What's going on inside the Hidroituango dam tunnels?

To set the scene here, the Hidroituango dam and power plant in Colombia are still under construction, but due to flooding thousands of people downstream have been evacuated and are living in emergency shelters. To try to prevent a dam failure, the operators are using the generator tunnels to let water out of the dam (probably requiring the plant almost to be rebuilt after the emergency), and during this process the vibrations from the water are causing the effect shown in this video. The description below calls the fog a water mirror created when the water being let out through the power plant goes up and down.

YouTube description:

Qué pasa dentro de los túneles de la represa de Hidroituango

Son unos espejos de agua que se crean cuando sube y baja el agua que está evacuando por la casa de máquinas

(H/T @eric3579, via reddit)

tl;dr - a standing wave in a blocked-off tunnel causes pressure fluctuations at the anti-nodes, changing the dew point and causing the rapid condensation of water in the air.

Seems plausible to this lay-person.

can't guarentee I don't occasionally navel-gaze tho. Take it or leave it.


Don't like reddit. too many navel-gazers there. too high noise:content ratio

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