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Trump’s Vast And Ongoing Project To Steal The Election

bobknight33 says...

Well if yo believe the fake news then yea.

But for the educated......

from CDC latest update, survival rate greater than 99% for those under 70.

What is the difference from Masking up and going to the store?

Masks up and go vote.

moonsammy said:


Trump’s Vast And Ongoing Project To Steal The Election

bobknight33 says...

99% of violence last 3+ years s from the left refusal to acknowledge a peaceful transfer to power because Hillary lost.

With such a polarized society, why would one introduce a voting method lacking high standards of control, unless the party pushing for such is that they want to seal the election?

So this piece of fake news is taking the position that Trump will bitch / moan and fight after the election all those un-counted mail in votes.

Then just so up and VOTE in person.

As for possible mail in shenanigans that dont occur:::::

Vote in person and be done with it.

Trump Says COVID “Affects Virtually Nobody”

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bob, a suggestion.
When OAN or Trump tells you something that fits like a puzzle piece into the party line that everything bad is caused by liberals, try looking into it on non propaganda sites BEFORE you parrot it, because 99/100 it's at best misleading, and almost always pure lies, like this one.
Every time you ridiculously repeat these obvious, debunked, pure propaganda lies you open yourself to ridicule, and I'll oblige.

Maybe that's your intent, to look like the most ignorant, vapid, rabid, unthinking Trumpster you can here on what you call a liberal site as a divisive ploy to make liberals believe the worst about Trumpsters. If so, please continue, but it will be convincing evidence you are a non American troll sewing division, not a real but delusional American.

Btw, did you get your check from Turning Point yet? You should, they're paying people to lie for Trump online, don't give it away for free!

bobknight33 said:

Are there many fires from arsonist , like Oregon State?

Helicopter night rescue of trapped firefighters

eric3579 says...

Here is a really cool website that tracks airplanes in real time. I've been watching tankers and helicopters fighting multiple fires today in my area. As of right now they are fighting the CZU fire with multiple helicopters just west of Boulder Creek,-122.08/12 . Also fighting the SCU fire with multiple large Air-tankers including the 747 global supertanker, currently dropping around Henry Coe state park,-121.51/11. Also a couple copters fighting that fire just south of Livermore.

(edit) I see North of San Francisco there are quite a few helicopters and small planes fighting the fire in the Point Reyes area.,-122.85/11

So many fires right now

Al Franken Draws USA Freehand

Buttle says...

Once you throw in Puerto Rico, you have to do Guam, and the US Virgin Islands, and American Samoa. I probably missed one; is Kwajalein a territory or just a 99 year lease?

BSR said:

Pencil me in for "Impressed" also.

That should be a requirement for any presidential candidate. He could have thrown in Puerto Rico for extra credit.

Woman kicked off flight for not wearing a mask

SFOGuy says...

The surfaces--and the bathrooms in particular---totally true. The air? Can be an issue (there are studies)--but the filtration systems themselves are excellent. HEPA 99.7%. There are seating tricks; sit either first row economy ("Economy Plus") or last row of first class. Select the window seat and try to put your companion next to you or---fly an airline with empty seat policies (e.g. JetBlue). Don't rush to get on (although they are mostly now loading back to front anyway)--get on as reasonable late as you can--that way, all those people aren't walking by you exhaling on you.

The reason for the first row economy or last row first is: you don't want people walking by you all flight on the way to the bathrooms; you want to be the person walking by THEM (selfish but...); and the same with the window seating and the last-reasonable minute boarding.

Also, I carry a two zip locks on at the top of my carry on bag; one has three disposable gloves, Clorox or equivalent wipes, and Purell or equiv. etc. Move into seat out of aisle, then with gloves on, wipe down the latch to the overhead (you're going to touch it twice) and then every surface from the aisle to window that you touch---armrests, seat back display, seat back display surface, bulkhead, window shade, tray table locks, tray table both surfaces and edges, buckle, tang, seat controls, audio controls---no point to seat fabric--then roll the glove inside out with the wipes inside and put into the empty ZIploc as a trash bag. Usually two wipes does the job. Purell hands and settle in.

Been doing this since before the pandemic because I totally agree with you.

Airplane bathrooms are all about not touching surfaces with clean hands after you've cleaned them...they are staggeringly filthy. Infectious disease experts have been known to gag in horror at what gets swabbed from the sink handles, toilet flush, and door lock/handle lol. Paper towel is your friend--as our your forearms and elbows.

cloudballoon said:

...Airplane interior are nasty anyway at the best of times. Germs & virus on the surface and recycled air environment. Mask should just be mandated. "

"can't take back no hurt"

newtboy says...

Bobby, Bobby, Bobby.
You know your black on black crime rates are nothing but made up propaganda, it's no where near 99%. That's white power propaganda you accepted without question...that's a form of racism's often referred to as "soft" racism of lowered expectations.

