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Rashida Jones coaches Stephen on how to be a Feminist

Asmo says...

Aww shucks, I'm honoured you deigned to comment to me directly rather than out here... /eyeroll

ps. "sook"

To sulk, crack a sad and act like a big fat baby when you don't get your own way.

An Australian slang term used to indicate another person is soft, easily upset, or just a plain pussy.

Somewhat appropriate methinks.

edit: Have included the "private" comment to my profile. Newt, if you think you're so justified surely you don't have to post backdoor snipes at people when they're standing right in front of you... =)

BWWWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!! Really?!? Too funny.

When you 3-4 repeatedly (intentionally, or from lack of comprehension ability) COMPLETELY misread what I wrote because of your being triggered, yes, it's you.

Tell me when 'Feminism' has worked AGAINST women or FOR men in it's 'sexual equality' mission. You can't. You just whine. 'No no no no no no're wrong'.

Yes, it's you 3-4 who got upset and started misreading from the first post and being insulting because of your was not 'everyone else in the thread', it was the few who remained in the discussion because they were triggered and/or didn't comprehend.

Well, you completely misunderstood the "bold", and apparently still can't grasp the concept even after being corrected about the meaning, so, yeah, reading comprehension, not your strong point........I have been tested, and I read and comprehend better than 99% of Americans. Again, how did YOU score? EDIT:...or is it my fault for writing at above an 8th grade level?

This ridiculous BS with you triggered 'feminists' is SOOO not worth my completely worthless time. There's absolutely no point conversing with someone who simply can't comprehend something they think they disagree with, or who misreads over and over and fights phantom red herrings like Don Quixote with a windmill.

Thank you, come again.

PS OK, I'll go back and downvote, since you decided to call me a "little sook", whatever the hell that is (it's not English), I'm pretty certain it's MEANT to be an you're wish is my command, downvoteing the ad hom.

Oh yeah, I'm not a feminist. /grin

newtboy said:

Thank you, come again.

EDIT: You're wish is my command, but only because you decided to Ad Hom again. Done.

Come Visit Australia

Dick Santorum calls out Dag during Republican Debate!

The Pharoahs Serpent Chemical Reaction

Woven Bark Fiber

Asmo says...

As a proud Australian, I would say...

Australians, go fucking figure!

Seriously though, great effort. This guy must have some impressive wounds from things like using his feet to strip bark...

The difference between soccer and Aussie Football

Payback says...

I'm pretty sure everyone on the planet knows when you add "Australian" to something, it will usually involve pain, death, and/or extreme fear.

Australian Rules Football.
Australian (Sydney) Funnel Web Spider
Margot Robbie
Australian Eastern Brown Snake

SDGundamX said:


Fair enough. The title wasn't meant to be literal (you can see the tags and description are correct) but more of a tongue-in-cheek "difference between contact sports vs. non-contact sports." Plus I figured no one outside of Australia had heard of AFL (didn't see that other recent Sift).

The difference between soccer and Aussie Football

Dear Future Generations: Sorry

oritteropo says...

Food waste has different causes in different places.

For instance, 45% of tomatoes harvested in Nigeria are lost due to poor Food Supply Chain management. In Kenya 15-35% of their crops are wasted due to the high specifications on appearance by European Union supermarkets. In other places food is wasted because there's no easy way to transport it to markets. In most African nations most of the losses occur early in the food supply chain, but in Europe and North America the losses are more likely to occur much closer to home.

According to consumers in industrialised countries waste almost as much food every year as the entire net food production of sub-Saharan Africa (222 million vs. 230 million tons).

Australians discard 20% of the food we purchase (total waste is 4.06 million tonnes of food every year). This works out fairly similar to the 10kg per person per month in the link above for the USA.

There is no new technology required to dramatically improve on these figures, it mostly just requires a desire to do better (and perhaps a bit of education).

newtboy said:

Well, you do have a point....but I think 10 billion Nepali would still overburden the biosphere. It probably would only take <2 billion Americans (or far less, I'm just blind guessing) to overburden it. Given my druthers, we would have a total population under 1 billion, and make it so those wanting >3 children have to commit suicide to let their baby be born, essentially stopping population growth permanently.

Yes, solving food waste without massive expense could go a long way....but how? Most food waste is a factor of transportation cost. If it costs more to ship the food than it's 'worth', it will be allowed to rot. Figuring out a distribution method for getting excess food products to the needy for free is going to make someone billions of dollars if it's ever done. Unfortunately, without energy free teleportation, I don't see it happening on a large scale. Small scale local solutions (such as ) can have impact, but won't solve the problem completely.

radx (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

I think that's just because people found it quite suspicious that close associates of Putin were on the list. Isn't it the point that his name wouldn't be found?

Our local coverage is more interested in Wilson Security (one of the companies employed to staff our Gulags) and the Kwok brothers, but Putin and Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson have been mentioned too (and Lionel Messi).

radx said:

Not a single North American citizen, apparently.

You know who isn't on that list either? Vladimir Putin.

You know whose name and face made it into most of the headlines about the Panama Papers? Vladimir Putin.

Makes my blood boil.

She asked if I was vegan - Gary the goat

newtboy jokingly says...

"Is your dog vegan"
"No, but she can't be, she's a cannibal" (she didn't say carnivore, unless "vore" in Australian comes out like "bal", but even 'carnivore' is wrong. )

Dogs are omnivores.....just like people.

Animals On Glass

RedSky (Member Profile)

Magpie pretending to be a bat

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Bernie Sanders' accent, explained

oritteropo says...

For all that Australians are prone to dropping sounds, we do generally pronounce the t's at the end of words (although perhaps we don't stress them quite as much as Bernie, see 3:10-3:40 in the vid).

ulysses1904 said:

Good post. I'm from New York and live in the South and my colleagues are amused when I say "Instawl the sawftware" instead of "instahl the sahftware".
I call it the "slanted A sound" and they speak with the "vertical A sound".

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