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Real Name: Charlie
Channel: Comic Books

Member Since: July 15, 2006
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Comments to K0MMIE

dannym3141 says...

I think this is one of those instances where meaning transends language, because what you said was a monosyllabic drawl, and what i understood was "hi, i have nothing of any relevance to say, so i'm going to make a mating call at you."

i assume this has gotten you into the privacy of many a young lad's bedroom in the past, so i will refrain from criticising the strategy. however, i remain unaffected, and in future i'd appreciate a much more direct approach.

i'm not saying i WOULD, like, uh, you know, but i'm not ruling it out, like... you know?

In reply to this comment by K0MMIE:

In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
great, bullying a little kid.. fucking forget his reaction, how about thinking of the mentality of 3 older people setting up and filming a bullying session?

great job sifters

mas8705 says...

Its nice too know that there are still allies on the sift... Thanks for getting my video out of discussion... Truth be told I actually wasn't breaking any rules or posting the same video, and I did get permission before posting the video...

Thanks for your help....

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