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Two failed LED bulbs for teardown to determine the cause

Reps Jim Jordan & Trey Gowdy Question Rod Rosenstein

bobknight33 says...

True the RNC started it but the DNC pick it up finished it was used.

Nevermind that the FBI agent working n Clinton case and his wife working for Fusion GPS ,,, Yep this fact does not exist.

Never mind the absolute bias of these agents.

Nope nothing to see here. Nope not at all.

The fact that you called me "fucking usless partisan dumbass."
how blinded you are. Closed minded bigot you are.

newtboy said:

Lots of noise and anger signifying absolutely nothing.

The "dossier" you're feigning outrage about was produced at the request of and was paid for by the RNC, you fucking usless partisan dumbass.

Ricky Gervais - The Unbelievers Interview

Buck says...

Agreed. this "as long as you don't try to push your fairytales onto my life or the lives of others, I really don't care anymore...." is why I can't just shut up about it. The term "Islamaphobia" is why I won't shut up about it. People call me that when I criticize their ancient misogynist death cult. Politicians make friends with religions, that is very dangerous to human progress. I too get sick of it, over and over . But to me it's a rallying call as well, the more these vids are shared, the more exposure to data based education, the less cults can brainwash. I had NO idea how many atheists are actually out there until the web. Videos like this one may be tired to us (long atheists years) but to someone who is say a teen brought up religious, just one of these videos could save a mind. I hope you voted it up even if it's old news to you good sir.

ChaosEngine said:

I agree with every point made here... and 5, maybe 10 years ago, I would happily engage in refuting any argument for god.

But it feels like society has gone backward since then.

OF COURSE, there's no god. There's no Santa, there's no tooth fairy and there's no Zeus. Thor was in an awesome movie, but so was fucking Batman (to be clear, I'm talking about the Dark Knight, not that DCEU shite). Doesn't make either of them real.

We've all made all the same logical coherent arguments for atheism, but at this stage it's so blindingly obvious, it's ... boring.

Is there a possibility of god? Uh, fine, I guess... but it's about as likely as me being the reincarnation of Elvis.

At this stage, I no longer have the energy or the motivation to debate people who still believe. Wanna believe in god? Eh, knock yourself out, as long as you don't try to push your fairytales onto my life or the lives of others, I really don't care anymore....

The Game that is pissing off the Alt Right

eric3579 says...

I came and wanted to see the Alt RIght being pissed off (because that's the title) and got nothing. I mean, unless the 3 twitter messages, from random nobody's, which was on screen for three seconds was all the outrage. Video seems more National Enquirer then Vice "news". We all hate Nazis is hardly news. More like a circle jerk imo. Anyway, call me disappointed

Stranger Aliens

Spacedog79 says...

What an extraordinary phrase. Call me a party pooper on this one but extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I for one have no faith in the quantum maths mumbo jumbo that says extra dimensions are possible.

shagen454 said:

There's no doubt that extra-dimensions exist that we have no clue about

Senator Ernie Chambers The "N" Word at Omaha Public Schools

newtboy says...

Would it have any impact on my argument either way?
If you checked my DNA, there certainly would be African in it. Maybe enough to call me "black" in the south, it doesn't take much. That said, no, I don't check "black" on the census form.

I just believe it works best to exemplify the behavior you want from others, to lead by example rather than reaction, and treat others as you would have them treat you, not as they have treated you.

EDIT: I also think there's a huge difference between 'you shouldn't use that word, ever.' and 'you cannot use that word, ever, or I'll violently attack you.' I agree, white people shouldn't use that word or any derivation of it, and should expect blowback if they do, but if we want to live in a post racial society where people aren't discriminated against based on race, that means no one should use it.

SDGundamX said:


Imma take a wild guess you're not black...

Robotic table tennis tutor

eric3579 says...

Call me disappointed. Although it's cool robotics tech, it's hardly playing at any remotely skillful table tennis ability. Maybe cool for robotics, not so much for table tennis.

TOMB RAIDER - Official Trailer #1

John Oliver - Joe Arpaio

newtboy says...

Jesus Fucking Christ...he was convicted by judges of violating a legal judicial order and the constitution...not by Obama of being an old white guy. You drank more Trump coolaid, but this cup has made you thoroughly un-American.

Is that really what you call the best sheriff...someone who unapologetically violates the law and constitution at every turn, who abuses not only the convicted (still evil and illegal, btw) but also the merely accused in a jail he himself bragged was a concentration camp. That's how he treats American citizens who've not been convicted of a thing....and it's how he deserves to spend the remainder of his life.

