messenger CA

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Member Since: August 23, 2006
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Comments to messenger

siftbot says...

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Payback says...

I guess it's the holier-than-thou, condescending attitude over Lantern's just being wrong...

I agree on one item though, they are both ass beef.

There are more than a couple others, but that's the one which was my "telephone pole that broke the camel's back".

messenger said:

I'm still not seeing the difference. Everything you said about SB equally applies to Lantern except for the details of the problem (like it being non-scientific, and so forth).

"Allowing" opinions like SBs also makes it possible to begin to understand the "wrong" side of the argument. I've sharpened these atheist claws considerably speaking with SB.

I don't remember SB attacking anyone. Can you link to an example?

messenger says...

I'm hardly active on the Sift anymore because all my spare time for the last year and change has gone into a new all-consuming hobby: learning programming.

Nice to be missed though!

eric3579 said:

No problem. Good to see you're still around. Had checked your comments and upvotes and thought you may have left us.

Also checked to make sure you weren't being a hypocrite when you said you were only going to sift one cat video ever You passed.

Payback says...

Actually yes, I was.

Kinda got away from the subject though. I should know better than to get Chingy started...

messenger said:

Are you trying to be sarcastic? Someone must have told you that doesn't work on the Internet without the Sift's sarcasm(TM) buttom, right?

Either way, what appears on this video is proper police work and deserves applause.

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