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Silkscreen posters made with gulf spill oil

Sid Meier's Civilization V - Video Walkthrough Trailer

radx says...

On a sidenote: the Civ Fanatics' Forums are completely fucked. Last I saw was more than 2k users online. One might get the impression that Civ 5 is eagerly anticipated.

btw, demo: steam://install/65900

Jet Spin Recovery -- Close Call!

ForgedReality says...

He went from 10k ft to 2k ft in nothing flat. Wow.


>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

O wow, great find. Pulled it out at 2kish feet at over speed. Inches from death really. Not sure what sent them into the spin in the first place. He is well above stall speed which is around 50ish knots. He only had about 2-3 seconds left before he couldn't pull out of that, well done.

They probably intentionally initiated the spin via full rudder. Opposite rudder stops the spin, but by then, the plane is already in a virtual freefall with almost no forward momentum, so the only way to pull out of it, is to point downward, gain airspeed, and get some lift under the wings.

Closeup view of MASSIVE oil tank explosion in Russia

Zero Punctuation: Bioshock 2

entr0py says...

I'm surprised that Yahtzee didn't mention that, shortly after the sales figures of the first game came in (huge success), the publisher (2k) immediately took the franchise away from it's creators (Irrational Games) and gave it to a different developer (2K Marin) to knock off a hasty sequel. He notices who the developers are when it comes to Silent Hill games, why not now?

Speaking in general that's a trend that really bothers me among the gaming press. Publishers want to push the idea that the developers don't really matter and are interchangeable, and everyone should just refer to games as being from the publisher. And somehow the gaming press has signed on.

Think about it, have you ever read a book review where the author is never mentioned but they just say it's by Penguin books? Or ever been got caught up in the hype about that new album everyone wants "Rock Music" by Sony Music? (after all musicians are a dime a dozen)

But I'm just venting about that. Otherwise all his points were spot on. I don't think Bioshock 2 is badly made, it's pretty well made, I just think it's soulless. And a disappointment compared to the true sequel that Irrational could have delivered a few years from now.

Rachel Maddow Show: You Can't Handle Evolution

Nithern says...

Why are other countries growing in sciences, while the USA lags behind? Religious Nutcases.

Why are other countries been studying stem cell research for the past decade, and the USA is just NOW, getting around to it? Republicans

Why are students more interested in becoming lawyers, TV-reality waste-oids, and drug taking atheltes? Greed.

So, religious, greedy, republicans, are what is making the USA fall behind against other countries in the sciences. Heck, the Theory of Evolution and Creationism talk about two totally different concepts. One talks about survival of the fittest, and the other how everything got started. One doesn't talk about how the universe and planet came in to being. The other doesn't talk about (beyond the social injustices of 2K years ago) what happen SINCE, the start of things. But dont try to educate a religious idiot on this. They think it's just some trick of evil science to weaken their already lame faith, and even lesser ego's.

So yes, since science is not really that important to the USA. that will soon mean, engineering will not be to popular to study (since engineers actually do something with the crap scientists discover). And we won't have to worry about producing anything of value to anyone beyond the borders of the USA. Since they can already produce the goods and services they need.

Yes, lets all thank the greedy, religious republicans for this recession, which is just the start, in a long list of decomplishments (is that a word? Is now...), the USA will be known for, for the next few years, if not decades!

Atheist comes out of the Closet

westy says...

>> ^Munchound:
I think the anger with most people (Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc...) is that their really is no reason why not to believe in God. People need proof of a lot of things. I for one believe in God, but don't take the bible literally. I mean, obviously something created the universal. Something caused the big bang. We evolved and so did many creatures, something kept us moving. Point being, I think the mother in the video be it fake or not, is that the reason is why not believe. I can live my whole life, and when I die I find out that God or heaven or whatever is not real. It would not be a waste, because it at least comforted me at times when I needed it, and made me stronger then most that have nothing or feel there is nothing helping them. Everything just seems to fit perfectly, let it be science, or an answer, but their will never be answer to what created everything (especially an atom).

