proclaimed 'war' on the federal government with him, and therefore on the USA.

It does 'blow a hole' in that 'tyrannical state' argument, but that argument was so full of holes to begin with it didn't need another to prove it wrong. He doesn't even believe in the federal 'state', so how can it be tyrannical? :-)

I'm also certain this isn't over, the first time he or his wife go to town without their private army they'll likely be going to the pokey. I also assume their accounts have been frozen (I hope so anyway) and the title to their family land has a federal lien on it. I also hope all federal welfare support for his family has dried up, along with his mail service and any other federal program(s) they take advantage of. He has no right to federal services, he's a tax cheat and felon.

Yogi said:

I see it differently I'm glad the BLM decided to back off and figure this situation out. If this guy and his followers aren't going to be sensible someone should if only to protect human lives. It's something that always bothered me about how Cops operate, there's no reason to go crazy because someone broke a minor law and risk lives. You back off and you figure it out, you don't need to shoot up a street corner and risk the lives of many people to put one away.

It also blows a hole in the side of the argument that the Tyrannical State will stop at nothing to destroy so called Patriots who are fighting for justice. They obviously didn't, they acted rationally in my view. I'm certain this isn't over they're looking at other options and perhaps waiting till they can create a dialog or something. This won't just be set aside forever and they know that.

Cliven Bundy Shares Some Peculiar Views

newtboy says...

Yeah, I was amazed that so many people jumped to the defense of a crazed violent felon who (along with his wife) threatened state and federal agents with being shot if they tried to enforce the laws of the land. I am pleased to see his support evaporate, even if it's because of a non-sequitur position he takes on race. Most of his support was based on BS far right wing stories in the first place, and on hatred of Obama, who is equated with the federal government in so many people's minds since 08.
I was most disappointed that the authorities "allowed" the armed tugs to 'steal' the cattle that had been confiscated, killing some cows in the process. The authorities absolutely should have stood their ground and shot anyone advancing on them, and arrested those not following legal instructions to disperse, they were all armed criminals at that point, threatening public officials with violence, that's a felony in most states with guaranteed prison time attached. I hope they got good video of everyone there and find them in the near future for prosecution, or this will happen again and again.
If you don't believe in the federal government, you are a traitor to the USA, not a patriot. The U in USA is for UNITED, which is what the fed is all about.

Yogi said:

Some people are saying now that he's said racist things, people are being unfair and using that to detract from the point of Big Government going after the little guy.

I'm worried about that too, that this racism thing will detract from him being proved to be a Welfare Rancher. He was wrong throughout this entire episode and has surrounded himself with fellow ignorant idiots. Now those in the public eye are getting hammered because he says some racist shit? NO they should be hammered because they wrap themselves in the Flag and then support this moron who is wrong on every avenue.

You have to pay your taxes or you're stealing. You have to pay for the raw materials that keep your business going and profitable. You can't just refuse to be a member of the society, benefit from it and sell your wears to it. Then when the government that represents the people goes and tells you to knock it off threaten to "do what's necessary" and get a ton of Militia members to come protect your tax avoiding ass.

I wonder if Wesley Snipes thought "Well I'll just get some brothers with guns and hole up in my house, they'll never do anything!" How fast would 20 black people be killed cause they looked like they were threatening officers?

Jon Stewart epic Sean Hannity take-down. Truth recovered.

RFlagg says...

This. Seriously, if a Republican was in office right now, they would be screaming the same thing everyone else was screaming, that's he a welfare rancher, refusing to pay his federally mandated dues that Regan made last forever now...

They are so obsessed with their Anti-Obama message they are missing their best chances to score with the American public at large. The individual mandate of Obamacare, is their idea, it is funded the same way they wanted to fund it. If they were smart, they should be shouting, "we could have had this back under Bush Sr, but the Democrats stopped it twice, and they stopped it again under Clinton. They couldn't pass their single payer or government option so t hey went with our plan. We told them so, and the American people had to wait all these years for them to come around to our plan." They then could explain why they oppose the changes from their versions like going from catastrophic only care to comprehensive care is bad, since apparently stopping people from getting sick is bad in their eyes... For this situation they should be noting how the Federal government got the land in 1848, before Nevada became a state in 1868 and before Bundy and his extended family was grazing cattle on the land in 1877... and ages before his family actually purchased the ranch in 1948... after the Taylor Grazing Act of 1934 was passed... and even before the BLM was formed in 1946. Their hero, Reagan passed, as Stewart noted, the right to collect grazing fees forever. Bundy is just attempting to make a profit off the government's dime without compensating the government back. They should note how he threatened violence against federal officials... which if a Republican was in office now rather than a black man, they'd be screaming he's a domestic terrorist, and when he called in militia to support him, they'd be screaming how they were all terrorists against the government doing its rightful duty.

