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Member Since: October 21, 2006
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Comments to EMPIRE

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your comment on My Fusion Reactor's Making A Weird Noise - Tom Scott has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your comment on Bryan Cranston on what to do in Albuquerque has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.

This achievement has earned you your "Silver Tongue" Level 13 Badge!

EMPIRE says...

yeah, I'm done with it. It was taking way too much of my time, and I wasn't getting as many views or viewer growth as I expected, so I just stopped.

GenjiKilpatrick said:

yo. what up..? what happened to the Factual Gamer?

Are you done with that project? If not, you should keep going.

oritteropo says...

I just thought it was cute, and wanted to send it to a Portuguese speaker. Actually it might have just about been siftable, but I'm just as happy for it to end up in the comment stream.

EMPIRE said:

huuh.... ok? lol What was that all about?

newtboy says...

To be honest, I was also using you as a reason to post it for others to see. I thought you might already know, but just in case you didn't, it was worthy IMO....and fun!

EMPIRE said:

Thank you for the info

But the Factual Gamer never sleeps on the job. I already knew that, and had it in my list of news for the week (if it's not only for April Fools' day).

newtboy says...

Since you host Factual Gamer, I thought you would want to know about Googlemaps new feature (maybe one day only) to turn any neighborhood into playable PacMan. It was great!

Ashenkase says...

Its NASA Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. Almost all launch facilities weather they be in the US, Russia, China, India, French Guiana have service buildings close to the launch site. You are probably used to watching shuttle launches at the massive facility in Florida where the launch structure dwarfed any such service buildings.

For the launch all personnel are evacuated to a safe distance. If the range officer is on the ball a self destruct would be sent to the vehicle before it strayed out of its saftey zone.

EMPIRE said:

What kind of shitty launch location is that? I have never seen one surrounded by so many buildings and structures so close-by.

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