The primary reason why not to believe is WHY BELIEVE IN ANYTHING THAT HAS NO SUPPORTING EVIDENCE at best its a waist of time at worse its dangerous due to people then believing aditoinal things that's attached to that fictional thing that could or could not exists.

why not believe in invisible pink elephants that you cannot see BUT THEY DO EXIST because I read it in a book. also they watch you to make sure you are good and if you are bad then they trample on you when you die. the pink elephants also trample on you if you masturbate or if you don't cut off the skin on the end of your penis. they also trample on you and give you cancer if you talk about them in a negative way.
Now if i write that down into a 300 page book and then hide it in a cave for 2k years whalst spreding it as an idea , im sure manny people could take it serouse in the future if i replaced pink eliphant for almighty gods that created the world. I mean look at Scientology and how that has spred to some exstent despite the fact its blatently obsurd.

I have written down some other points for you to consider

1) granted annything could have created the universe or it could have always existed.

2) even if it was created by a intelligent entity that would not be "god" as described by the major religions.

3) the god of the major religoins is one tha knows you cares what you do and judges you

4) all the information you have on that god is assertaind from a book that was most probably written by

5) when you are chooseing a god you are realy choosing which book do you think is most likely "real"

6) there is no way to know if One book is more likely the word of god than another

7) if you don't believe in the whole book litrally then how do you know the bits about god are true how are you deciding which bits to belive and which bits not to ? i know that the bible and the quran both contain contradictoins there is no way to actualy know what would be the write thing to do.

from a universe creation stand point MOST THINGS START OFF SIMPLE A allmighty powerfull creator is not simple , evan if the universe was started by some supper inteligence it would not be a god but it would just be a super inteligent life form, for example if we created life 10k years from now we are not Gods in the biblical sence. as an example of how things start of simple A planet for example starts off as dust and debry that colects together due to gravity untill its so large its core becomes hot and other systems and chemical reactoins can accour.

9) if you believe everything needs to be created by something who or what creates god by saying god did it your left with the same problem.

10) belive me things do not fit together perfectly , for example humans are cosntantly braking , we have to go around inflicting pain on other cretures just for us to stay alive , 90% of creatures live by killing other creatures that are all pritty mutch inosent but all have to suffer horable deths or freeze and stare to death.

11) granted it might seem like slim ods that we would come to exist but thats because we are looking at it after the fact We are an accident not a planned event, for example ,

If I specify that I have to roll a dice and get the nimbers , 6 ,3,2 , 6 ,6 4 ,3 ,2 , 5, 1, 5, 6, 3 ,2 ,1 3 ,4 ,5 ,6 all in a row the ods would be mind boggling but say I didn't specify that i had to get anything and I was just aimlessly rolling the dice and the numbers that came out were 3,2,6,4,3,2,5,1,5,6,3,2,1,3,4,5,6 IT would be stupid for me to look back on that and say THAT'S UNBELIEVABLE what were the ods of me getting those.

Its like sum one wining the lottery and then attributing it to skill , they just happened to pick 6 random numbers that then happened to be the ones that occoured, Just because the numbers happened dose not then mean that person used skill to get them , or actually knew they were going to be the numbers that were picked.

Its far more likely that we are just a random occurrence than the creation of one of the gods of , Islam, Christianity, Mormonism, Scientology , flying spagetih monster .

Atheism commercial

westy says...

religion is not the sole curse of war , but it is one of the many things that can cause war. it would be good to get rid of it along with all the other curses.

believing in something unquestionably purely on faith is incredibly dangerous.

atheism is simply not believing in gods or god, I see no danger coming from being an atheist where as if your prpared to belive that say cheistaintiy , Scientology, islam, is true then you can potentiality be a dangerous person from the religion and the ideals within the religions.

moderate religious people are in some ways like racist people that don't realise themselves to be racist , sure 90% of the time they represent no harm to society and they wouldn't attack coloured people or shout at them but there propagation of there insidious ideas slowly take a hold and you end up with a society of xenophobes making government policy based on irrationality.

I think atheism should be promoted but it should only be promoted in a purely factual way , in the same way you promote science , or information about flue vaxines.

also just because your an atheist dosnot make you a peace loving hippy , it just means you wont do things based on a belief in god , an atheists could still be a dip shit and go around hitting black people. but the important thing is that the hitting of black people dose not come from atheism.

