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Comments to persephone

siftbot says...

Your rank has dropped by 1. You are now ranked #91. User persephone is now ahead of you. You can do better than persephone, can't you? You're only 0 votes away from getting back in front of persephone.

persephone says...

In reply to this comment by persephone:
I think the downside of the commenting system here, is that when comments like yours get rotated to the front page, I think they mis-represent the community to the tens of thousands of visitors who pop in to check it out, each day.

Yes it is off-putting to read throw-away comments like that and I would hazard to guess that for a female visitor to come by and see that on the front page, she probably wouldn't bother hanging around. If that happens often enough, it can only be to the detriment of this site. Balance is the only way to greatness.

In reply to this comment by reallyboredofcollege:
I knew someone was bound to say something. I agree it can be off-putting, and I never use it, but I couldn't think of a strong enough word for this situation. I feel like other words like bitch, asshole, douchebag, fucker, etc don't have any kick anymore. When this word is used, people know you mean business. And I definitely wanted to mean it when I heard her suggest it would be a good thing if someone killed Obama.

Anyhoo, that being said, I'm all ears for suggestions of other words. I thought about saying bitch, but for the reasons stated above, it didn't have enough punch. I can't think of any other word, gender-neutral or not, that does.

In reply to this comment by persephone:
I would ask that you please try to find other ways of expressing your distaste for this woman. That way you won't be putting the women on this site off-side, by using derogatory terms that are commonly used against women.

In reply to this comment by reallyboredofcollege:
This woman is why we invented the word cunt.

10949 says...

I knew someone was bound to say something. I agree it can be off-putting, and I never use it, but I couldn't think of a strong enough word for this situation. I feel like other words like bitch, asshole, douchebag, fucker, etc don't have any kick anymore. When this word is used, people know you mean business. And I definitely wanted to mean it when I heard her suggest it would be a good thing if someone killed Obama.

Anyhoo, that being said, I'm all ears for suggestions of other words. I thought about saying bitch, but for the reasons stated above, it didn't have enough punch. I can't think of any other word, gender-neutral or not, that does.

In reply to this comment by persephone:
I would ask that you please try to find other ways of expressing your distaste for this woman. That way you won't be putting the women on this site off-side, by using derogatory terms that are commonly used against women.

In reply to this comment by reallyboredofcollege:
This woman is why we invented the word cunt.

jonny says...

So, I promoted your old vid without checking to see if it was still alive. I can't remember exactly what scene(s) it was, though. Choggie listed a couple of replacements in the comments, and there are several others to choose from out there as well.

btw: what happened to the pomegranate?

gorgonheap says...

Just out of curiosity, I know your a busy person, aren't we all. But are you doing any more siftographys? I kinda miss them. and it seems there haven't been any for a while.

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