mxxcon US

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Birthdate: January 6th, 1979 (46 years old)

Member Since: April 27, 2009
Last Power Points used: December 20, 2010
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Comments to mxxcon

jonny says...

That would be the shotgun blast of obligatory one-liners for that vid?
In reply to this comment by mxxcon:
Who wear short shorts?

Those are pretty perky boobs

Is she wearing a tie?

Maybe it's a medical condition and she can't button up her shirt?

I wonder which part of her job does she take more seriously, a weather reporter or an eye candy?

Does the carpet match the drapes?

oOPonyOo says...

In reply to this comment by mxxcon:
>> ^oOPonyOo:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since April 27th, 2009" class="profilelink">mxxcon
What is "gold water". I googled it and only got stuff on Pokemon and that Arizona Senator (thankfully).
go join the spelling nazis party. i don't know what you are talking about.

Oh, sry dude. I thought that was some sort of fire-supressing liquid I hadn't heard of.

eric3579 says...

I called it dead almost 2 days ago. I assume at the time it was dead and has sense been fixed by the original poster. If it was working when i called it dead someone would have * notdeaded the video. That however was not done leading me to believe the dead video was fixed,and now works fine.

In reply to this comment by mxxcon:
>> ^eric3579:

Why did you declare it dead? both the original page and embed still work.. ?

marinara says...


In reply to this comment by mxxcon:
"posted by marinara 16 seconds ago"!!! arg! \
Your title and description don't do this video justice.

This happened during the continued peaceful #OccupyWallStreet protests in New York City. Police used cattle herding techniques to surround peaceful protesters with nets and then maced them.
This is blatant police brutality.
*money *law *fear

mxxcon says...

Thank you, Thank you.
I shall hold this post with great honor and insanity...or sanity...or dignity...or something along these lines...
Now do I need to check sarcasm box here to cast my ballot?

edit: d'oh!

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