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Member Since: May 19, 2007
Last Power Points used: May 16, 2011
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Comments to Stormsinger

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 5 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 25 stars, earning you status of Bronze Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

oritteropo says...

Maybe 20+ years experience of search engines helps? Or perhaps it's 20+ years experience of goofing off looking for things like this instead of the research I was supposed to be doing... I remember using Archie when I was at University, and later being impressed that Alta Vista had a whopping 6GB of RAM for speedy web searches

There are possibly one or two vids in my pqueue that may interest you, given the style of music we were discussing.
In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
Damn dude! I used to think I knew how to search the net. Nice work, and I thank you for the info.

These were submitted in the hope of finding just such info, more than any hope they'd get sifted. So I owe you one now. LOL

jonny says...

In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
Yup, definitely a dupe...and I'm not surprised. I thought it a bit odd that it wasn't here already.

Sadly, I'm pretty sure sifty won't let me second it. But let's make sure...


I think you can use the "dupeof" command on your own video at any time, regardless of star level. No "isdupe" is required in that case. Also, "isdupe" never needs the url, btw.

bareboards2 says...

Mine are mostly in Oklahoma -- Kansas is just.... right.... there.

It is weird, isn't it, the disconnect between being "pro-life" and then being so all-fired quick to kill grown people? Maybe that is the crux of their problem -- clearly unreflective on even the most glaring inconsistencies in their thinking. Understand how they can be so blind to their obvious hypocrisy and you will understand their ability to be "evil."

Sorry. I don't believe in evil. Even Hitler had his demons from his childhood that he externalized rather than deal with.

In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
In reply to this comment by bareboards2:
Do you know any conservatives personally? I am related to lot of folks like this. For the most part, they are fearful, boxed in people who look at the world with blinkers on. In my experience.

Not evil. Scared. And angry. And possessive about "their" stuff -- out of fear.

Conservatives talk about "me and mine." Liberals talk about "us and ours." In my experience.

In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
Delusional, or sociopathic liar? I really have a hard time deciding.

It's hard to believe he could be this delusional and still be articulate... But it's almost as hard to believe anyone could be this evil intentionally.

I do know a few, if for no other reason than my sister lives in the Kansas boondocks, and they're incredibly common out there. And I'm constantly amazed by many of them. What they claim to believe and what they do is so completely out of sync that it's mind-boggling. Especially among the "social conservatives", i.e. the Christians. "Love thy neighbor", unless it's going to cost me a penny more. And "abortion is murder", but "we should just wipe out all the towelheads." I've seen both of those attitudes more times than I can count.

I still say Cantor is evil...holding millions ransom for the benefit of a few is flat-out evil (a word I've only recently come to accept as something that actually exists in the real world). The only possible defense that I can see is "not guilty by reason of insanity", such that he doesn't even see reality.

bareboards2 says...

Do you know any conservatives personally? I am related to lot of folks like this. For the most part, they are fearful, boxed in people who look at the world with blinkers on. In my experience.

Not evil. Scared. And angry. And possessive about "their" stuff -- out of fear.

Conservatives talk about "me and mine." Liberals talk about "us and ours." In my experience.

In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
Delusional, or sociopathic liar? I really have a hard time deciding.

It's hard to believe he could be this delusional and still be articulate... But it's almost as hard to believe anyone could be this evil intentionally.

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