If I held you (or your daughter) in a 145 deg tent, feeding you rotten balogne, offering no medical treatment while hoping you die of heat stroke, you would call me a terrorist, but because Joe violated mostly Hispanics (not even Mexicans, mostly legal Hispanic Americans) you call him the best sheriff...and you still tell yourself you aren't racist.

He cost his county well over $140 million in settlements for his victims, with hundreds of millions more in the courts still being litigated. The number of deaths in his jail are exponentially higher than the norm, with most going uninvestigated and fewer (none) being prosecuted (they just pay off the family a few million taxpayer dollars and move on to the next victim).

You really have to be shoving you head even farther up your own ass to even give Arpaio and Trump the benefit of a doubt at this point...he's gleefully admitted all his crimes as if they aren't illegal, and Trump made him right, violating the constitution and thumbing your nose at the court orders is perfectly fine in Trump's America, so long as you support him.

Jesus Fucknig Christ, bob. Next you'll be supporting Trump's pardon of Sheik Muhammad and other Daesh fighters...who were also the victims of an "Obama witch hunt".

You claimed to hate Obama because you've been convinced by drug addled blowhards (Limbaugh, Jones) that he subverted our rule of law to fit his agenda...yet here you are cheerleading Trump and Arpaio uncontrovertibly doing exactly that. Just because you agree with this particular agenda (subverting the constitution to forcefully eject illegal immigrants of one specific nationality) doesn't change the act you claim to hate, subversion of our constitution, laws, and government.

bobknight33 said:

Arpaio's mom told him hill never be a great singer So he became a Americas best sheriff.

Trump just reversing Obama's witch hunt of this man.

The Only Handheld Printer You'll Ever Need

jmd says...

Why is attaching an ink jet head to a hand scanner from the 90's special? call me when they stop robbing you blind with ink refill prices.

Jinx (Member Profile)

enoch says...

i think you are onto something there about the reasons for the political extremes gaining traction.

people are far more isolated in today's world,which ironic considering how open everything is.

but now they have the option to:ignore,block or defriend.

creating a nice,warm and comfy bubble in which to reside in and never have to deal with those who may disagree,criticize or challenge anything in their pretty little head.

during the presidential election i had liberals defriend me because i was critical of hillary.

oh they LOVED me when i was telling them that sanders was going be exposed to the "ron paul" treatment.the fact that the primary was obviously rigged made no difference to them.

but when i continued to be critical of their golden child?

misogynist traitor (actual quote).

the trump supporters adored me when i was breaking down the reasons why some people may vote for trump,and that people should not simply dismiss trump out of hand.

my liberal friends despised me for this,thinking that somehow me pointing to the political climate of my country translated to support for trump.

but i was just a cis gender white privileged male who did not deserve and opinion (another actual quote).

and those trump supporters turned on me in an instant when i began pointing out the more disturbing aspects of trump,his history and politics.oh..they didn't like that.

fucking commie fucking libtard.i thought you were on "our" side! (another quote).

all in all...over 400 people,from both sides of the political spectrum,called me some impressive names..and defriended me.

all because what i was posting conflicted or challenged their cult of personality,which they had attached their ideology.

so now they all sit in their little circles and smell each others farts and call them good and righteous.

i think charlottesville,virginia,seattle are just the beginning.....i fear things are going to get much MUCH worse.

Top 10 Most Viewed YouTube Videos of All Time

eric3579 says...

I've seen four of them(three from the sift the fourth because of the sift). One more i knew of. The others, no clue that the songs or videos existed.

Call me surprised, as i have watched a shit ton of videos ever since i joined the sift.

Woman freaks out after Father gets joint custody

ChaosEngine says...

The problem is this video provides no context or background information.

For all we know, the father could a great dad and she's a complete psychopath. Or he could have been beating her or the kids.

I don't think you can reasonably judge her based on what's probably one of the most stressful experiences of her life, and one for which we have no background.

Either way, call me a prude, but I don't find it amusing.

newtboy said:

This is mom on her absolute BEST behaviour.
Does anyone think she behaves better when not in court? Does anyone think her family members don't physically inject themselves when not in court?
This seemed like a good reason for the judge to reverse his decision and give dad primary custody and mom supervised visitation, along with anger management classes, and tack on an order requiring uncle (or whoever the guy from the back is) to not be present.
Poor kid. This is far from the end of it's nightmare.

