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Comments to blankfist

radx says...

I just read Alan Rusbridger's comment on this mess and the following was more than I can take at 8am:

And so one of the more bizarre moments in the Guardian's long history occurred – with two GCHQ security experts overseeing the destruction of hard drives in the Guardian's basement just to make sure there was nothing in the mangled bits of metal which could possibly be of any interest to passing Chinese agents. "We can call off the black helicopters," joked one as we swept up the remains of a MacBook Pro.

GCHQ thugs destroying Guardian property on Guardian premises -- I did not expect it to escalate this quickly. The fact that Rusbridger published it on the blog section of the Guardian indicates to me that some sort of gag order was placed on the Guardian and that he stepped up and did this at his own risk.

Makes you wonder what kinds of data Snowden liberated from the NSA: the recipe for soilent green?

radx says...

Bwahaha, I didn't even catch the irony of his name until you pointed it out. Good one, mate.

Would it be far-fetched for me to also suspect them of trying to draw focus onto Greenwald's sexuality?

It smells an awful lot like a poor-man's smear campaign that backfired, big time. The editors at the Guardian really did a great job an picking pictures for their related articles, always rubbing it into bigots' faces with those two happy blokes front and center.

PS: Nick Cohen had the laugh of the day when he wondered what terrorist organisation Miranda might be associated with: "the provisional wing of the Unabomber Appreciation Society".

blankfist said:

I did see that. It's just intimidation tactics. But I love it when world governments act petty like scorn thirteen-year-old school girls.

Also, his partner's last name is pretty fitting, too. Miranda. It'd be more fitting if this happened in the U.S., but still.

radx says...

By the way, this coupled with the reduction in sys-admins at the NSA might be a reason to prepare some more popcorn.

First General Alexander flat-out lied in front of the NSA's most important hacker convention, then they announced their plans to reduce the tech staff by 90%.

Bad idea to piss off the tech guys if your agency depends on the integrity of its network.

Can't wait for the 30C3. After Binney/Drake held their "Enemies of the State" talk last year, there's bound to be more NSA insider stories this time around -- maybe even Snowden via stream.

radx says...

Cheers, mate.

It's quite fascinating that Manning has already been imprisoned for a longer period of time than Francis Gary Powers, the U2 pilot who was shot down by the Soviets and convicted of espionage.

blankfist said:

@radx, perfect title, brother. Spot on, this is pretty much a Stalin era show trial.

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