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Comments to 8217

rottenseed says...

ooooooooooopsy drunk siftin' again...sorry. Me was an enraged drunkard last night

In reply to this comment by Kuga:
Whoa there. I posted the video because I thought it was kinda funny and ironic and made me roll my eyes, not because I was trying to prove some ridiculous statement like "everyone at FOX news is retarded and evil" or something. I posted this video with the intent of exposing just one hypocritical statement from one news station, not to start an uprising against FOX or turn people into "lemmings" and "sinners". Everyone is hypocritical sometimes; I would have posted this clip even if it was from CNN or NBC or any other news station. I don't know why you're so incensed, what with all the caps and exclamation points.

And if you don't give a fuck, why comment on the video at all? I'm sure there were other people who thought the video wasn't worth a damn so they neither voted on it nor commented.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
ok ok ok...how does this have this many votes? It's 2 clips that have been cut up, one repeats itself. It doesn't PROVE anything...and even if it did, it wouldn't be something we don't know already. Please stop upvoting just because it's against FOX news. I know you hate them, I hate them, but COME ON! One dimensional points of view are what they stand for and everybody who has upvoted this, has sinned equally but opposite the one being tried. WAKE UP and stop being lemmings, albeit intelligent ones, lemmings nonetheless.

downvote button is at the lower right hand corner, if you must know...I don't give a fuck.

MycroftHomlz says...

"We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true."

Hi Kuga,

I thought I would tell you that this ^ was one of my homework problems when I took statistical mechanics. Even if you make some pretty ridiculous assumptions like decreasing randomness, it would still take greater than the age of the universe to occur...I thought it was a pretty fun problem. It still makes me laugh a little.

Nice to see you sifting Maher again.


Kreegath says...

That's true, especially when it comes to the really big events like super bowl etc. However, From what we hear in the video, the shouting guy flat out abuses his (I assume) fellow players verbally to a degree far beyond what I personally would tolerate. Now, the converations is obviously modified, so I'm hoping some of the people he was shouting at decided enough is enough and left him to his misery.
It was an interesting insight to the hardcore player nightmare that is today's gaming scene though.

In reply to this comment by Kuga:
Some people just take the game way too seriously and forget that they're there to have fun. You could say the same about most major sports leagues.

In reply to this comment by Kreegath:
Why would you play a game with a person screaming at you like that?
Also, why would you play a game that leads to people screaming at each other like that?

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