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Real Name: Drax
A little about me...
I'm out. It's been fun (till that last part)

Member Since: November 16, 2008
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Comments to Drax

ant says...

Yup, that's me. I enjoyed KOTOR1. I never played Dragon's Origin, but I wanted a free sampler. The problem I have is lack of free time so I am picky on what to play.

In reply to this comment by Drax:
Hey Ant, I'm assuming you're the same Ant from BluesNews (though as we both know, there are many many ants in the world). I can heartily recommend Mass Effect 1 to you. If you like shooters and RPG's it's a hybrid of both, with a realllllllly good story and universe setting. Did you play Knights of the Old Republic? It's most similar to that in terms of game mechanics, like the party system, the dialogue, etc. It has character classes, and a really cool system where you choose a branching 'history' of your character that effects the game's plot. Just like Dragon Age's origins segments, but instead of playing out the prequel part you choose it through a branching tree structure of choices.

It was made for consoles first, but the PC version was developed on it's own.. it's not actually a port, it just came out later, and actually has several improvements to the combat system over the console version. I'm a major PC gamer, the only reason I have a PS-3 is because it gets good games that never make it to PC.

Anyways, if you have any questions concerning the game let me know. I'm very anti-spoiler when talking about games, books, movies etc. The fact that I'm going out of my way to recommend it should hint at the game's quality.

gwiz665 says...

Yeah, Event Horizon does the sci fi horror damn well. The problem with the way sunshine does it, is that it tries to be something different and then sorta falls back on blood and gore. That's sorta my main gripe with battlestar galactica, it tried really hard to be a story about people with realistic sci-fi, and then suddenly veers off and becomes something completely different.

Event Horizon is a sci-fi horror flick and it knows it. The same way Lost is supernatural, where it doesn't feel bad the way it does in BSG.

Event Horizon's idea of hell reminds me a lot of Warhammer 40k, with living ships and chaos and so on.

In reply to this comment by Drax:
Event Horizon is pure badace. I saw it originally on a humongous screen with a bass system so loud the seats shook when the asteroid at the beginning passes in front of the camera.

The spinning shot of Daylight Station actually gave me a sense of vertigo.. then the scary parts eventually came.

Then I got to go home to my little cabin like home in an area that had no street lights, and my roommate was out of town.

Very few movies get under my skin, that one did.. big time. I cry a little inside whenever I hear a fellow geek bash that movie.

...oh and I love the little connections to Hellraiser.
"Hell is but a word.. the truth is much... much worse."

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I liked this movie apart from the last part, where it goes all slasher/horror, which is at odds with the rest of it, I think.

In related news, Event Horizon is the most awesomest spacy scifi slasher horror movie ever made! (Apart from alien.)

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