The right's hatred of Obama has blinded them to the very things they would normally be for and against, just because suddenly a man (who's probably closer to the Reagan era Republican than any of today's Tea Party members are) they oppose is in office rather than one of their Tea Party extremist...

VoodooV said:

This is just the standard "Must oppose anything federal as long as Obama is in office even though he may have nothing to do with it"

I almost want the Republicans to retake the White House in 2016 so we can have a field day pointing out all hypocrisies when they suddenly become pro-federal gov't and talk about how we have to trust our president, when they're in office and spend more than the left *ever* has which has been shown before.


Molyneax on Bundy Ranch Standown of BLM

newtboy says...

There has been no assult on the rancher's property, it's all on Federal land.
This may be an example of why dumb americans want guns, but this is also an example of many people that SHOULDN'T be allowed to have guns. If you want a rifle to take on the federal government, you are an idiot. The feds have tanks and missiles, who wins EVERY TIME in that fight? Just ask (edit, I meant Koresh and the Waco people). His suggestions amount to telling children to go play in the freeway because it belongs to them as public land, and the fed has no right to reserve it for cars. I wish this guy walked his own talk and was standing right there in the front baiting the feds, he might be the first casualty.

This is not about 'defending freedom', it's about defending a criminal that believes federal land is his to use and damage as he sees fit, even after being told clearly and repeatedly that he has to pay for it, (which he refused to) and can only use it for certain purposes for a certain time period (which have ended long ago).

His example of allowed use, the solar company, is forced to follow environmental laws and not damage the land/environment, cattle don't follow laws and do damage the land badly. Solar and wind don't hurt turtles, cattle and vehicles (used to manage the cattle) do. Proven.
EDIT: I recall many 'ranchers' on federal land intentionally killing turtles because they burrow, making holes that cattle get hurt in.

I agree with Yogi, this guy is massively deluded and is attempting to spread his stupidity...suggesting that non-citizens take on the fed in this kind of action? WHAT?!? Also claiming that the fed managing it's land is 'facist'. Just DUH, dude. I might downvote this video for mis-information, lack of understanding, and just plain ridiculous ideas if I could.
I note this blowhard isn't standing with the rancher armed...maybe he doesn't WANT to be shot?

Molyneax on Bundy Ranch Standown of BLM

Yogi says...

I've just been reading up on this a bit and it's sort of interesting. I don't think anyone is doing serious investigative work on this whole thing because I keep reading that these are either just local families who own cattle, or they're corporate entities.

Also the disturbing thing is that apparently these people owe the government a lot of money and they refuse to pay. In order to get out of being harassed they got a lot of Militia friends from other states to come armed and stand with them. So this doesn't seem to me like it's being handled very well at all, and it probably is something to do with local law enforcement not interested in causing trouble on a big local name.

Either way this hasn't become all that clear, and it always annoys me that I have to wait a long time before someone gets to the bottom of these things.

EDIT: I totally forgot to talk about the video which I couldn't get through because this guy is a moron. He cites the Federal Government not caring about a tortoise because we detonated tons of nuclear bombs in the desert. That was before the environment and conservation because a large issue, now it is and it isn't just about tortoises it's about the land as a whole. Land that if we destroy we don't get back for generations.

Also imagine if this became violent...just imagine how quickly helicopters would've destroyed everyone and everything in the desert. You cite that we test nuclear weapons yet you don't think we can take on a bunch of fat useless farmers that have AR-15s?

I can hardly listen to this idiot, I can certainly see how the federal government acted inappropriately (although I think I need more information) it's pretty much a common occurrence. But my god this smug little cunt just pisses me off the way he presents his arguments. I would take great pleasure beating him with a pipe until he drowned in his own blood.

My last thought on this is I hope it doesn't come of like I'm defending the government or their idiocy. If they're idiots which they usually are they don't get what they want. However I can't take stupid attacks on the government when there are so much better ones to be had. I love steak but there's too much of it, too many cows and our environment is being wrecked because of it. Red meat feeds cancer and destroys your health if you have too much of it, take it easy on the red meat. Global Warming is a serious issue, and apparently not one that InfoWars agrees with so as far as I'm concerned they're anti-science and anti-humanity. Fuck them.

8 Year Girl is Really Good at Metal Guitar

Anyone Else? No Option to Repair Embeds (Wtf Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Thanks Lilithia-I suspect that because of my recent foray with another user here suffering from chronic corn-cob syndrome, that the admins have hobbled me and this so with a predictable incivility, and have left me to figure it out on my own-I have NOT in my quest to clean the dead viddoe embeds up here,violated any rules of decorum relative to the hard-earned ability of raising the dead however, and would like to know why I am being treated like a second-class citizen of the site, if in fact, my suspicions are true....

