Januari US

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Real Name: Januari - Yeah i know got real creative with this
Birthdate: January 1st
A little about me...
You know... nothing that you can't just ask me about... Women wish to be loved not because they are pretty, or good, or well bred, or graceful, or intelligent, but because they are themselves. Henri Frederic Amiel

Member Since: June 30, 2007
Last Power Points used: June 30, 2014
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Comments to Januari

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ChaosEngine says...

Agreed, but calling him out made me feel a bit better

In reply to this comment by Januari:
If you look at a few other post from this wonderful sifter you start to get a pretty clear indication that VERY little he says isn't utter BS and they are more interested in getting reactions out of folks... just my opinion anyway...

In reply to this comment by ChaosEngine:
>> ^cito:

I hate pigs, I have a friend of mine who became a cop out of highschool, he was in there about 2 years but he quit and turned whistleblower for GBI. The local cops were hitting up drug dealers, would threaten them with arrest unless they turned over their drugs and money. If they refused or ran they got beat. The cops would then smoke the pot, and sell the rest. Then use the dealers money to augment their own salaries.
My friend was actually shown how he could get 2 or 3 dealers of his own, and run the racket to give himself a pay raise by using threats of arrest to take all the money of the dealers for himself.
anyhow he turned whistleblower and they fired 32 police and the sheriff in town. Since we are a smaller town there was no chief, the sheriff ran it all.
Anyhow I could write a book on corrupt pigs from all the stories I was told from the inside.
people seriously need to rise up and drag these pigs into centers of streets and beat them until they can only crawl home. And do it on a mass scale across the country.

"Pigs"? Seriously? Grow the fuck up. Idiot.

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Sagemind says...


It's strange, I remember learning evolution around grade three and then it was just always a given from there out.

I always hit patches of religion when I grew up, mainly when I went to Grandma's house but it was always something other people were in to and no one ever preached it. It's the type of thing that is there but each to their own.

I believed in Christin religion the same way I believed in anything. (Narnia, LOTR, Greek Myth, Star Wars, etc.) Every set of stories had their cast of players but non of it was ever taken more than the fiction it was. And no one ever argued or pushed their views - no debates.

Which is why I find it so bizarre that people even can conceive of putting creationism above scientific fact like it is equal on the same scale of reality. People are blurring the lines of fiction vs. reality and I truly don't understand it.

In reply to this comment by Januari:

Hey i saw your post and wanted to clarify... from at least my perspective. I'm a recent grad and am from a state where this is most certainly an issue.

It is my understanding and personal experience that evolution is part of the curriculum in all biology courses in public school (barring minority exceptions).

The debate seems more focused around it being the only 'theory' taught. In many states folks would like to see competing 'theories' added to the curriculum, most notably 'creationism'.

Again... only my experience... i'd be willing to ask friends from other parts of the country now that i'm at university... but i really do suspect that they would have similar experiences.

In reply to this comment by Sagemind:
So what I'm hearing here is Evolution isn't taught in many US High schools (??)

I'd like to try something, everyone answer these two questions.

Question One: Were you taught evolution in school?
Question Two: Which one do you sway towards? Evolution or Creationism

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