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BSR (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I don't recall David and Goliath. (As cartoons) you mean Davey and Goliath, the basis for Moral Orel? Somebody actually watched that?!

I have tons of Speed Racer stuff....shirts, rc mach 5, die cast models, etc. The movie was a big disappointment and a treat at the same time. I actually used Speed Racer clips in a public speaking presentation describing how cartoons mirrored the evolution of cultural norms from the 50's to 90's.

I never liked Clutch Cargo much, but I knew it. Kind of a poor man's Johnny Quest.

BSR said:

I remember 1,4,5,6. Always sang the Speed Racer song when it came on.

Clutch Cargo
David & Goliath

Liberal Redneck - Mueller Report Schmueller Report

newtboy says...

What is this new lie you're repeating over and over??
What evidence is there on Clinton that was missed in the never ending litany of investigations of her?
What evidence do you have Obama "pulled strings" for either? None that you could produce when I asked before....I seriously doubt you ever will address the question, because you prefer to spout nasty lies and hide when challenged.

I'll go out on a limb and say Obama didn't intervene. Prove me wrong with evidence and fact.....try with innuendo and more baseless Trumpism, be prepared for a serious lambasting.

On the other hand, Trump's "friend like Obama" did unethically if not illegally intervene repeatedly and continuously in every way possible including some extremely unethical ways ....that friend being Trump himself.

Since this is word for word what you wrote to me in private including the silly capitalization, I'm guessing it's cut and paste from a right wing blogger and has zero basis in fact. You are serious about these accusations in private, not sure why you hit sarcasm here except out of embarrassment.

As you know, we MADE money (>$12 million?) proving his cabinet was a criminal organization filled with dozens of felons....a GREAT deal by any measure. Gotta spend money to make money, and we MADE major money on the Trump investigation.

We spent well over $30 million to actually prove Clinton's innocence in just one of many instances Republicans created ridiculous politically motivated investigations, and you support spending tens-hundreds of millions more to get her for....well, you don't even know what. Republicans spent $1.5 trillion per year permanently giving Trump a tax break, you have no fiscal conservatives left in your party and only whine about spending when it's politically expedient.

Only a total proud moron could get "proven innocent" from "this report does not exonerate Mr Trump"....are you a proud moron?

bobknight33 said:

Jussie Smollett and Hillary are both guilty as sin. The evidence is there. They have another thing in common also, OBAMA hands pulling the strings of freedom. You are right, not prosecuting does not mean exoneration.
Funny how the Obama's intervene. So much for equal justice.

Trump has no friend like OBAMA to help him. We had to spend 30 Million to prove his innocence.

Earth at 2° hotter will be horrific. Now here’s 4° +

Captured Audio: Canadian Border Patrol on Guns and Testicles

Ashenkase says...

waaa fucking waaaa.

These guys crossed an international border (by mistake) in a fucking RV and admitted to open carrying guns?! I don't think it matters which border they crossed, they are going to be scrutinized to the max.

These jag offs are lucky border patrol didn't dismantle the RV, which from stories I have heard growing up near Windsor, happens on a regular basis.

Guess what, Canadians rights are on hold when we cross over to the states. These guys weren't in a special circumstance, this was just business as usual.

Don't like it, don't cross. Don't want to cross, don't fucking get lost.

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

bcglorf says...

IYou don't want people looking at anyoneyou and falsely judging themyou as scum on the basis of their genderthis ad.

The ad is just a big yawn for me. The symptom of people still using generalizations and stereotypes to classify a group of people and saying it's "caring, loving, intelligent and brave" is repulsive to me, and needs to be called out. That doesn't hold ONLY when it's blacks, mexicans, muslims or women being targeted but yes, even if it's whites or men.

BSR said:

I don't see it as wrong. I see it as a strategy created by caring, loving, intelligent and brave people. I think you may feel attacked and accused by this ad. You don't want people looking at you and falsely judging you as scum on the basis of this ad.

I'm not sure you have faith in your foundation.

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

BSR says...

I don't see it as wrong. I see it as a strategy created by caring, loving, intelligent and brave people. I think you may feel attacked and accused by this ad. You don't want people looking at you and falsely judging you as scum on the basis of this ad.

I'm not sure you have faith in your foundation.

bcglorf said:

As relates to this commercial, it clearly generalizes most(arguably all) men as complicit with the peoblem. Thats wrong!

Vegan Diet or Mediterranean Diet: Which Is Healthier?

Mordhaus says...

Eating fish and poultry at least twice a week is conspicuously left off the Mediterranean Diet list here.