Polishing a Rusty Knife

Spacedog79 says...

Call me a cynic but I'm calling fake on this one. The blade of the knife is rusty but the handle looks like it's never been used. I reckon he bought the knife and left it in some brine to rust so he could make up some story for this video to "restore" it.

New Rule: The Lesser of Two Evils

enoch says...

how did this thread steer into climate change waters?
heh...god i love this site,and i love all you fuckers as well!

i don't really understand the rehashing of the election,trump is is a done deal.

which is probably why i am struggling with the hillary diehards.politics is not a binary equation,so stop acting like it IS,and for the love of god stop with the condescension directed at people who did not vote YOUR way.ya'all are acting like we are your wayward dog who just took a giant dump on your carpet.

just LOOK at what you have done! LOOK at it! bad dog..baaaad dog.

@Stormsinger and @MilkmanDan were kind enough to share who they voted for,but they should not be put in a position to defend their vote.their vote,their choice and their right.

you may disagree,and that is fine,but to place all the blame on them,and their "like-minded compatriots" is arrogant,presumptuous and condescending.the reason hillary lost is not simply due to a few small holdouts.there are a myriad of reasons,and in my opinion,hillary should take most of the blame.

and what is this purity test @bareboards2 ?
do you mean a person standing by their principles?
remaining steadfast in their moral values?
showing us all that they would rather lose,than give up one ounce of integrity?

are you seriously criticizing people for holding to their own standards of morality and decency?

politics is not binary,there a many mitigating factors and political affilliation is only one aspect.

i have seen friends who voted for trump,and were extremely vocal about their support in the run up to election day,only to become eerily silent the further we got into trumps presidency.many of these people had voted for obama..TWICE..they wanted change.were desperate for change,and now they are finding out,that change may not be what they were expecting.

because the trump presidency is going to one helluva horror show,but there are also positives to is not a total loss.

i have the seen the very same people who have ridiculed and berated fundamentalist christians for being ideologically rigid,and philosophically immovable.turn around and express the exact same rigidity,and binary thought processes when it comes to their girl hillary clinton.

i was talking the other day with a man i highly respect and admire,who flippantly and casually called me a racist.
my crime?
i had the audacity to criticize obama.
which he doubled down and accused me of being sexist for not supporting hillary,and being critical of her as well.

how is this NOT ideological rigidity?
that to critically examine two prominent public figures automatically equates to:racism and sexism.

this is the metric that i see so many hillary supporters use when dealing with someone that they may disagree.this is a cheap,ill thought and ultimately WEAK counter to valid criticisms.

at what point do hillary supporters stop labeling other people the most vile of terms,simply because they did not step into line with THEIR thinking,and begin to examine the very REAL problems that both the hillary campaign,and the DNC,created for themselves?

or is everybody simply a racist and sexist?
that's discussion.

this is akin to the fundamentalist christian labeling anybody who disagrees with their religion,or has brought up solid criticisms,as being an agent of satan.

" i do not like what you are saying about hillary,so therefore you must be a sexist".

the easiest,and most human,thing we do when faced with information and/or criticism that is in direct opposition to our long held to demonize the person making those claims,and therefore silence any further disruption to our own subjective belief system.

so when i talk about "insulated bubbles",and "echo chambers".that right there is what i am referring to,and it is dangerous.

i refuse to judge anybody on how they voted.they had their reasons,and i may even disagree with those reasons,but they have a right to their vote and who am i to judge them?

rehashing the election,or assigning blame based on ideological differences,accomplishes nothing.the REAL work starts now.trump is in office,and he is gearing up to be an unmitigated disaster.

so get involved.head to your next town hall meeting and speak your piece.start to connect with the political movements in your area and start to put pressure on your local representative.

i think we can all agree that trump is awful on so many levels,but to witness the american people become so politically engaged,so politically active,more active than they have been in really is inspiring,and all this is due to trump.

if hillary had won,would we see the same kind of newly energized,and politically active public?

i don't think so.

so let us stop with the rehashing.
stop with the blaming.
and get off our asses,step outside our own little,insulated echo chamber and start to engage.

don't know how to step outside your own bubble?
there is an app for that:

*oh,and even though i may have alluded to who i voted for.let me state clearly that i voted for hillary.i stick by my dislike of the "lesser of two evils" but come on...trump in the white house?


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