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In reply to this comment by Nithern

What makes you think I am talking about healthcare? You are a new poster, and that just happens to be the first thread I saw you comment in; I had a hunch, and it appears, thus far, that my hunch was correct
You view the President as King...if anything he is a Queen or lesser - but still just another pawn. When the president tries to act like anything more than a pawn, what happens?
Assassination / Military Coup / Revolution.
The Kings are those in the top 1% who hold the majority of the world's wealth. Ever hear of one of them being assassinated, for example? You probably don't even know their names but they influence every aspect of your life - what you eat, what you were taught, what positions you hold on social issues, where you will work, what your ambitions are, what you think the purpose of life is....
Kellogs, Bayer, Halliburton, The Vatican...those are your kings.
You must be naive indeed, if you think you are going to become a trillionare, with the mind of a pawn. If you discover a medical cure for cancer, you wouldn't be the one to profit from it. Ever heard of Frederick Banting? Jonas Salk? Nobody ever got rich working for someone else; and do you mean to tell me you plan to synthesize novel pharmaceuticals in your basement? No, if you do you would be the employee of some major company - and thus have no legal claim to any of the "cures" you devote your life to.
We are alike in that we were both born pawns, I'm different in that I refuse to live or die as one...
In reply to this comment by Nithern:
In reply to this comment by imstellar28:
In reply to this comment by Nithern
You must consider yourself pretty clever, but are you clever enough to realize that Rooks, Knights, Bishops and even the Queen are pawns? Its true that a Queen is more powerful than a Pawn, and certainly what better way is there to entice someone to your ends than by dangling the promise of promotion over their heads?
But you are wrong to think that the Queen is the most powerful piece...the King is, for even though he can move but a space at a time, he has convinced every other member of the board to risk their lives in the service of his ends.
So I guess I'll ask you again; how confident are you that you aren't playing the role of the pawn, spending, wasting, and even risking your life trying to obtain some carrot danging in front of your face...be it women, knowledge, wealth, fame, power - all for the service of some king, who has his own agenda; one who equates the value of your life with that of an ordinary chess piece?
In reply to this comment by Nithern
How confident are you that you aren't a pawn, about to be sacrificed as part of a game you didn't even realize you were playing?
Libertarians are liberals. Name a single Libertarian who wants the government to be involved in regulating abortion. Not a one.
In reply to this comment by Nithern:
Libertarian? Republican?
At this stage of our nation's history; Is there any real real difference between the two? They all hate Mr. Obama. They hate liberals. They hate health care. They hate Democrats to the point of civil war. They want abortion made illegal (kinda of ironic for Libertarians....but....shrug). I've yet to see some feature that Libertarians are, and the GOP isn't that is notable and distictive.
There are people that have miraculous recoveries and no one disputes that, but I'm using the term miracle loosely because you cant really define what a miracle is. If the only thing administered was prayer I would argue perhaps the initial diagnosis was incorrect or there was data that was not accounted for (since this isnt exactly a controlled experiment where we know EVERYTHING that happened to the girl)
That being said I dont think the arguments here are petty. It was stupid for the parents of this girl to have not taken her to a doctor and their religion led them to make that choice. People make similar, ill informed, choices regularly because of their faith.
Also I dont agree with your idea that wisdom is learned from faith. Wisdom is defined as an understanding of all available choices and an ability to pick the best one in a situation. Faith seems to hinder your wisdom; or at least it did to these poor people who let their daughter die needlessly.
In reply to this comment by Nithern:
Seems to be quite a few religious haters in the crowd here. Alot of 'religious doesnt do anything, but science does'. In this case, the father and mother, should have gone to the doctor's office (since believe it or not, there are alot of medical doctors, who are Christian), to help treat their child. They decided to go the unwise and unrational method. So, alot of you, whom claim are rational, thinkers of science, fall in to the same trap. What would you have said, if the daughter was healed, and the only thing that was administered, was deep prayer? You would fall in to the same trap, and try to justify your own petty arguements.
The main problem with science, is, that its extremely cold. Tell someone who will suffer for years and die, using only science that all of that suffering is worth enduring? The concept of 'Hope', is not a scientific thought. Hope, is pure faith, and it is what drives so many right now, to endure illnesses and conditions, that some medical cure or process is discovered to help them lead better lives.
THAT, is wisdom. Another concept we learned from faith.
indeed. google "Video Games Live concerts" for some amazing stuff like this:
In reply to this comment by Nithern:
Why isnt stuff like this on Video Sift? Not for just the geek factor, but, that its actual orchestra, playing good music. Look at the top 15 stuff, and rarily do we see something like this, yet, it goes on often. I'd like to see stuff from that organization that does music from video games. Anyone have material from that group, or know its name?
Yes this is all true. I have been on well water before, and with all the chances or arsenic and lead poison... I opted for bottled water. Actually I opted for Dr. Pepper. I think the real motive behind things such as this is to for people to realize that if they are drinking bottle water because it makes them part of the elite... well they are full of bullshit. Bottled water can of course be practical and sometimes the best option. If you are drinking water like a fine wine.. well that's bizarre. Maybe water tasting is something I am ignorant to.

Everyone has some sort of agenda. As long as we have our own ideas and logic playing in our part we should, for the most part, be fine.
Your thoughts were nice to see! Thanks for writing them down.
In reply to this comment by Nithern:
While Mr. Penn and Mr. Teller have a nice show, they do present an agenda. In this case, it sounds like they have yours and my best interests at heart. They didnt get paid enough from the bottle water lobbyists in washington under Obama's Administration. Under Bushs? Well, that president actually reduced funding for the EPA, as well as, reduce inspectors and testers on all US consumer goods for its eight years. So all those disease scares from meats, dog food, and such, is largely due to the republican's idea of what constitutes "correct testing for safety and health".
I myself drink bottled water largely due to circumstances Mr. Penn and Mr. Teller do not wish to talk about: reality. My pump is not city water. It has rust, iron (unrelated to the rust), and generally does have a 'unique' taste to it. While its ok, to bathe or rinse dishs in (the heated dishwasher removes the bad stuff from th surface of the plates....hopefully), its not suitable for human consumption.
Mr. Penn and Mr. Teller, did state their survey was unscientific. It was also, untruthful. How many people in their video, did they show, that stated they liked the taste of the bottled water, over the tap water? That's right, "none". That is why, this is merely shoveling an agenda, and not a public service anouncement, for the general citizenry of the states.
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