This fake news projection again, eh? You watch Fox and OAN, both entertainment/opinion posing as news...the definition of fake news...but want to call the daily videos of racist dicks being racist dicks on tape "fake". Do you believe CNN has a studio out back where they stage these events?
" There is no belief, however foolish, that will not gather its faithful adherents who will defend it to the death." -Asimov

Let's compare relevant and real numbers, police kill 25-26 black men for every cop killed. Let's not pretend you can do statistics even with honest data....but there's no question you can't using the data you repeat, because it's not data, it's racist propaganda that's thoroughly debunked but you just keep repeating.
You know you said there are 5000 racist murders for every black on black murder, right?

How many per day, Bob? How many racist murders per day do you need?
How many unprovoked violent racist attacks by blacks against whites per day would you need to see before you can admit there's a problem, because I'm sure if races were reversed that number would be 1/ video per year, that's what I think it would take for you to label a black run system racist against white people. Without racial norms being reversed, two a day isn't enough.

The big issue today is cops, the government, killing unarmed black people....If cops and their superiors were mostly minorities who killed >90% whites and arrested whites for non-infractions, putting only those publicly proven racists on vacation duty and protecting any accused without video proof, you would be frothing with rage at the out of control racist cops.

Edit:so answer the many per day before you see racism is still problematic? A number
How many instances per day of government sanctioned racism before you see it's systemic. A number
Note, the word systemic does not mean that every interaction must be a racist violation. I know your paper tiger/straw man methods.

bobknight33 said:

I'll grant you that there are racist dicks out there but not as many as fake news pushes day in day out.

How many racist murders are there per year compared to # of murders of black on black? 5000:1 maybe

I would gather a less than a 1% ratio.
Stop wasting time address the small issue and fix the big issue.

Let's talk about being armed and black

newtboy says...

Silly red neck...constitutional rights are reserved for whites in least in practice.

I have to disagree that getting instructions from the top and following them to a T makes them safe. How many get killed not even knowing a cop is around, how many times have we seen cops show up and instantly shout "gun" then empty their clips, only to find no gun?
I say keep your gun in your hand highly visible, tell them out loud you have it, and if the cop reaches for theirs, use it.
Don't ever fall for the bullshit "I'm taking your gun for your safety, OK?" unless you get to take their gun for their safety first. Their racist fear doesn't trump your rights.

Cops are a gang of terrified thugs, not a peacekeeping force by any stretch. How many videos in just the last two weeks of brutish bully cops beating and shooting peaceful men women and children, shooting them point blank in the face, violently dog piling them while they're standing still, unarmed, hands raised, peacefully being interviewed on live many of these attacks were stopped by "good cops". Statistically, none. How many were excused with lies by all cops on scene before they knew they were filmed? 99.99%. Where are these mythical creatures called "good cops" when they're so desperately needed to stop the evil ones? Typically, they're nowhere.

Houston Police Chief To Trump: Please, Keep Your Mouth Shut

bobknight33 says...

I have no empathy for Liberal fools who push lies, nor the fools who drink it up.

Don't get mad learn the truth.
99% black on Black murders. 1% black on black murders.
Fix the big issue and the 1% will fade away.

Where is CNN or any the main steam media on the 99% issue? They just stoke the flames of racial division.

Phooz said:

Fuck man, you make me so sad. I hope someday you can have some empathy for someone else besides your God King Trump.

Buffalo Police Push 75 Year Old To The Concrete

bobknight33 says...

See White privilege is a farce.

Obey the police. There are consequences either intentional or non intentional.

99% black on black murders. 1%cop on black murder. Address the 99% and the 1% will fade away.

Guess it better to live as a victim then actually make something of yourself.

2020 Jeep Wrangler Rolls Over In Small Overlap Crash Tests

newtboy says...

Why bring it up? Because the flop was far less violent than the other crashes. The energy it took to flip the jeep used up kinetic energy the other trucks put into stopping hard and fast. Having experience with rolling, I know they aren't as scary or violent as people expect.
My speed at the start of a couple of my rolls was up to 80mph, not controlled and slow. They were faster than this test. Like this test, the act of rolling slowed the vehicle considerably. My seat was not much deeper than many seats I see in cars, but slightly. My interior, however, was bare metal everywhere, not padded pleather. Because there are zero crumple zones, the impact was absorbed by the frame, so transferred throughout the seat to me.
As for whiplash, I think the heavy helmet I was wearing would multiply that, not protect from it. I had no hans device, no helmet straps.

Edit: rollovers like this are less likely to cause whiplash or spinal injury than coming to a dead stop like the trucks did.

Is it exactly the same? No. Is it significantly similar? Yes. Do I have a decent idea of what a violent rollover is like. Yes. Better than around 99.999% of people.

wtfcaniuse said:

So a relatively controlled and slow "flop" in a harness with a racing seat designed for lateral support rather than a high speed collision causing whiplash followed by a "flop" in a typical vehicle. Why bother bringing it up?