If in fact this is the case, again: The mob rule mentality of relatively cattle-like predictability-rears again and again, an over-sized head...

If this is not in fact the case, apologies, I have no way of knowing yet as I have not had my question answered by an admin yet...

Giraffe Copenhagen Zoo chief: 'I like animals'

Payback says...

I bet the giraffe, if we were able to ask, would be ok with a quick bullet to the head instead of being ripped apart, most likely suffocating to death as one or more lions crushed it's neck.

The death of the giraffe would be far more "inhumane" in the wild, but would still have the same outcome, and the lions are also protected from possible complications from eating a raw carcass.

I also upvoted shatterdrose's bringing the whole burger idea into this. What's the difference between the cattle that are normally slaughtered for the lions and the giraffe? Beyond your opinion on the meat that is.

A10anis said:

...I would be happier if the lions had hunted it down in the wild, as nature intended, rather than it being handed to them...

Questions for Statists

chingalera says...

I must be, if you sayeth so-This is truly a sad day for all trolls, including the ones who post non-stop political party-line rhetoric suggesting 'change' in the form of politics as usual, atheism is best/god is fantasy, and 'cry racism' fare, and who can't consider any transformative alternatives to planetary existence beyond their programmed, DE-evolutionary cattle talk.

Your all hairless apes in a cattle car sir, I mourn the death of art and freedom of thought as well as this sincere user's banned account.

A small group of trollish assholes run this site, who fail to see the forest for the fucking trees they have clear-cut to make way for a stultified meat blob instead of a brain that functions.

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Art thou the King of the Trolls?

The Natural Effect or How False Advertising Has Conned Us

bcglorf says...

Well, I'll certainly grant you obesity as being the fault of GMOs, but only in that they've made foods cheaper and more abundant and thus obesity is easier to attain.

I thought the links beginning to surface for all the other conditions were the fault of human CO2 emissions, or vaccinations, or the NWO...

Back to being serious though, my big, big trouble with 'linking' or blaming GMO for health problems or, well, anything, is a complete absence of any scientific evidence and studies supporting said statements and claims. The glaring absence of such evidence really, really sets of my skepticism meter when bold claims against GMO products are stated as matter of course. It sounds to me much more like new things scare me talk than reasoned factual argument.

Are any of the cattle, chickens and pigs raised today 'natural', or are they so far removed from their original species by centuries of human directed selective breeding to be deemed man-made? Truth is there arguably never was such a thing as non-GMO Canola. It was invented as a derivative of Rapeseed by a university about 2 hours from me in the seventies. Talking about GMO products as though, oh no, we've never done anything like this ever before in human history so be very cautious just seems ignorant to me.

enoch said:

totally agree,
unless you wish to consider the massive rise of:diabetes,hypertension,heart disease,cancer,mental illness,obesity etc etc.

the connections linked to GMO's and its possible harmful effects to mammals and the environment,along with the surrounding ecosystems are beginning to surface.

turns out those company sponsored studies may not be as upfront and truthful as we were lead to believe and there might actually be a reason for concern.

Japanese Dolphin Hunt Condemned By World

SDGundamX says...

Back to the video at hand, I find it a bit hypocritical that the U.S. is criticizing the hunt. Yeah, dolphins are cute. The idea of someone killing one is probably uncomfortable to pretty much any culture that hasn't spent centuries eating them. But I think there's a bit of ethnocentricsm going on here.

How many cattle, chicken, and turkeys get slaughtered every day in the U.S. in the most horrible ways--nevermind the horrific conditions most have to endure from birth until death? Where's the international outcry over that?

The primary complaint of this video seems to be that the dolphins die slowly, but the video fails to mention that's only if the procedure is done wrong. It's done that way precisely because Japanese laws require the butchering to be done quickly and when done correctly they die within seconds. I imagine the whales killed by Inuit's in their traditional hunts don't die much quicker (see for more details).

Basically, while I find the method they use to kill disturbingly inhumane, I also don't see the need for the international community to intervene in the hunt unless it can be shown that the hunt is adversely affecting the population. The primary reason hunting dolphins is stupid is because the meat contains alarmingly high concentrations of mercury which pose a major health risk to humans that habitually eat the meat.

Huckabee says Weird Crap about Women and their Libido

chingalera says...

What he's really saying is something like..."women I know, who are douchebags like me, are smart, intelligent, and capable of doing anything any man like me can do..etc. etc., you other people are simply idiot wage-slaves and cattle.

He's a politician in America ergo, concomitantly, vis-a-vis, a complete piece of shit, his particular party alignment having no bearing whatsoever on this fact.-The Architect

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