I would argue that if sum one has come to the conclusion of atheism through reasonable thought and scientific thinking then its unlikely they will be the type of person that will be racist or hateful of other people. where as with religion it is far more likely that you can normally be a reasonable person but because of what it says in your religious script you will hate another people , or think it acceptable for your government to bomb another people. or that key scientific principles should not be tought in school . or that people should not be allowed to have abortions , not based on a good argument or your own personally worked out views from up to date evidence . but based on something written in a 2k year old book.

Gliding over Kagel Mountain

westy says...

you can get gliders pritty cheep , i think giro copters are more fun , it costs about £2k to get the lisence and then 4K to buy a good one , i think you can get a good glider and parashoot for about 1.5k

'Accidental' Download Sending Guy To Prison

jmd says...

I am with the "This guy is feeding us BS" story.

For starters, the fbi come to your house a YEAR after you've downloaded a single photograph or 3 off of limewire. If the police havn't formed a case against you in 4-6 months, they arn't caring. And a case dosn't go to 4-6 months unless there has been some repeat offenses.

Second, if you save a file and delete it within a short period of time (delete, not move to the trash bin), then the file will most likely be unrecoverable within the next few minutes to the next hour. Your hard drive still fills from the bottem up (I believe in the literal sense, from the outer disk to the center) and temp data files will soon be written over it. This is why undelete tools don't work to well since the windows 2k days. Sure if you did a massive undelete, you could fine files, but chances are the specific file you are looking for is gone.

Third, if the file was deleted a year ago, the police would need to do such an indepth recovery they would need to send the HD to a lab, something I doubt this guy or this guys parents allowed, and court orders don't get written for a single image from 1 year ago.

Happy 10th anniversay you failed Sega Dreamcast

JiggaJonson says...

My parents sold my Dreamcast while i was away at college.

My game library included:

Marvel vs Capcom << toss up for personal favorite House of the Dead 2
Powerstone << toss up for personal favorite and NFK 2K Blitz

A few others that I dont remember fondly but the system on the whole was great. But they are right on about the SEGA burning their customers. 32X was shit, SEGA CD was shit, and Saturn, looked promising but then it along with the games for it disappeared. I won my Dreamcast at a carnival (i know right?) but it had been out for about 6 months at that point and I was again burned when they announced they would no longer be developing for the system.

damn you SEGA---DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!

Thieves clean out Apple Store in 31 Seconds

chilaxe says...

>> ^Tymbrwulf:
Assuming it's $2k for the laptops, $500 for the iPhones, and $250 for the iPods, that's $55,250.
Not bad for 31 seconds of work.

They might have spent days or more studying the patterns of the guard, casing the store to make sure things wouldn't be chained up, and planning the escape route.

If you factor in the price of the risk load they exposed themselves to, it's only a good deal if they're career criminals. 55k / 4 people... Did they have a 20% chance of spending 2 years in jail and never being able to get a good job in the future because they have a felony breaking and entering theft and significant jail time on their record?

Thieves clean out Apple Store in 31 Seconds

Maddow: Healthcare Bill Intmidation Taking Dangerous Turn

chilaxe says...

QM, while I am an advocate of individualism and self-reliance, the healthcare debate for me boils down to one fact: Canada spends a smaller portion of its GDP on healthcare than the US does (10.1% vs. 16%).1

That seems like an even better deal when you take into account that the average per capita GDP in Canada (38.3k USD) is 81% of that in the US (47.2k USD).2 (According to an averaging of the World Bank, IMF, and CIA factbook estimates of GDP per capita.)

Rasch187: Like a rolling crown (Rocknroll Talk Post)

rasch187 says...

...and it only took me 18 months. Time sure does fly

Pretty cool to join the rank of Khan Farhad of 2K, Queen Isobel of Siftopia, King Kronos of Poseidon, Emperor Ant of Hill, Darth Nab of Zif(t), Lord Blanky of Douche, Comrade Runner of Net, Duke Dystopian of Tomorrow and Queen Mint III of B. Thanks a lot for this great post, kronos, there's no doubt you make the best congratulatory posts!

As you may have guessed, I really like this place. It's the first (and only) online community I've been involved in and it's been a great experience. I've learned a lot and discovered lots of obscure vids, music. I won't even try to mention all the wonderful people I've met or got to know during my time being a member.

So thanks a lot everyone! I owe you all royal pardons for your future sift-related sins

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