Fatty fish — such as mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon — are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Fish is eaten on a regular basis in the Mediterranean diet.

Seems from everything I see, seafood seems to be pretty predominant in Japanese diet intake, the other diet he mentioned in comparison.

So, I figured, let me look up some info on the Dr. presenting here. Neal Barnard is a well known Vegan and founding president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

Intriguing, no? Then I looked up the PCRM he is the founding president of ( OMG, they just happen to be a non-profit research and advocacy organization based in Washington, D.C., which promotes a vegan diet, preventive medicine, and alternatives to animal research, and encourages what it describes as "higher standards of ethics and effectiveness in research." Its tax filing shows its activities as "prevention of cruelty to animals."

So it is a combination of a Vegan diet promotional group AND PETA. It also seems that they don't mind omitting parts of 'competing' diets to promote their own. Basically this is the equivalent of a organization like Atkins having a doctor like Iris Shai, RD, PhD, show that a low-carbohydrate diet like Atkins had a more favorable effect on blood lipid levels than both the Mediterranean diet or a low–fat diet.

Obviously she must be right, she is a doctor and other doctors support her. So this must mean all the other doctors and diets are wrong, including this one, right?

I'm calling this *propaganda, sorry.

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

Briguy1960 says...

What you don't get is you don't get to say what constitutes Americas values when you only listen and watch propaganda as you put if from the side that validates your opinons.
Keep living in a fantasy world but I prefer to see things from others perspectives too.
Not simply what the biased agenda based main stream media is pushing very hard down my throat on a daily basis.
The fact you dismiss Woodward because he is on that site speaks volumes about your closed mindedness but regardless his message isn't only on there and you failed to address it.
Fox is by no means as bad you say.
Not all of it.
There are good reporters on there but you will never admit it because they refuse to spend their entire segment bashing Trump which is the only thing you and your ilk will tolerate.
The anger and emotion is real.
Now if only cooler heads and common sense would be IN again instead of this emotional garbage (from both sides btw)

newtboy said:

Fox is, and they don't get my views on purpose. I don't listen to consummate liars and blatant propagandists except to see what nonsense they're spouting in today's attack on American values.
Point me to Woodward saying the same thing on non right wing propaganda outlets and I'll listen.
Point me to another propaganda outlet, I'll ignore it.
I thought I was clear about that.
I believe the boy who cried wolf deserved to be eaten.

I also don't really care about a reporters opinion about a legal, constitutional matter, no matter which side of the issue they're on. They aren't constitutional lawyers....their opinion is meaningless noise....just like most everything on Fox.....biased opinion entertainment, not news.

Trump On Bullying Ford-"Doesn't Matter, We Won"

RFlagg says...

I have two boys, 9 and 14. If they treated people the way Trump, and most of the right, treats people, I'd be ashamed and reprimand them, especially if they did it publicly the way Trump has mocked a disabled reporter, Ford, the parents of fallen soldier... we could go on and on about how he mocks people on a regular basis. Every major religion has some variation of the Golden Rule, treat others as you'd have others treat you, especially Christianity, and yet the entire right ignores this rule, especially when it's somebody they oppose. Be it LGBTQIA+ people, political opponents, economic opponents, they ignore the Golden Rule. They in fact view it as a sign of strength to openly be hostile and rude to others, and yet, when one of theirs is mocked by late night TV, or when Sarah Sanders is kicked out of a restaurant (days after the fact that the entire right was celebrating the Supreme Court victory that they don't have to serve people they don't like), suddenly it is all "why can't people be civilized"? Plank in your own eye ass holes.

As Bob says politics is mean and ugly, but Republicans, Christians, made it that way and have been doubling down on it, ignoring the commandments to Love on another, the commandment to treat others as you'd have them treat you, not to judge least ye be judged and on and on. And somehow the right views that as a strength, as a good thing. They view McCain's efforts to reach across the isle and find a common center ground that everyone can agree on as a weakness. They don't want or will accept a 50/50 solution, they want a solution that is 80 or even better 90 percent on their side, and anything less than that is the other side being obstructionist.