Trump's Covid 19 Plan, Get Cancer Then Poison Yourself

wtfcaniuse says...

He's on record saying exactly that. If you bother to watch his explanation about it he essentially repeats himself about using sunlight and disinfectant "on the inside". Mind you it's hard to tell what he's talking about 99% of the time because he's an incoherent gibbering fool who constantly changes the subject mid-sentence.

bobknight33 said:

Only fools think Trump suggest injecting disinfectants like bleach and rubbing alcohol might be a good treatment to kill Covid,

Shit load of Fools on the sift.

Trump's Covid 19 Plan, Get Cancer Then Poison Yourself

worthwords says...

Two days prior to the remarks Mark Grenon told Trump that chlorine dioxide – a powerful bleach used in industrial processes such as textile manufacturing that can have fatal side-effects when drunk – is “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body”. He added that it “can rid the body of Covid-19”.

Paradoxically, Trump’s outburst about the possible value of an “injection” of disinfectant into the lungs of Covid-19 sufferers came just days after a leading agency within the president’s own administration took action to shut down the peddling of bleach as a coronavirus cure around the US.

i.e capricious, grasping at straws and dangerous.
Unfortunately deperate and or stupid people do take inspiration from his moronic suggestions.

bobknight33 said:

Only fools think Trump suggest injecting disinfectants like bleach and rubbing alcohol might be a good treatment to kill Covid,

Shit load of Fools on the sift.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

The report cited by the HuffPost is from a New York Times story that said: “Trump himself has a small personal financial interest in Sanofi, the French drugmaker that makes Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine.”

Trump’s personal financial interest, however, does not include a stake in Sanofi–and the New York Times did not claim it did. Instead, Trump’s financial disclosures show that his three family trusts each had investments in a $10.3 billion Dodge & Cox mutual fund that owns shares in Sanofi, the world’s fifth-largest drugmaker by prescription sales. As of its latest disclosures, those holdings amount to just 3.3 percent of the fund’s holdings.

Trump’s most recent financial disclosure forms lists holdings in the Dodge & Cox International Fund valued between $1,001 and $15,000. That means Trump holds a maximum stake in the mutual funds of $45,000, giving him an indirect interest in Sanofi of $1,485 at the most.

His “financial interest” in Sanofi, which has a market capitalization of nearly $58 billion, could be as low as $99.10.

Fuck your right! Trump can make $ pushing the drug $100 bucks --WOW

Why do you believe EVERY THING the media pushes about Trump? 97% of all media is ANTI TRUMP . Your not dumb and must realize this cant be true.

Also the drug is an alternative that is being investigated. All the "BAD" effects are the same for its original intended use but still prescribed?

Orange man GOOD. MSNBC etc BAD.

newtboy said:

More head up your ass denial from the right. Do your'll find that, unlike every other president ever, Trump continues to hide his assets and refuse to divest in non-American companies. His stock holdings in Sanofi, maker of the name brand, have been uncovered, but who knows how much of his holdings are still secret? No one since his financial ties are locked door secrets. What is clear is that multiple major donors have massive holdings in sanofi and other generic manufacturers, some ARE drug manufacturers, so he has good reason to sell it even if he didn't have the personal stake that he has....he gets millions in donations he can pilfer.

FYI, a near 100% of doctors disagree, there are zero studies and only some anecdotal evidence to support Trump's self serving snake oil claims, and tons of proof that it's dangerous, has side effects that can be permanently disabling or deadly and may be worse and more likely than average Covid19 symptoms, and has not proven to be effective against Covid19. Do your research. Drugs of last resort should not be used as preventative or unsupervised medicine, or be suggested by people who know nothing but stand to benefit financially.

It's bad because it causes;
Blistering, peeling, loosening of the skin
blurred vision or other vision changes
chest discomfort, pain, or tightness
cough or hoarseness
dark urine
decreased urination
defective color vision
difficulty breathing
difficulty seeing at night
dizziness or fainting
fast, pounding, uneven heartbeat
feeling that others are watching you or controlling your behavior
feeling that others can hear your thoughts
feeling, seeing, or hearing things that are not there
fever with or without chills
general feeling of tiredness or weakness
inability to move the eyes
increased blinking or spasms of the eyelid
joint or muscle pain
large, hive-like swelling on the face, eyelids, lips, tongue, throat, hands, legs, feet, and sex organs
loss of hearing
lower back or side pain
noisy breathing
painful or difficult urination
red irritated eyes
red skin lesions, often with a purple center
severe mood or mental changes
sore throat sores, ulcers, or white spots on the lips or in the mouth
sticking out of the tongue
stomach pain
swelling of the feet or lower legs
swollen or painful glands
trouble with breathing, speaking, or swallowing
uncontrolled twisting movements of the neck, trunk, arms, or legs
unusual behavior
unusual bleeding or bruising
unusual facial expressions
unusual tiredness or weakness
yellow eyes or skin
Heart failure
All with no evidence it helps with Covid19

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