National Archives - Court again Orders Cheney to preserve VP records

Court orders Cheney to preserve VP records 

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(AP Press Writer: Pete Yost)

National Archives 

Decision by U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly (Washington, DC)

On September 20, 2008, In a 22-page opinion, the judge revealed that in recent days, lawyers for the Bush administration balked at a proposed agreement between the two sides on how to proceed with the case.

Cheney and the other defendants in the case "were only willing to agree to a preservation order that tracked their narrowed interpretation" of the Presidential Records Act, wrote Kollar-Kotelly.

Two historians and three groups of historians and archivists joined CREW in filing the suit two weeks ago.


On October 1, 2007, Judge Kollar-Kotelly reversed George W. Bush on archive secrecy in a 38-page ruling, which said that the U.S. Archivist's reliance on the executive order to delay release of the papers of former presidents is "arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion and not in accordance with law."[3] The National Security Archive at George Washington University alleged that the Bush order severely slowed or prevented the release of historic presidential papers.[4]


Constitutional_Patriot says...

It's vital that our historians are recording the facts. -- The Bush administration's refusal to comply with standard record-keeping process is suspect to criminal activity. Never has a presidential cabinet withheld information on this scale.

Cheney's earlier attempt to permenantly shut down the National Archives record gathering operations was blatantly treasonous.

----^^^ This attempt is a major red flag that should require the Justice Dept. to seize the records immediately. ### Especially since he [Cheney] claims he's not a member of the Executive branch as an excuse yet he serves directly under the President making executive decisions and the Congressional branch where he also executes major influence.

This should dictate that the Justice department should preside and be able to take immediate action (if necessary). I believe this will hold hold true in a Supreme court ruling to safeguard proper Checks and Balances within the system.

That was an act of someone that doesn't want anyone to find out about incriminating information.
Only a criminal would try to prevent facts from being recorded into record books.

radx says...

Even if anyone were to make a move on Cheney in the years to come, which i highly doubt, there's a reservoir of Cheney'esque players big enough to last decades without refilling.

A bit of light only melts the tip of the iceberg, but you need a mighty lot of heat to get rid of all the shit underwater that keeps on shredding the hull of your ship to pieces.

Constitutional_Patriot says...

>> ^radx:A bit of light only melts the tip of the iceberg, but you need a mighty lot of heat to get rid of all the shit underwater that keeps on shredding the hull of your ship to pieces.

Agreed, time is of the essence.

Military JAG and OSI input on the situation right now would be ideal.

Constitutional_Patriot says...

Oh btw.. speaking of history... The Federal Reserve finally re-activated their Online US Currency Exhibit after pulling it "temporary offline" for a year however, they have severely reduced the size of all the dollar bill images so that you can no longer read in detail what is on the bills anymore.

I assume that the fat cat bankers didn't like people being able to easily see what it really meant to be on the gold standard. The reason I say this is that it was a beautiful site with highly detailed images showing the great artwork and text on the bills. The most profound part of it was being able to see the writings on a silver certificate dollar. Now you cannot read this information because to enlarge it would pixellate the image and look all blurry since they thumbnailed all the images without links to the full size image now.

I would expect some of you to think that they might have done this to save on space. I reject this notion because .jpg images are extremely compact. Only if they were bitmap images would size be an issue.
Just look at this.. this size is rediculous:

It's still a good site but you won't be able to read the currency images well unless you're looking at some of the old Colonial notes.

Currency Index:

"Future Currency" (they don't give much detail about this actually...)

This is a little off-topic of this thread so I'll set up a new blog on this soon.

MINK says...

if for example i am asked for my bank records to prove my earnings, and i say "hmm well yeah maybe, but like you can only see stuff transacted on tuesdays, and you can't see the rest until I am dead"... how would that fly?

i am guessing we should use the "if you didn't do anything wrong then you have nothing to hide" fallacy on Cheyney, eh? See how he likes it.

MINK says...

maybe we should torture bush until he incriminates cheyney, and then torture cheyney until he incriminates bush.

we should do this in dark, wet dungeons on a destroyer in international waters, with piss and shit on the floor and walls, listening to britney spears. then we fire them both out of the big guns. Yeah. That oughtta do it.

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