Anyhow, if my kids acted the way Trump does, our President, whom we should hold to the highest standards, I'd make them apologize and be frank with them that I was appalled at their behavior, to mock a person with a disability or a woman or any other person the way Trump does on a regular basis. Yet the entire right is falling over themselves with pleasure at this rude behavior... I just don't get it. I don't get how that is acceptable behavior now from the President of the United States. It'd be one thing if he was still the piece of shit business man (who's business' constantly fail and need bankruptcy protection, even though he rarely pays contractors), 2nd rate reality TV show star, but this is the highest office in the land, where we should expect a person to act with dignity. I may have found Bush Jr to be an idiot and a horrible President, but at least he treated people with respect and the way one would expect of a President. Now we have a man-child and somehow this is a great thing. Fuck our lives when this is acceptable, when this is in fact praise worthy by far too many on the right (and I know, many Republicans said it was wrong of Trump to mock her the way he did, but they didn't really stand up to him, just a quick line to appease the few who might vote for them that would be appalled at that behavior).

EDIT TO ADD: What's upsetting about the Merrick Garland Supreme Court nomination is that they didn't even hold hearings. They had the votes to block him from confirmation, so hold hearings, say "no" and move on, but they wouldn't even do that. And he'd probably have been one of the most moderate justices in the modern era, which would have made explaining the "no" harder perhaps, but at least it would have been fair. But apparently fair is for the weak, one must play the ugly game now... and look at Bob's one reply, they got their eye on Ginsburg, they are hoping she dies so they can replace her with another theocrat like Kavanaugh, and because of that expectation and hope, you can guarantee that all the right will be out in force come November. We really need a miracle turnout to start to change things...

A Scary Time

Mordhaus says...

It isn't as rare as you think. There are numerous accounts of false accusations that don't make it as far as court or they do and the accused choose to take a plea versus chancing half their life.

Brent E. Turvey, a criminologist, wrote a 2017 book that dispels this notion. His research, and that of two co-authors, cited statistical studies and police crime reports. One academic study showed that as many as 40 percent of sexual assault charges are false. Mr. Turvey wrote that the FBI in the 1990s pegged the falsity rate at 8 percent for rape or attempted rape complaints.

“There is no shortage of politicians, victims’ advocates and news articles claiming that the nationwide false report for rape and sexual assault is almost nonexistent, presenting a figure of around 2 percent,” writes Mr. Turvey, who directs the Forensic Criminology Institute. “This figure is not only inaccurate, but also it has no basis in reality. Reporting it publicly as a valid frequency rate with any empirical basis is either scientifically negligent or fraudulent.”

A recent study supports this assessment. The Pentagon issues an annual report on sexual assaults in the military. Nearly one-quarter of all cases last year were thrown out for lack of evidence, according to a report released in May.

As far as the rape every 98 seconds, I am unsure where you found that number. There were 95,730 rapes under the revised FBI definitions (which include more categories that previously were not considered rape, like child molestion, under the legacy definitions) in the last year I could find which was 2016. These are the combined rapes of men, women, and children for that year. That means the actual rape of a 'person' is occurring somewhere around every 5-6 minutes. Now if you are going by a different statistic, like the CDC ones that include such a wide definition of what constitutes 'rape' that it isn't funny, you might get the result you quoted. I wouldn't go by those stats, even TIME magazine had to call out the CDC for overstating the numbers.

As far as Trump goes, he is a complete idiot dickhead. He shouldn't have insulted anyone, least of all Dr. Ford. I will point out one thing though, and this is subjective in that your viewpoint will differ from mine, Dr. Ford is an alleged rape survivor. She has made the claim and took a polygraph test, but other than that she can only claim that in her recollection she was at a party where Brett Kavanaugh was also at supposedly. She also claimed to be heavily intoxicated. If you want to believe her Ex, she has lied in her testimony. ( Heavy leans left, so this isn't a bobknight cherry picking of information.

Now, why would she come forth and deal with all the negatives of making the claim? I guess that is the kicker, normally you would expect a person to really be telling the truth if they are going to be put through hell. I would put forward though that this was one of the most hotly contested confirmations for SCOTUS ever. Even more so than for Bork, and I remember that one clearly. In my opinion, far more than for Thomas. If you were adamantly opposed to a person sitting on the Supreme Court, had went to school with that person, and were willing to fall on your sword for your beliefs, you might do it.

In any case, that is just supposition on my part.

ChaosEngine said:

Regarding Perry and Counts: that was in 1991. Again it's terrible, but you can't really argue that we're suddenly "abandoning of proof and evidence".

Re Banks: That's undoubtedly terrible, but to me, that's far more of an indictment of the appalling state of the US justice system and the nightmare of the utterly broken plea bargain system (I think John Oliver did a report on it, and I'd also highly recommend listening to the current season of the Serial podcast). He chose to take the plea deal... he wasn't convicted.

I think it's also not a coincidence that all three victims are black. Juries are far more likely to convict black men... that's just a fact.

