I will be 31 on the 31st....

...and its trippin' me out, man.

Like, is it bad luck that I have double backwards thirteens on that day?  OMG, I have to look this up, what day of the week is that?  (Please hold...)

Thursday.  Whew.  Missed that one by a hair, huh?

Anyway, today is the begining of another weekend, so I am switching my avatar in honor, and I will go back to my other more serious one on Monday, lol.  And yes, that's me.  And yes, I am bored tonight.   (And yes, I know one should never begin a sentence with "and"!)

raven says...

No No! That's good! That's what we used to call a 'Golden Birthday' at my elementary school... when your birthdate matches up with the age you are turning... its supposed to be all lucky and good. Several of my little friends at the time hit on their golden birthdays and they got special cakes and presents... I was always rather bummed that I had had mine already at age 4 and hadn't even known about it... so live it up! Do something special for yourself!

oxdottir says...

Thirty one is a good age. Body still good and strong, mind still sharp, libido on an upswing (for us females), energy high. My dad briefly had the world record for 400 meters and went on to win two gold medals in the Olympics when he was 31.

May you have many peak experiences during your thirty-second year on this planet.

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