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Member Since: April 13, 2006
Last Power Points used: December 18, 2009
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Comments to winkler1

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Oh, gotcha - thanks, fixed. yeah- I forgot I was logged in our test account when I left you the first profile message. Thanks again

In reply to this comment by winkler1:
"Upgrade" in orig post. Link rot..
"So if you are a new member, you can register, existing members - please upgrade"

BTW, email said this comment was from ietest account-

In reply to this comment by dag:
Hey Winkler - thanks for going charter. What part of the upgrade was 404 - after returning from Paypal?

In reply to this comment by winkler1:
The upgrade link above is 404.

smibbo says...

Peccorino is aged goat's milk cheese much like parmesan but with a sharp flavor reminescent of cheddar. It's good along with parmesan in anything parm is used for like alfredo, pizza and ziti. IT's my favorite for making macaroni and cheese (not boxed) sharper and goes great on popcorn. Also, use it to finish out a pot of risotto.

In reply to this comment by winkler1:
We brought back a ton of Pecorino from Italy - mostly well aged. What are good uses of it?

djsunkid says...

Yeah, that's pretty much my plan. I'm going to be working on a new article for cookingtalk in the next few days. My plan is to tackle cheese addiction first. Then I'm going to handle creme brulee.

In reply to this comment by winkler1:
Process suggestion for - seems a bit of a free for all with joking and OT comments, including mine. How bout:

- treat the thread as as in box.
- address stuff you want on your blog.

IMO this would work a lot better.

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