And again, these cases are notable because they're rare.

The point here is simple. Trump's "it's a scary time to be a man" line is complete and utter bullshit. There is no sudden epidemic of false rape allegations. Are people wrongly accused (and in some cases, even convicted) of rape? Undoubtedly.

But it's not a new problem and it's nowhere near as widespread as the right is making it out to be.

Meanwhile, in the USA someone is violated every 98 seconds, and the President mocked a sexual assault survivor.

One of these is a bigger problem than the other.

BBC Bodyguard: the shooting

WmGn says...

Can anyone who knows close protection comment on Budd's leaving his VIP to go after the one sniper he's seen, on the basis of a quick glimpse with his mobile phone?

I would have thought that his overriding priority would be to fully extract his VIP from the danger zone.

Joe diGenova: Walls closing in on Obama DOJ officials

newtboy says...

Oops....they caught another admitted witch!
Today it's revealed Manafort is pleading guilty and cooperating with Muller.

It's pretty ridiculous to pretend the crime here is that Clinton bought a report from the Republican party that implicated Trump and the DOJ used said report as the sole basis to begin an investigation that actually began as long as years earlier.

It's also utterly ridiculous to pretend that investigation has found nothing, it's gotten convictions or admissions from every administration member that's been investigated. Most of them have publicly pointed fingers directly at Trump and are cooperating with the investigation.

But yeah, @bobknight33, the walls are closing in on the investigators and President Obama because President Petulance says so, but not on the subject of the actual investigation, an admitted and convicted fraud with a cabinet chock full of undisclosed foreign Russian agents. #derpstate

'I can think of nothing more American': Beto O’Rourke

newtboy says...

Sorry, wrong again.
He's a well known, constant liar and convicted fraud. Reasonable people simply don't listen to known liars and frauds.
The >50% approval number was another Trump lie, and was actually his DISAPPROVAL number, his number only exceeds 50% if you only count those still willing to identify as Republicans, a fast shrinking group. Most polls show below 40% approval, he's never approached 50%, unlike most others. Among Democrats he rates around 10%.

That sentence is not English. Try again.

Um....I critically digest information from dozens of reputable sources and take time to verify what they claim and often post my sources, you get "info" from Trump (a well known liar), Rush (known liar, propagandist, and opioid addict/anti drug spokesman), Dore (a naive internet comedian), and Q (absolute insane retardedness only also insane ignorant idiots would consider believing), but you claim I'm being taken for a ride? LMFAHS!
I'll be worried when you don't think so, because what you believe is just bat shit insane and has zero basis in reality and is served up by known, admitted, practiced liars, a fact you just excuse or blindly ignore every time you're forced to face it.

Doctors Urge Americans: GO VEGAN!

SalMan says...

By so militantly arguing against the PCRM you're saying you love to see dogs like yours cut up on a daily basis to train surgeons.....

They would have put a dog just like the one in your picture to sleep, then sawed off it's legs. And it's thanks to you, because without your arguments this practice would have stopped a long time ago.

So you can pat yourself on the back for all of the dog cruelty you've helped.

newtboy said:

This is an issue because some people are trying to confuse the issue to trick other people into believing veganism is healthy by pretending it's the same as a plant based diet.....

veg·an- vēɡən
1.a person who does not eat or use animal products.

plant based -
A plant-based diet is a diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. ... In fact, almost 90% of Americans don't get their recommended intake of fruits and veggies. Eating more produce helps lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and even some cancers. (Note there's nothing about not eating meat or dairy)

Vegan is NOT just a plant based diet (that includes moderate meat and dairy), and is NOT what doctors mean when they say the words "plant based diet". Plant based diet means less processed food and sugar and more fruits and vegetables, not an exclusion of all meat and animal products.

Vegan doesn't equate to more natural or better for you, only lacking animal products.....E.g.. Oreos are vegan, but they are not part of a plant based diet.

Shocking footage of minor crash turned major on the 401

Sniper007 says...

You can (and should) blame distracted drivers until you are blue in the face. But if you convince a hundred people to be more attentive, a thousand more distracted idiots will fall in line behind them.

I personally would (and do) take additional steps on a case by case basis, well beyond public service announcements.

I would rush - RUSH - to get cones set up in the blocked lane two hundred yards before the blockage. Set up at least a half a dozen cones so that they gradually close the lane as drivers approach, with the lane fully closed at least 50-100 yards before the blockage.

I don't see a single cone in the video.

Full credit for the crash goes to the white car driver. I agree, this case is not above moving over for emergency vehicles.

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